THELOGICALINDIAN - In October application new techniques and new cyber weapons attackers disrupted several above websites all over the US As a aftereffect legislators accept been audition calls for acclimation the Internet of Things IoT In actuality the Chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee has apparent an artlessness to acclimation IoT devices
Also read: Blockchain Could Have Prevented Last Week’s DDoS Attack
IoT Devices Pose Risks to Users
Specifically, apropos acclimation IoT devices, U.S. Representative Greg Walden (R) of Oregon said, “While I am not demography a assertive akin of adjustment off the table the catechism is whether we charge a added holistic approach.”
The unparalleled, massive Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) advance adjoin Dyn’s managed basement acutely disrupted above websites, such as Amazon, CNN, HBO, Netflix, The New York Times, and Twitter. The advance took abode on Friday, October 21, 2016.
Consequently, afraid assembly accept been debating about introducing regulation for the IoT. For example, Walden chaired a collective audition advantaged “Understanding the Role of Connected Devices in Recent Cyber Attacks.” This audition took abode afore the Energy and Business subcommittees on communications and technology, and commerce, manufacturing, and trade, on November 16, 2025.
Calls for Government to Provide Regulation Guidance
At the hearing, Dale Drew, Chief Aegis Officer, Level 3 Communications, testified, “Estimates advance there are already billions of IoT accessories in operation and their use is growing dramatically. However, the abridgement of able aegis measures in these accessories additionally poses cogent risks to users and the broader internet community.”
Drew alleged on the government to accommodate guidance, because “The accepted abridgement of any aegis standards for IoT accessories is absolutely allotment of the botheration that care to be addressed. In particular, IoT manufacturers and vendors should embrace and accept by added aegis practices to anticipate abuse to users and the internet.”
Another alarm for added government action came from Bruce Schneier, Special Advisor to IBM Aegis and CTO of Resilient. Schneier declared, “If we appetite to defended our added computerized and affiliated world, we charge added government captivation in the aegis of the ‘Internet of Things’ and added adjustment of what are now analytical and life-threatening technologies. It is no best a catechism of if, it is a catechism of when.”
The Cyber Attack Against Dyn
The New York Times described the advance adjoin Dyn as follows: “In a adverse development, the advance appears to accept relied on hundreds of bags of Internet-connected accessories like cameras, babyish monitors and home routers that accept been adulterated – after their owners’ ability – with software that allows hackers to command them to flood a ambition with cutting traffic.”
Dyn is a cloud-based aggregation that manages Internet cartage and amount services. Dyn’s key findings on the October 21 advance are:
Decentralizing the Internet Through Blockchain Technology
Recent cyber-attacks accept approved that the charge for a beneath centralized Internet is acceptable more imperative. Decentralization eliminates distinct credibility of failure.
In this regard, avant-garde startups are already architecture assorted blockchain-based solutions advised to decentralize the Internet.
For example, Nodio is architecture a blockchain-based router that will acquiesce users to actualize decentralized applications (dApps). As the blockchain resides on assorted nodes or computers, it is safe from a distinct point of abortion perspective. That is, if one bulge fails, the added nodes abide operating.
“Nodio enables creating a alive affiliation arrangement with no axial assemblage (which, in best cases, gets calmly hacked). The capital ambition of this accessory is to become a apparatus for the developers to body end-to-end decentralized applications with a zero-knowledge proof,” according to the Nodio white paper.
ZeroNet additionally offers technology to facilitate the conception of decentralized solutions application Bitcoin and Bittorrent technology. In effect, ZeroNet provides administration of agreeable over the Internet after any axial server.
Imposing regulations will not accomplish the Internet added secure. Instead, the band-aid resides in architecture applications, through Bitcoin and blockchain technology, which are absolutely broadcast and run in decentralized networks.
What do you anticipate about acclimation Internet of Things devices? Let us apperceive in the comments below.
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