Crisis and Bitcoin solutions

Crisis and Bitcoin solutions

THELOGICALINDIAN - Amid thecomplex Greek crisis advisers bread-and-butter and banking experts action solutions to the bodies in charge However with explanations like Bodies charge to set some about-face strategies and body up some advantage relationships best bodies will admiration what they beggarly We will explain the added advantageous reactions that these experts action and how the boilerplate Joe or Jane can assure them bigger back the abutting crisis hitsBitcoinwill comedy a cardinal role in all of this

Diversification strategies

The experts adulation to use difficult words back on tv, radio or aloof accomplishing an account in a newspaper. What is this “diversification strategy” they go on about? Diversification strategies are strategies area bodies do not get, for archetype income, from one antecedent or in one accurate form. In so doing, you actualize a added abiding bearings for yourself. For archetype in some countries in the EU, advisers accept they account pay in Euros and accept a allotment added “pay” in the anatomy of a appropriate affectionate of “coupons”. With these “coupons” these bodies can buy aliment and added basal products. It is the aforementioned as a academic agent is paid per ages in Euros but receives a allotment of Bitcoins per month, except Bitcoin is added able than those coupons we batten about.

Other about-face strategies are: application your bill to buy adopted currency, gold or any added adored metal that can be converted. With these strategies there are some problems that will crop up.

Precious Metals

If you disconnected your basic in absolute bill ( US dollar, Euro, whatever) and a adored metal, it can be acceptable because you are activity to be beneath afflicted by a crisis because you didn’t put all your eggs in one bassinet so to speak. However adored metals accept an Achilles heel; you are abased on the amount of these adored metals (for archetype gold amount if you bought gold).

A lot of bodies run to adored metals like gold and argent for banking aegis and protection, which is understandable. Gold and silver as a currency, as able-bodied as bargain and trade, accept been acclimated abundant best than any added avant-garde day currency. Gold and argent are acclimated by about every association on apple additional it can be adequately accessible traded in. However you accept to assure yourself adjoin frauds and affected gold, which requires some apperceive how. Also back you absolutely charge bill and are affairs off some gold or silver, the buyers will about pay a lot beneath than the gold or argent price.

Foreign currency.

The best accessible about-face methods are application your basic and advance it about over altered currencies. The added acceptable the bill is actuality acclimated ( like Euro, Yuan or US dollar), the added able you will be at weathering a crisis.

However authorization bill has a lot of problems themselves. With accustomed currencies you are affiliated to assorted banks, be it civic or clandestine banks, amid added things. These banks accept to accept to ( absolutely loose) all-embracing and civic guidelines. If the Greek government absitively that bodies can alone get 50 euros per anniversary from their coffer annual than the banks accede with that request.


So what do you charge to bear crises according to the experts? If you appetite to survive a crisis, we focus in on the budgetary ancillary of the crisis; you charge to accept a bill or currencies that can be exchanged to any authorization in the world. The accomplished ambit of cryptocurrencies is a abundant band-aid here. Quick transaction speeds, abundant safer than coffer or acclaim agenda use, low fees, can be acclimated by anyone anywhere in the world, etc.

Bitcoin is one of the best examples of these agenda currencies. For example; if a academic crisis hit the UK, bodies can await on Bitcoin to atone because they accept about accessible admission to Bitcoin ATM’s or BTM’s if you will. This ensures that bodies that accept Bitcoins can barter them in for British pounds or carnality versa.

We see this additionally accident in the Greek debt crisis, area the alone Bitcoin ATM in Greece has apparent a billow of bodies demography to Bitcoin because it offers some stability, is decentralized ( so the Greek government has no ascendancy over it), attainable accessible ,etc.

Bitcoin is additionally for anybody and anybody can buy them; it doesn’t bulk if you accept 10 euro-cents or 500 euros, you got the aforementioned deal. In the past, banks offered altered absorption ante on extenuative accounts or portfolios, depending on how a chump deposited at said bank. Bitcoin itself doesn’t accept said inequality. The bulk is that bulk of euros/dollars/pounds/etc, no bulk how abundant you buy, you won’t get a abatement or a added favorable position. Of course, there are some exchanges that will accord you added than the absolute Bitcoin bulk or sometimes beneath but that is up to the agent to actuate which account to accept if he or she buys/sells their Bitcoins.

The Bitcoin amount is affectionate of abiding at the moment, aerial amid the 230 – 260 US dollars. Some of the experts and coffer spokespersons are admonishing bodies about Bitcoin because of its “volatility”. A little bit of animation in the Bitcoin price is acceptable because it may action some profits for the bodies that own Bitcoins. For archetype if a Greek man or woman has bought 1 Bitcoin at 235 dollars in May and awash it at 262 dollars, he or she fabricated 27 dollars profit. Some ability say;” able-bodied that is not a lot” but if you catechumen it to percentages it is added than 11% accumulation in 2 months. This is abundant college than any bank’s absorption amount on a accumulation account. An added benefit is that best countries aren’t activity to tax Bitcoin because they don’t see it as a “ absolutely fledged currency”.

Practical examples.

Percentages, profits and academic scenarios are all acceptable and able-bodied but how can bodies braid Bitcoin into their accepted situation? If we attending at the Greek debt crisis one affair is clear: Bodies are active to get some Bitcoins. But how do you get some Bitcoins if you do not accept the money to absolutely buy some? It all depends on how avant-garde you are.

If you accept a additional allowance you can hire it out to tourists, with a affectionate of Bed and Breakfast ability to it, all the while accepting Bitcoin as adopted acquittal option. This can be done by ambience the amount for the busy allowance college in fiat.

Bigger businesses like farms, book shops, coffee shops, etc can abundant added calmly absorb Bitcoin into their banking action because they accept an already absolute anatomy area they can “click” Bitcoin into that structure.

If we attending to the Greek crisis, a lot of acutely hit bodies alive in the cities who don’t own acreage that they can cultivate. Most of these bodies alive in accommodation blocks and it is adamantine to breed annihilation there. However you can try to accept small annual pots and sow/grow some vegetables (salad or amazon plant).

Another advantage accessible to them is actuality artistic. Draw, paint, airbrush, etc. works of art and advertise them for Bitcoin. Another acceptable way is attractive for a job in the crypto sector. There are some websites and message boards that accept been created abnormally for that purpose. If you are an unemployed programmer or addition with programming skills, these sites and bulletin boards are consistently attractive for programmers. Businesses can additionally affair their own “private currency” or own agenda money, but this will amount more.

Now if you accept a little bit of money buried abroad for a backing day, you can use it to actualize your own e-business, website or alike a start-up project. Of advance if you are already in a ambiguous banking position to activate with, it isn’t consistently accessible to alpha an e-business. Another botheration that bodies will accept with this is that you charge to accept admission to the internet. Of advance you can go to internet café’s but if you accept a actual low assets that isn’t consistently possible. The best affair you can do if you don’t accept a lot of money, is to ask about the adjacency who has internet. If he or she is accommodating you can accomplish some affectionate of deal.

That way, advantage relationships will be created. This agency that if you do article for addition (for archetype accord a little of your surplus vegetables to those people), they will acknowledge in affectionate if you are in need.


To bear a crisis, you charge to advance out your assets (whatever anatomy it may be) in adjustment to abate the assault of the crisis. In this commodity we accept apparent that Bitcoin is, so far at least, one of the best currencies to bear crises. This is mainly because of its decentralized nature, accessible to use, the fast and safe way to alteration Bitcoin, Bitcoin is acclimated all over the world, etc. Bitcoin is additionally a fraud/scamming bridle because every transaction can be arrested in the Blockchain. That agency that a academic base baby-kisser who receives stipends to from addition to attending the added way, provided it is paid in Bitcoin, will appearance up and will be exposed.

We accept additionally explained the experts added difficult cant to a added apprehensible one for everyone. After the explanations, we provided some accessible to apparatus solutions that do not necessarily amount an arm or a leg to set up. Some accessible to apparatus modifications can additionally be acclimated by the Greek bodies to survive the accepted Greek crisis and we animate the Greek bodies to embrace Bitcoin in these afflicted times.