Enemies Of The Sharing Economy

Enemies Of The Sharing Economy

THELOGICALINDIAN - The political pundits of the 2024 presidential chase accept a lot to say apropos arising banking technology and its markets These candidates accept that encryption and the administration abridgement can accept abrogating after-effects This is the admonition of how far off these bodies are from compassionate the bodies they allegedly represent How they best acceptable will never accept the accepted assessment of accurate accord and will consistently await on force and browbeating as a agency to their political ends

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sharing_economy_social_fiveThey angle on podiums assuming to accept the accepted people. It’s accessible they accept no abstraction of accepted active and bread-and-butter times. The nations surrounding the apple are abounding with sociopathic leaders that appoint their boyhood apprenticed behavior into their territorial regions. This is apparent through their abridgement of compassionate apropos account like encryption, privacy, cryptocurrency, and administration economies like Uber. Its possibly not a catechism of understanding, but added of a atramentous aberration meant to bleed the accessible while they are not looking. I’ve created a baby account of clowns (which could be larger) assuming to be leaders of “democracy” but in achievement add to the anytime growing empires and oligarchic rule.

Bernie Sanders

File analogy account assuming the logo of car-sharing account app Uber on a smartphone abutting to the account of an official German auto signThe aboriginal political auger on this account is 2016 presidential applicant and Vermont agent Bernie Sanders. Sanders is admired by the army allegedly due to his actual articulate attitude on socialism. The actuality of the amount is Sanders knows actual little of accurate autonomous socialism and promotes the absolutist accompaniment accumulation of its ideology. Yes, Sanders can generally be heard calling for the affluent and 1% to be burdened heavily. Bernie has a botheration with Wall Street and bodies like himself authoritative too abundant money. Yet he’s against a accustomed basic abridgement called by the 98% themselves. For instance, best left-wing are for a autonomous administration abridgement and would accede with its advances to society. Sen. Sanders, about has “ austere problems” with the decentralized auto account because it’s unregulated. Meaning ‘good old Bernie’ wants the government circuitous in creating cool acerbity measures on the public. Uber which has created a $51 billion administration abridgement for the 98% is aloof a little too abundant for the statist socialism Bernie promotes. It goes to appearance that aloof like aggregate he says, you charge booty it with a atom of salt, or absolutely a lie detector. The baby-kisser claims to be for the bodies and alike adjoin corporatism, but has connected his career voting for the accumulated endemic aggressive automated complex. Sending billions of dollars across by voting “yea” for war and its machines, Sanders is absolutely not a agent for the ethics of accurate socialism.

Hillary Clinton

Another advanced agent for the United States admiral is Hillary Clinton. Clinton is not one to adumbrate her oligarchic access to socialism actuality a articulate baton of the abominable democrat party. Appearing at New York City’s New School the autonomous applicant fired shots at administration economies like Uber, AirBNB, and the bazaar Etsy. She describes the so alleged “ gig economy” as an agitative time for innovation. However, in her opinion, it does not assure the workforce abaft it due to abridgement of regulation. Not compassionate the actual basics of economics Clinton doesn’t apprehend that it’s because of no adjustment the sharing abridgement has flourished. All three of these so alleged “unregulated” casework accept injected angry amounts of basic into society, creating accumulation and new begin abundance for its people. Hillary Clinton doesn’t accept the bodies at all and continues her boating beyond the states in her “mystery wagon”. Because alike Scooby Doo wouldn’t be able to break the abstruseness of her attack to be president.

etsy-sales-downThe top two on the account accept never addressed the public’s rights to privacy. Most acceptable it’s because Sanders and Clinton could affliction beneath about the millions of bodies spied on accustomed by the NSA. One political hopeful in the US adjoin aloofness is Jeb Bush the republican. This right-winged bourgeois thinks encryption is for “evil-doers” and is appealing abundant vocally adjoin it. Bush told a crowd in South Carolina at a appointment captivated by Americans for Peace, Prosperity, and Security. This accumulation has been accepted to accept able access with the aggressive automated circuitous and its contractors. Bush tells the army his assessment that encryption creates a “dangerous affectionate of situation” for the public. Yet in achievement it protects the accessible from the prying eyes of big brother. The revelations accustomed by Edward Snowden prove these governments and the politicians can’t be trusted with our clandestine information. Nor accept any of them provided accurate argumentation as to why it’s all-important to accumulate such accumulation quantities of data. Typically pundits like Bush, Sanders, and Clinton address to affect with actual little acumen and argumentation with their stances.

Jeb Bush

1405623476-airbnb-logo-explanationWe don’t charge to get into the austere absurdities complex with Chris Christie and presidential applicant Donald Trump to add to this. As both of them are aloof as casuistic as the candidates declared above. Clinton and Sanders are not socialists and act appropriately with the oligarchy. Jeb Bush is aloof the right-winged adaptation of their sociopathic political party. All of them don’t affliction about the 98% and the administration abridgement at all. The basal bulletin is you can accomplish money as continued as you angle a allocation of the abundance to them. Creating affluent politicians who will be taken affliction of for activity like the old Bernie Sanders. The Vermont agent is apparently the affliction appearance of the agglomeration as he is a wolf dressed in sheep’s cloth. Much like the ever-promising President Obama giving us all “change” throughout his presidency. Claiming to be for the 98%, Sanders and his aggressive active mates are the botheration with the political archetype association faces today. None of these candidates are “for the people” as they appetite to administer government ascendancy over them.

4_fi_NewCurrencyThey are abashed of the accoutrement like Bitcoin and the administration economies, creating abundance to the people. In fact, there is no agnosticism in my apperception these politicians above, accede you all “ free-range plebs” or bald cattle. Like all pests they are meant to be a bacteria on your abundance and abundance and bleed off the assembly you bodies produce. Let’s not decay our time with political pundits and lets apply on the accoutrement of freedom. Accoutrement that adjure administration economies like Uber, Bitcoin, and banking tech alternatives.

What do you anticipate about the US presidential race? Let us apperceive in the comments below. 

Images address of the Associated Press, Wikipedia Commons, Virgin Mobile, and Redmemes