Gramatik Explains Why His New Track is Called 'Satoshi Nakamoto'

Gramatik Explains Why His New Track is Called 'Satoshi Nakamoto'

THELOGICALINDIAN - When admired NY agenda artist Gramatikbecame absorbed with Bitcoins abstruse creatorhe absitively to advance the chat about the cryptocurrency throughhis music Gramatik afresh appear an anthology alleged Epigram that contains a clue called Satoshi Nakamoto

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About Gramatik

denis_chopper1Gramatik (real name – Denis Jašarević) is a New York-based artist who works and abstracts with various music genres such as hip-hop, arctic out, dubstep, downtempo and chill-hop. When he’s not touring beyond the apple to places like France, Netherlands, Spain, and Italy, Gramatik dedicates his chargeless time to autograph new music and Internet culture. accomplished out to Gramatik to acquisition out why he called his new clue after Satoshi, what inspires his music, and how cryptocurrency could help boost online music artists. (BC): Tell us a little bit about your new anthology Epigram. How continued did it booty to actualize it and what music styles are you currently experimenting with?

Gramatik: I don’t apperceive absolutely how long, but I’d say alive on it on and off amid tours, apparently about a year. I’ve been experimenting with appealing abundant annihilation that gets my absorption and makes me feel something. Like every anthology making process, it’s been a absolutely fun acquirements experience.

gram-12014BC: What is your bulletin to the army in the Epigram?

Gramatik: The bulletin is consistently the same: don’t be a fucking asshole. 🙂

BC: Our readers can accept to your music for chargeless and download it on your official site. If we attending at this from a business ancillary – is the arrangement of Bitcoin donations for music account trying? And how Bitcoin donations may help music artists here?

Gramatik: I can’t allege for anybody on this because I don’t accept this archetypal works for everyone, it mainly works for in-the-box producers like myself who additionally accomplish best of their money from touring. But I will say that already I fabricated my music available primarily for chargeless and started putting that abstraction out there, my sales and donations went up substantially. You’d be afraid how abounding bodies buy my albums or donate, alike admitting they apperceive it’s free, not alone to abutment my music but to show appreciation for the aesthetics itself.

It’s absolutely abundant harder for an 8-piece bandage with a big recording account to booty this approach, but I assumption there is no absolute accolade after risk. People still accord way added in approved bill to me than Bitcoin, but it’s boring rising. How will Bitcoin affect or advice this archetypal in the approaching charcoal to be seen, but I accept it can alone be positive.

BC: One can actualize his own awning for the anthology application an absorbing affection for creating epigrams on your site. Then, a company can download this awning calm with the album, book it and accomplish a absolute CD with different cover. Tell us a bit about this aphorism feature, who created it, who did all the letters?

Gramatik: My architecture aggregation is alleged Multipraktik, it’s a multi-disciplinary assembly flat from aback home in Slovenia. Their architecture administrator is Nina Vrhovec, she is amazing. Every anthology I make, they appear up with a bigger art concept abstraction for it than the aftermost one and assassinate it flawlessly. They absolutely complete my music visually.

BC: How do you like the words that visitors blazon into the Epigram awning conception window?

Gramatik: They are awesome. Some of them are actual deep, others hilarious, and it’s aloof nice to see all the amaranthine appearance combinations that can be generated. It’s fun.

BC: What administration will your music accept in future? More dubstep, or maybe trip-hop?

Gramatik: That’s absolutely absurd to say, it can go anywhere. I don’t like to anticipate about it in those terms, I like to accumulate my music authoritative action accustomed and aloof go with whatever I feel like bearing in that moment. There are no rules or limitations, anything goes as continued as it feel appropriate to me.

BC: What’s your most admired lyric quote?

Gramatik: Huh, there is no such affair for me as one admired quote. There are actually bags that I appropriately admire. But if I accept to distinct one out, I’ve been absolutely affection this one lately, as it’s acceptable added and added accordant every day:

BC: How did you aboriginal apprentice about cryptocurrency? Was it alarming or fun to apprentice about Bitcoin?

Gramatik: I stumbled aloft it on the web one day, I can’t bethink absolutely back I aboriginal begin out about it, but I bethink actuality absorbed and absolutely excited. Back I started attractive into it and begin out cipher absolutely knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is to this day, the allure added 10-fold. It’s remarkable. I aloof had to name a song afterwards him/her/them. And the Bitcoin mining action still assault my mind. I achievement they accomplish a acceptable cine about it one day that does the accomplished Bitcoin phenomenon justice. Someone like Fincher or Scorsese would be absolute for the job.

BC:  When did you alpha to acquire Bitcoin payments and donations for your music?

Gramatik: I assumption as anon as I apparent it, I started googling if you can acquire donations in Bitcoin, and abiding abundant there were affluence of options to do so. Needless to say, I had Multipraktik apparatus a accord button on my website immediately.

BC: How do you like beatnik culture?

Gramatik: I’m allotment of it, so I’d say I like it actual much. 🙂

BC: What suggestions do you accept about the future, apropos Bitcoin? What do you ambition to see there?

Gramatik: Naturally I ambition to see it become the arch apple currency. It’d be absolutely abundant to go everywhere about the apple and pay for aggregate in Bitcoin. A all-around decentralized agenda bill that can’t be hijacked and controlled by the international cyberbanking cartel. It’s sounds abstract doesn’t it?

910x630_tsyn_gramatikBC: Does the track name “Satoshi Nakamoto” mean you’re abutting our mad basic revolution?

Gramatik: Absolutely. 🙂

BC: What do you anticipate about the video created by cryptocommunity associates (”Friends of Satoshi”) and committed to the additional clue from your new album?

Gramatik: I anticipate it’s awesome, abnormally back it was appear beneath than 24 hours afterwards the clue came out. Pretty impressive. 🙂

BC: Do Adrian Lau & ProbCause who were featured on the ”Satoshi Nakamoto” clue additionally use cryptocurrencies?

Gramatik: They are yes, they are accepting Bitcoin donations as well.

BC: Thank you for the interview, Gramatik. We ambition you all the best and achievement our readers like your music.


You can analysis out Gramatik’s music at his official site:

What do you anticipate about artists who acquire bitcoin donations and abutment our movement? Let us apperceive in the comments.