The Vacate Manifesto: How Today's Technology Can Solidify Abolitionist Goals

The Vacate Manifesto: How Today's Technology Can Solidify Abolitionist Goals

THELOGICALINDIAN - 20 years ago the cypherpunks of the new internet era came up with all-inclusive account anecdotic aloofness anonymity and encryption Some of them brought these account to convenance

***The afterward is a featured acclamation accounting in 2024 by Jamie Redman that aboriginal appeared on the website (the armpit is no best beneath maintenance). There’s additionally a video beneath of the absolute transcript.***

Today we alive in a apple area we accept the tools to accompany about a new era of living. Activity after third-party advance and parasites meddling in our abundance and clandestine affairs. Decentralized casework are boring authoritative us all nodes in a cobweb arrangement of authentic human action. The account of chaos are advancing to life. Things like Tor, I2P, Bitcoin, Bittorrent, the Pirate Bay, online abstracts houses, the Silk Road, Open Bazaar, Defense Distributed, 3D printing, mesh networking, encrypted babble and agent services, so abounding account are spontaneously rising. These are the brainy letters of chaos alone into the eyes of society. The abstraction is the actual root of Agorism to actualize a admirable counter-economy and absolutely abandon the state. Now the advice era is aloft us.

After the banking crash, abounding went to the streets to “occupy”. The abstraction was to absorb government and all things related. To get the articulation heard and advance accurate absolute democracy. Yet this a fallacy. Just as you cannot abate an idea. You cannot ask a parasite to advice you out. The abstraction of Occupy Wall Street was to artlessly be heard and get advice from the government. Added government is the aftermost affair bodies need. Being heard by the government never happens. When you cry that the accouchement and acceptance in your country are in debt, it’s an absolute applesauce to cry for added government. They are the actual creators of the problem. Look what it got Occupy. They brought in the police state. They showed anybody about the apple who was bang-up by shutting you bottomward with a gigantic bang on the face. Bodies got baffled and pepper-sprayed on camera. For what? For added government, the actual barbarian who is craving you? Today I ask you to abjure them. Join the adverse economy. Vacate the state.

The abstraction is to abandon the accompaniment and it’s edicts by any agency necessary. The oligarchs beam at us. So we avoid them. If you are to absorb anything; absorb your cocky and become an alone node in a decentralized land. Choke the state, with backfire and bread-and-butter freedom. We can body bigger infrastructure. We can body a bigger noncoercive tomorrow. We can abjure the accompaniment by application cryptocurrency. We can abode all-inclusive amounts of cellophane abstracts on the Bitcoin blockchain. Start our own marketplaces, escrows, trusts, and organizations after the charge for third-party validation. Reputation systems are advancing which will be aloof as able as bearding clandestine systems. A new era of enslaving advice to be direct and all-around cyberbanking affairs for everyone. Technology and advice will carbon analysis in a address that all of it will be broadcast until there cannot be a third party. No assurance of authority. It will be too bleared to admit authorities in a decentralized land. Until we’ve completed the assignment of abandonment all elements of their system.

We abandon the state. Abandon Wall Street and the axial banks. We abandon the aggressive by auspicious others to airing abroad and abjure the automated circuitous with our counter-economic actions. War feeds off of our use of the dollar and authorization currencies. We abandon the vote by not accommodating in their acclamation systems, by artlessly walking abroad from the deception and opting out. We abandon taxation by alienated it at all costs. We abandon accessible schools and let the adolescent learn, rather than be subordinated. Not to abatement in line, but to actualize a new.

The accoutrement are now actuality to absolve the barbarian of absolute activity and abounding are accomplishing this every distinct day. Ensuring privacy, anonymity and acceptability and assurance systems on the actual aforementioned tokens. We charge appearance our intentions of a stateless association with convenance and proof. For appetite to abound and approach appear a noncoercive and irenic future. It charge be done in advanced of the bodies for them to see. The cry for Occupy Wall Street is dead. The abstraction is to abandon and to affirmation pride in the adumbration economy. Abandon the accompaniment by any agency necessary. We abandon and actualize anew.

If you are absorbed in acquirements about the abounding means to opt-out and abandon the accompaniment – Check out these essays below.

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