How the Hyped Lumino Whitepaper Details Protocol for Scaling Bitcoin

How the Hyped Lumino Whitepaper Details Protocol for Scaling Bitcoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - Rootstocks Chief Scientist Sergio Demian Lerner has been hinting about a new Bitcoin ascent band-aid alleged Lumino for over a ages Luminos whitepaper has assuredly alike introducing the Lumino Transaction Compression Protocol LTCP

Also read: Bitcoin Upgrade Lumino Introduces a New Approach to Scalability 

The Lumino Network and Protocol

Similar to a new envisioning of the Lightning Network, Lumino is a new blazon of off-chain acquittal approach arrangement that affairs to use aeroembolism transactional abstracts in Bitcoin’s blocks. Lerner describes Lumino as a new and important allotment of RSK‘s capital platform, which is still primarily a decentralized Bitcoin sidechain, able of an alike beyond bulk How the Hyped Lumino Whitepaper Details Protocol for Scaling Bitcoinof bitcoin affairs per additional than Lumino alone.

The cardboard introduces a new protocol, the LTCP, which “forms the transaction band to the Lumino network”, Lerner explains. Its purpose is to actualize far abate bitcoin transactions, so as abounding as 100 can be candy by the arrangement every second, which is an advance of amid 6 to 33 times today’s transaction limits.

The addendum of the RSK belvedere was advised for “blockchains with fast block ante and annual based ledgers”, including Bitcoin, but modeled afterwards Ethereum. Lumino bridges the gap amid Bitcoin and Ethereum to booty advantage of the ascent allowances from the closing into Bitcoin’s blocks.

Transaction Compression Technique

Lerner describes Lumino as “a address for transaction compression that allows processing a college aggregate of affairs but autumn abundant beneath information”, abacus that:

The lion’s allotment of the ascent advance comes from the compression of accurate abstracts in anniversary transaction, while application the blow of the abstracts as a template, which does not consistently charge to be saved. “The analytical acumen abaft Lumino compression is delta compression of called fields,” Lerner wrote, “from a antecedent referenced transaction and the accumulated signing of antecedent transactions, so antecedent signatures can be disposed”.

Scaling Estimates

If Lerner is correct, Lumino’s restructuring improvements could acquiesce the Bitcoin arrangement to ability 100 affairs per additional (tps) “or alike more, depending on the acceptance pattern,” he claims. “The LTCP agreement could accredit the Lumino arrangement to ability one billion alive users”, he added notes. Also, already implemented, the assets should appear actual quickly, after anybody advance and after risking a adamantine angle to Bitcoin’s code.

After some analysis, Lerner admits that admiration the cardinal of alive users that the Lumino arrangement can handle is not easy, but he estimates:

This appraisal is on top of any added ascent solution’s allowances such as Segwit or the Lighting Network, although it has yet to be apparent if Lumino and addition lightning arrangement can assignment calm after conflicts. After Lumino has been absolutely deployed, RSK’s plan for the blow of their sidechain-based artefact takes the arrangement abundant further, in the branch of “2024 on-chain tps”, he wrote.


The better check to the Lumino arrangement may be transaction privacy. “Transaction compression agency abstracts reuse,” Lerner admits, “which agency that Lumino college compression is a tradeoff for lower privacy”. Small $.25 of reused abstracts could apparently articulation payments calm for a user, he explains, although it is ambiguous that a articulation amid any acquittal and a user’s absolute name exist. At any rate, “the tradeoff best is larboard to alone users”, he notes.Lumino Whitepaper Details Protocol for Scaling Bitcoin

How abundant tradeoff depends on usage, Lerner added clarifies. “The LTCP agreement enables storage-compression but has ability bottlenecks: bandwidth acceptance and, to a lower extent, CPU usage”, he adds.

Another tradeoff is the use of Bitcoin’s OP_RETURN field. “To extend Bitcoins attack with the fields appropriate by Lumino”, Lerner wrote, “the fields can be stored in an OP_RETURN achievement of the coinbase transaction”. The arguable 80-byte acreage accessible in every Bitcoin transaction is accepted with abounding companies and applications such as blockchain timestamping casework including Factom, Blocksign, Blockstore, Stampery, and several others. If Lumino becomes allotment of Bitcoin, again these casework may not be able to booty advantage of the upgrades after re-writing their platforms to use some added method.

As a Bitcoin Soft-Fork

Like abounding projects nowadays, Lerner came to the cessation that Lumino should be alien to Bitcoin as a Soft fork, which is backwards-compatible and does not crave Lumino Whitepaper Details Protocol for Scaling Bitcoineveryone to advancement to it in adjustment for it to work. His cardboard describes what it would booty to apparatus Lumino into Bitcoin this way. “We charge to actualize an annual abode amplitude for a sidechain anchored in the Bitcoin block, as an addendum block”, he conveys. The Bitcoin nodes that do so will be able to action Lumino affairs immediately, which he believes would acutely cut bottomward on the bulk of amplitude anniversary transaction in a block takes up, authoritative them as baby as 8 bytes.

Interestingly, Lumino planned as a bendable angle advancement to Bitcoin “does not account from Segwit amplitude savings, back Lumino departure abode is an anyone-can-spend output, the transaction that consumes this achievement specifies an abandoned script”, Lerner notes.

What do you anticipate of Lumino? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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