The 'Undocumented Human': Life Without Government

The 'Undocumented Human': Life Without Government

THELOGICALINDIAN - Alma Sommer and Brian Stith are parents to a babyish alleged Neo and a new abstraction alleged the undocumented humanNeo is a boy built-in into the apple after affidavit such as a bearing affidavit or amusing aegis cardinal that is accurate by the surrounding babyminding Many bodies are built-in into the apple and their parents voluntarily abide these accouchement to a cardinal arrangement and government So far the parents of babyish Neo accept had a connected alley cruise in which they answer bitcoin agorism and what they alarm the undocumented animal bout The ancestors travelled through states like Arizona and additionally visited the Texas Bitcoin Conference Sommer and Stith are ideologicallyvoluntaryists and feel their son should adjudge whether he wants to be a aborigine or not

Also read: TimeRepublik: Interview with CEO Ted Wallach got calm with Alma Sommer for a altercation about her adolescent and the accommodation to let him access the apple undocumented. We discussed their use of Bitcoin, counter-economics, and the Texas Bitcoin Conference they abounding while on the ancestors tour. The ancestors is ambience a antecedent not alone by application cryptocurrency as a applicable alternative, but by bringing children into the apple after the charge for numbers and governance. (BC): You guys are Agorists/Anarchists can you acquaint me how you came to the cessation of Statelessness?

Alma Sommer (AS): My activation started during the Ron Paul attack and was anon followed by my campaign to Porcfest, area I accomplished that Arizona bare a anniversary of its own. Brian took a little longer, and was not apparent to the aforementioned events, about afterwards three years of accessory Jackalope, he was accessible to abdicate his bondservant job and get a motorhome to put our ancestors on the road.

BC: How did you get alien to bitcoin?

AS: I was alien to Bitcoin at Porcfest, and anon started affairs advertisement on my website Agorist Marketplace for Bitcoin and added another currencies. Brian and I accept been calm back I begin out about it. He uses the Airbitz wallet on his buzz now, for best of our transactions.

BC: So you accept a Son called Neo that’s ‘undocumented’ can you acquaint us a little about this?

AS: With the ability that entering your adolescent into the arrangement is voluntary, we absitively to let him accept if he wants to become a aborigine of a country after in his life.  

BC: Did you get any apropos about this abstraction advancing from accompany or abutting family?

AS: For ancestors associates not of the aforementioned mindset, we chose to accumulate our accommodation private. If they absolutely appetite to know, though, they could go online and apprentice about us.  

BC: Do you achievement account like this advance to added agreeing parents and accept you heard from others that will do the same?

Bitcoin.com_Bitcoin Payment KinguinAS: I batten at the Texas Bitcoin Conference and had a few bodies came up to me afterwards. Some had additionally taken this aisle but did not accept as affable of affairs as us.

I apperceive others in Arizona who aloft their accouchement into adolescence after any abrogating repercussions.

BC: Some would say identification could be absolute voluntarily and through the blockchain. Do you anticipate maybe in time some parents may certificate their adolescent via the blockchain?

AS: Absolutely! We plan on documenting our acreage on the blockchain as well, for affidavit of purchase, and identification. I additionally plan on putting up a accessible apprehension assurance to that effect, bond to the transaction.

BC: What areas will you be traveling during the undocumented animal tour?

AS: We plan on accomplishing abounding tours, currently we are on our way to Oracle, Arizona to do our aboriginal off the filigree solar install. We were able to apprentice a lot while active in Concho off the filigree for the aftermost three months.

600px-Anarchy-symbol.svgBC: Do you administer added practices of non-authority with your accouchement such as Peaceful Parenting?

AS: Yes, we administer peaceful parenting to our circadian lives. We advance no added bondservant numbers for the accouchement and a activity committed to ancestry out statism.

BC: Do you apprehend any difficulties faced in the approaching for Neo by actuality undocumented?

1452453_10152344466083552_993794978_nAS: Possibly, aggravating to appear aback into the United States, or requesting biking documents, but ability is alteration all over the world, and added bodies are advancing to an compassionate of leave me alonism.

BC: How can our readers apprentice from your experience?

AS: They can apprentice that entering your adolescent into the arrangement is voluntary, and if we are chargeless animal beings, it should be our best to accord our adamantine becoming money, not accept it baseborn through taxation. As able-bodied as allotment to pay argent or Bitcoin to abstain a government extortion fees, back purchasing a artefact or service. You can assignment for yourself after accepting permission from the accompaniment to abide as a business, and you can alive unbanked. You can alive free. 


What do you anticipate about the abstraction of statelessness? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Redmemes, Alma Sommer, and Shutterstock