New Features in Opendime's Next Cash-Like Bitcoin USB Stick

New Features in Opendime's Next Cash-Like Bitcoin USB Stick

THELOGICALINDIAN - When Opendime fabricated its bitcoin stick with multisignature Bitcoin wallet provider Coinkite it alleged it a Bitcoin agent band that is a band or debt aegis The arguable artefact abundant scrutinized in 2025 by Bitcoiners accomplished apropos over counterfeiting as able-bodied as itsclosedsource attributes The aggregation has responded to the counterfeiting apropos in Version 20 due in February 2025

Also Read: The Opendime Bitcoin Stick Review

Opendime Version 1.0, a baby USB stick that declared to acquiesce one to absorb bitcoins like a agent apparatus (which are unregistered; after annal of buying and transactions) by casual forth a stick, was abundant discussed in Bitcoin forums in 2025. Another archetype of a agent apparatus would be a cardboard dollar bill.


Even Craig Watkins, a Bitcoin amount wallet maintainer, analyzed the wallet in a continued cilia on Github about the angary of the ‘bitcoin stick’, in which users lamented the ironically closed-source attributes of the Bitcoin accouterments device. One could analysis the antithesis on their USB by abutting to a device.

Opendime announced, on December 27, Adaptation 2.0 of their agent bond, and it could beggarly that a adaptation 2.0 of ‘bitcoin cash’, convalescent aloft accepted but ink-dependent cardboard wallets, is advancing to bazaar in 2025.

To abate some user concerns, Opendime will add a appropriate aegis dent to “defeat any attack at architecture affected or cloned Opendime” copycats. The company, which is accepting pre-orders and affairs to address Version 2.0 in February, additionally appear new alien designs including a new unsealing mechanism, a braiding hold.

A New Security Chip

Opendime accent aboriginal a aegis advancement to the ‘Bitcoin Stick.’

The newly-integrated Atmel ATECC508A dent can assortment the SHA-256 encryption model, the aforementioned encryption brand Bitcoin uses, do true accidental cardinal breeding (TRNG), and assurance accessible keys (ECDSA) on the NIST 256-bit ambit “P256.”


The chip, which contains a cardinal of abstruse keys absurd to extract, holds a “factory key” that alone Coinkite branch knows – an aspect of the architecture abiding to accomplish Bitcoin purists nervous. 

“We will broadcast the accessible allotment of this key, and you can use the signatures that this dent makes to verify that you are affiliated to a absolute Opendime,” the aggregation states in its press release. “It will additionally verify that it’s a different accessory and that it’s commutual to the chip that it was originally congenital with.”

By amalgam ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman) aegis protocol, the Atmel aegis dent could accomplish Opendime an “ultra-secure method” for operations like encryption/decryption key agreement. The dent additionally uses ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) for sign-verify affidavit purposes.

“With ECDH and ECDSA actuality congenital appropriate in, this accessory is ideal for the rapidly growing IoT bazaar by calmly bartering the abounding ambit of aegis such as confidentiality, abstracts integrity, and affidavit to systems with MCU or MPUs active encryption/decryption algorithms,” according to Atmel’s website.

Atmel states that the security dent “employs ultra-secure hardware-based cryptographic key accumulator and cryptographic countermeasures which are added defended than software-based key storage.”

The new ‘bitcoin stick’ aegis dent is alternative to verify, but “you can be 100% abiding that you are talking to a 18-carat Opendime” if it is, according to the company.

Digital Piggy-Bank

Opendime markets their artefact as a “digital piggy-bank.” This is because, in adjustment to admission the bitcoin, the stick charge aboriginal be opened. While Version 1.0 acclimated a continued tab in the board’s center, the new archetypal entails afraid a paperclip or wire into a baby aperture on the back. “With a close jab, you will breach the allowance that’s on the added ancillary and alleviate the Bitcoin in the device,” the aggregation states.

“Selling out our Opendime V1 accumulation of a few thousand units accurate the USB acclaim stick concept,” CEO Rodolfo Novak told “We accept that with the improvements in Opendime V2, we will accomplish an alike bigger cavity in the Bitcoin off-chain concrete transaction and aloofness markets. Aside from archetypal in-person exchanges (i.e. LocalBitcoin) in the West, accepted developments in basic controls in places like India present a huge befalling for the “better apple currency” (Bitcoin) to flourish. Opendime makes Bitcoin attainable to non-tech users who will booty advantage of these opportunities.”

Bitcoin News reviewed the Opendime “Bitcoin Stick” in August 2016, again dubbed by the aggregation “The First Hardware Bitcoin Bearer Bond.”

A simple to use and accessible to accept archetypal enables Opendime to action like banknote and additionally accomplish ‘off-chain’ affairs (by handing it over). The baby architecture precludes the actuality of a screen, but alike again the artefact should be calmly accepted by a novice, and that’s what conceivably makes it an adorable advent.

Before it’s to be recommended by bitcoiners everywhere, the ‘bitcoin stick’ is acceptable to abide connected scrutiny, in decidedly for its closed-source architecture and centrally stored clandestine keys.

Would you acclaim Opendime’s bitcoin stick to a friend? Let us apperceive in the comments! 

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