Surveys Suggest Bitcoin Still Has Enormous Growth Potential

Surveys Suggest Bitcoin Still Has Enormous Growth Potential

THELOGICALINDIAN - A contempo analysis conducted by HSBC polling 13 developed nations indicates that the majority of citizens still accept not heard of blockchain technology with alone 41 of respondents advertence acquaintance with the technology basement bitcoin

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HSBC’s Report Adds to a Growing List of Surveys That Indicate Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology Is Still in Its Early Years of Development

A contempo survey conducted by HSBC showed that 59% of consumers had not heard of blockchain technology. Of the 41% of respondents who were accustomed with the technology basement bitcoin, 80% declared that they did not accept how blockchain technology operates.

HSBC Survey Suggests Bitcoin Still Has Enormous Growth Potential

The analysis polled 2,000 HSBC barter from the United Kingdom, in accession to 1,000 participants from Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and the United States respectively.

HSBC’s address adds to a growing account of surveys that announce bitcoin and blockchain technology is still in its aboriginal years of development, with early-majority acceptance still yet to be seen.

A survey conducted by Cambridge University this year bent the accepted cardinal of different alive users of cryptocurrency wallets is estimated to be amid 2.9 and 5.8 million. Despite apery aloof 0.04 – 0.05% of the all-around population, this abstracts indicates that the bitcoin userbase has at atomic angled in aloof two years. With such a tiny allotment of citizens actively affianced in the bitcoin community, 40% of citizens actuality acquainted of blockchain technology evidences the astronomic advance abeyant of cryptocurrency.

Despite the Recent Media Coverage, Majority Still Unfamiliar With Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology

Monex, Inc., Tradestation Securities, Inc., and Monex Boom Securities (H.K) Limited appear a survey this ages that polled retail investors captivation accounts with China, Japan, and the United States respectively. The after-effects showed that alone 3% of Japanese and US retail investors are actively advance in cryptocurrency, with 10% of Chinese investors advertisement that they were advance in cryptocurrency. 20% of Chinese and US-based retail investors appear that they were not at all accustomed with cryptocurrency. Nearly all polled Japanese investors had heard of bitcoin and cryptocurrency, acceptable attributable to Japan’s awful publicized advanced acknowledged accoutrement surrounding cryptocurrency.

Surveys Suggest Bitcoin Still Has Enormous Growth Potential

Despite the contempo fasten in bitcoin’s media coverage, it would arise that the majority of bodies are still alien with bitcoin and blockchain technology. With customer acclamation in developed nations advertence that 59% of citizens are still alien with blockchain technology and alone a baby boyhood of retail investors are actively complex in the Japanese, Chinese and US cryptocurrency markets, it would arise that bitcoin still has astronomic advance potential.

Do you anticipate bitcoin is abutting aboriginal boilerplate adoption, or is bitcoin still in its beginning years? Share your thoughts below!

Images address of Shutterstock and HSBC

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