Facebook Owner Meta Files Trademark Applications for 'Meta Pay' Covering Crypto Services

Facebook Owner Meta Files Trademark Applications for 'Meta Pay' Covering Crypto Services

THELOGICALINDIAN - Meta Platforms Inc aforetime Facebook has filed bristles brand applications for Meta Pay The filings awning a advanced ambit of cryptocurrency casework The aggregation is renaming Facebook Pay to Meta Pay

Trademark Applications for Meta Pay

Meta Platforms Inc., aforetime Facebook, filed bristles brand applications for “Meta Pay” with the United States Patent and Brand Office (USPTO) aftermost week.

Trademark advocate Josh Gerben tweeted answer Wednesday that, in his opinion, Meta’s applications announce the aggregation is planning to barrage a acquittal belvedere alleged Meta Pay for users to barter approved authorization money for cryptocurrencies.

Meta’s arch of fintech, Stephane Kasriel, explained aftermost anniversary that the aggregation is “investing more” in its absolute payments experiences, acquainted that it has been in payments back 2024.

“Today, bodies and businesses use our platforms to accomplish payments in 160 countries and 55 currencies,” Kasriel wrote, elaborating:

In March, Meta filed eight brand applications for its logo accoutrement the metaverse as able-bodied as a advanced ambit of cryptocurrency services.

What do you anticipate about Meta filing brand applications for Meta Pay? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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