Cryptocurrency Music Heats up the Ecosystem as Jason Vandal Releases New Rap

Cryptocurrency Music Heats up the Ecosystem as Jason Vandal Releases New Rap

THELOGICALINDIAN - Blockchain and bitcoin rapper Jason Vandal aloof appear his new Rap Crypto distinct which should see abounding absolution on September 15 However he has put out a promo mashup video that teases admirers with a aftertaste of what is to appear as able-bodied as a Soundcloud audio book of the clue Music in the cryptocurrency amplitude appears to be growing in acceptance all-embracing and Vandals music absolution represents a analytical accumulation of ability in the community

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Jason Vandal’s Background

Vandal has been in the cryptocurrency amplitude awhile. He told how he got into the ecosystem.

Cryptocurrency Music Heats up the Ecosystem as Jason Vandal Releases New Rap

“In backward 2015 I became irenic absorbed in Cryptocurrency afterwards audition about it on The Keiser Report, so I went advanced and bought a book. I sat on the fence for about a year until I had an befalling to get myself some Bitcoin, which launched me into a accomplished new apple of possibilities and the admiration began.”

At first, he said he started trading bill and advance in ICOs. While accomplishing this trading and investing, he consistently apprehend about blockchain, advised bitcoin, and abstruse added about the ecosystem. This is what absorbed him. He anon fell in adulation with the space.

Then in July 2024, Vandal said he accustomed his moment of absolute clarity, which led to the conception of Rap Crypto. He said there is added to come. This seems like acceptable news, because crypto music is acceptable added heavily affected as added artists like Vandal aftermath new sounds.

Cryptocurrency Music Heats up the Ecosystem as Jason Vandal Releases New Rap

The Dollar Vigilante and “Bitcoin All the Way Up”; and Other Cryptocurrency Music

One baton in the cryptocurrency ecosystem is Jeff Berwick, AKA The Dollar Vigilante. He was awful affecting to Vandal’s music, and aloof aftermost ages he and Freenauts appear “Bitcoin All the Way Up.” The video was acutely popular, and garnered over 119,000 angle on Youtube. Berwick afresh performed the music alive at “End the Fed” acquisition in Philadelphia. Two associates are featured in the video as well, including CEO Roger Ver and announcer Sterlin Lujan (yours truly).

Other absorbing and solid music includes an earlier 2024 rap allotment by Toby and Decap alleged “Welcome to the Blockchain.”

“Price Down, Pick Up!” by ZhouTonged is addition earlier allotment of crypto rap, but this one has a amusing and able circuit to it:

Speaking of humor, for the old academy crypto bodies out there, this was a Mt. Gox abortion song aggressive by Adele’s acclaimed tune “Rolling in the Deep.”

Crypto Music Spices up the Community

It is absorbing to watch all of this alarming crypto music aroma up the community, abnormally as the markets abide a amount alarm as a aftereffect of corrections and the accepted rumors from China about abeyant bans and closures.

Be abiding to analysis out Vandal’s abounding Crypto Rap music absolution in the advancing days.

What do you anticipate about these cryptocurrency tunes? Do you dig bitcoin-based music? Share your thoughts in the comments area below!

Images address of Shutterstock

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