Keenevention's Bitcoin Panel in the Shire

Keenevention's Bitcoin Panel in the Shire

THELOGICALINDIAN - FromOctober 30 2024 to November 1 in Keene New Hampshire the Keenevention 2024 willbust apart bringing abundant autonomous minds calm for a funfilled accident The accident is a New Hampshire alternative assemblage by activists for activists that started in 2024 The appointment has bound preevent tickets and will host a varietyof autonomous speakers console discussions and a aftertaste of Keene in the fall

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Among the appropriate guests accessory Keenevention will be Chris Rietmann. The alternative activist serves as a selectman in Alstead, area he helped abolition all gun regulations.

Another key apostle will be Christopher David, the “illegal Uber driver,” who fabricated account for committing civilian defiance in Portsmouth area bureaucrats accept banned ride-sharing.

Darryl W Perry will additionally be in appearance to allege to the Keenevention crowd. The activist hosts assorted radio broadcasts including Peace, Love, Liberty Radio and the seven-day-a-week FPP Radio News. Perry has been an organizer for Keenevention back its birth and can be begin on his blog Free Keene regularly.  

The accident will affection a lot of activism discussion, an accessible mic Q&A, and a account of speaking panels from assorted aspects of the alternative movement. Keenevention’s panels will accommodate a Bitcoin panel, tech panel, copblock panel, secession console and abounding more.

The Bitcoin appointment will affection some appropriate guests from the agenda bill world. Among them is Dr. Darren Tapp, who will host this presentation on basic money. Tapp can be begin speaking about the agenda bill branch and the Bitcoin ambiance on the Neocash Radio broadcast. The show, “where we altercate the approaching of money today,” can be begin with archived podcasts and its co-host JJ Evans, who speaks on the nationally amalgamated allocution show, Free Allocution Live. The host of the Bitcoin console is additionally the architect of Dr. Tapp’s Mathematical Playgrounds, which offers online algebraic videos and apprenticeship in his breadth that “sets ups a affable mindset to acquirements algebraic at an aboriginal age.” Dr. Tapp feels bitcoin can accommodate individuals a lot of values. He told,

Another panelist speaking for the Bitcoin console will be amount developer Gavin Andresen, who will altercate abstruse expertise. The Amherst, Massachusetts-based arch scientist, will allocution about the agenda bill and the accepted accompaniment of its well-being. Andresen is one of the ancient accepted amount developers to assignment with the cipher for the Bitcoin client, as able-bodied as talking with the artist Satoshi Nakamoto in the aboriginal days. In 2024, Andresen was quoted in Forbes for adage  “Bitcoin is advised to accompany us aback to a decentralized bill of the people.” As of late, Andresen has been blame for discussions aural the Bitcoin association to accession the block admeasurement and accretion some consensus.


Matthew Ping, the buyer of Ledgeview Commercial Partners, will be on the console discussing circadian use during the forum. Ping is a Free State Project advocate, manages several backdrop in the New Hampshire, and accepts Bitcoin for rent. In 2013, Ping told the press about his accepting of the agenda bill for rent. The free-stater told reporters in the featured commodity that based on their foundations of decentralization, another agenda currencies looked able for Free State Project members.   


Jeremy Kauffman, CEO of, will allege on the Bitcoin console as well, discussing his accessible antecedent publishing project. LBRY allows anyone to broadcast agreeable to a area with user added metadata that is again stored by miners and broadcast through the LBRY blockchain. Publishers can accept micropayments by embedding their addresses aural the stored data, and can additionally actualize affirmation affairs for new content. LBRY’s website states that the accepted administration adjustment on the web is flawed. It says, “the baleful blemish of absolute systems is their centralized, top-down design.”

Kauffman told,

“Perhaps the distinct better botheration the apple faces is the abridgement of analysis and aberration in civic structures and institutions. Even the luckiest of individuals, those built-in into western democracies, are around blank to adapt the anatomy of their society. Bitcoin and blockchain technology action the adeptness to fundamentally adapt this paradigm. Rather than be bound to stagnant, ancient governments the blockchain allows us to body new structures alfresco their grasp. Not alone does this access the abandon accessible to individuals, but it additionally puts aggressive pressures on absolute structures to improve.”

Chris Pacia is the advance developer of the OpenBazaar project, and will be discussing the adventure that will accommodate a decentralized bazaar that alone uses bitcoin. Pacia is a advanced Libertarian, who’s been belief economics and political aesthetics for almost ten years. The OpenBazaar developer is a allegiant aloofness apostle and writer, with appear works actualization on, FreedomsPhoenix eZine,, and his blog Escape Velocity. When batten with Pacia about what Bitcoin and decentralized marketplaces can do to the axial cyberbanking bunch and added sectors, he told us,

“When it comes to banking abandon what can accoutrement like Bitcoin and platforms like openbazaar do to advice individuals and association as whole? They not alone accommodate options to bodies that they didn’t ahead have, but the authenticate to the apple that markets and entrepreneurship are above to government bunch and axial planning. Take the government auto cartel. Everyone artlessly took it for accepted that there charge accept been no bigger way of accomplishing things. Ending the bunch wasn’t on anyone’s political radar. Then forth comes Uber and it gives the lie to the accomplished thing. Now we see some cities not aloof deregulating Uber, but eliminating the auto bunch altogether.”

The aftermost affiliate accent from the Keenevention Bitcoin console is Derrick J Freeman. Freeman is a adept activist who can be apparent in the affection feature documentary, “Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree.” The blur chronicles the adventures of Freeman’s acquaintance with his aboriginal year of activism in The Shire, 540 canicule in bastille for dancing, smoker pot, and benumbed a bike. The activist was additionally photographed during the Ross Ulbricht balloon captivation signs saying, “No Victim, No Crime,” and added slogans that can be apparent throughout assorted publications advertisement on the trial. Derrick J has been arrive to the Bitcoin console to altercate the amusing and political ramifications of the agenda currency. When asked by about his altercation accountable he told us:

“Bitcoin empowers individuals to ascendancy their money in a way that has never afore been possible. Until 2024, mafias and governments could abduct your money because it was either concrete (like gold) or controlled by banks that can be strong-armed into axis over the keys to their vaults. Bitcoin alien a new paradigm: a decentralized, cryptographically defended access to money. With the addition of the blockchain, it aback became accessible for a being or apparatus to not alone accelerate and accept units of amount instantly anywhere in the apple — but added importantly, to anxiously assure that amount as abstracts stored on a adamantine drive or alike central one’s own head. Finally, altruism is chargeless from its assurance on anemic and sometimes awful centralized institutions and careless men and instead alter them with a arrangement as reliable and constant as mathematics itself. It is barter the age of gatekeepers by enabling anyone to participate behindhand of age, sex, location, or political class. Not back the handgun, beef engine, or conceivably the caster has a animal invented a apparatus as liberating as Bitcoin. Alike today, as the cryptocurrency anarchy dawns, its abeyant applications are yet to be absolutely realized.”

TechPanel2015The account of speakers discussing the Bitcoin agreement during the Keenevention conference believe that Bitcoin has a lot of potential with commendations to freedom. The appointment altercation will focus on assorted aspects of the arising technology and chiefly how it can advice alone banking abandon affecting association as a whole. Keenevention will accept a lot added than Bitcoin, absorption in on abounding aspects of the autonomous movement, and a Halloween apparel ball affair with a “green beam” laser. The Radio and podcasts Rebel Love Show, Black Sheep Rising and the Peace, Love and Liberty Radio, will additionally be in appearance at the event. Keenevention looks like it’s activity to be a fun-filled time affair and discussing political and abstract solutions with agreeing autonomous thinkers.

What contest will you be accessory this year? Let us apperceive in the comments below! 

Images address of Keenevention, Pixbay and Redmemes