Future Use Cases for Blockchain Technology: Digital ID Verification

Future Use Cases for Blockchain Technology: Digital ID Verification

THELOGICALINDIAN - Also readVerification Procedures Ruin Online Shopping Experience BlockchainBased Solution To The Rescue

But there is a assertive check to best of the appearance and platforms consumers use on a circadian basis: they all charge some anatomy of verification or allotment afore they can be acclimated properly. One affair that has become bright is that application aloof a username and countersign to admission any account is far from acceptable these days.

Two-factor affidavit is an added footfall in the appropriate administration of accouterment chump security, but that alone protects the login allotment of the experience. The above botheration lies with the casework that crave users to abide some anatomy of analysis to affirm their identity, both in the Bitcoin amplitude and alfresco of the branch of agenda bill platforms.

Consumers are affected to abide abstracts – such as an ID scan, archetype of authorization and alike a archetype of a acclaim agenda – to third affair casework for analysis purposes. All of these abstracts are again stored on centralized servers, area they become a favorable ambition for hackers and hoodlums. For the end consumer, Identity annexation is a austere problem, abnormally back the Internet became added and added popular.

Luckily for all parties involved, there is a band-aid about the bend that could break all of the aloft problems while still ensuring aegis for both business and barter alike. Issuing character analysis through blockchain technology allows consumers to verify their character while there is no centralized accumulator of character abstracts involved.

In agreement of application this token, the user would accelerate that badge to the account or aggregation they are application and assurance off on the alteration with their clandestine key. Doing so would acquiesce the chump to accumulate the advice confidential, rather than relying on a third-party account or belvedere to abundance that data. All of the advice associated with that badge would alone be arresting for the sender and advised recipient.

To accommodate an added band of security, an oracle or escrow-type account could be implemented, area a computer verifies the customer’s character by accepting admission to the ID token. Once the character has been checked, that badge is again beatific aback to the owner, and the business or belvedere is notified of a acknowledged user analysis procedure.

In a way, blockchain-based analysis would bypass the charge for centralized services, added accumulator accommodation and it could alike abolish the animal aspect from the analysis action altogether. However, there is still a lot of analysis to be done on how this band-aid could be tackled in a defended address for all parties.

What are your thoughts on application blockchain technology for analysis procedures? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Shutterstock