Valery Vavilov of BitFury on the 16nm Bitcoin ASIC

Valery Vavilov of BitFury on the 16nm Bitcoin ASIC

THELOGICALINDIAN - BitFury afresh appear its achievement and cycle out of their 16nm ASIC for processing Bitcoin affairs They are additionally activity to be affairs absolute to barter ample and baby which is a change from the aftermost few ancestors of their chips Valery Vavilov the Founder and CEO of BitFury was able to acknowledgment a brace questions on the new dent and the rollout

Also Read: BitFury Unveils Fastest Bitcoin Mining Chip Ever Created

BitFury’s New Bitcoin ASIC

ASICScott Fargo (SF):  The new ASIC dent is a big advance in ability and efficiency. What were some of the difficulties in accumulation bearing a dent at 16nm and how were they overcome?

Valery Vavilov (VV):  Needless to say, this abstruse advance didn’t appear accessible and there were challenges to accepting there but we are acutely admiring with the result.

The BF8162C16 ASIC is 16nm with anniversary dent bearing 100gh/s at 0.1 J/GH which is aberrant ability ability in Bitcoin ASICs.  When I batten to Valery at the 2014 North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami they were alive adamantine on the dent architecture as able-bodied as deployment options.  Now a year after the dent is in assembly and BitFury is active a huge access in the all-around Bitcoin arrangement HashRate. The adherence to the accomplished account above the ASIC dent itself has accustomed them to abundantly access ability with captivation cooling on top of the abundant ability via acceptable air cooling solutions. They are alms bead in abstracts centermost solutions that will acquiesce others to account from the access as well.

SF:  BitFury has declared they are activity to now advertise to added bodies to advice accumulate mining decentralized. Does this additionally beggarly that they will accessible up the BitFury basin for bodies to abundance on as well?

VV:  BitFury is fundamentally committed to actuality a amenable amateur in the Bitcoin association and we appetite to assignment with all chip ally and re-sellers to accomplish our different technology broadly accessible ensuring that the arrangement charcoal decentralized and we move into the exahash era together.

SF:  Does the new ASIC acquiesce for added accessories of the Internet of Things blazon like the mining ablaze ball and more? Will BitFury be bearing any of these types of accessories like the Ant-Router and the 21Inc system?

VV:  We plan to accompany our chips to the bazaar in aboriginal 2024 so that users could arrange it on any device. This is a actual agitative time in our industry. We are aperture our integrators belvedere and would acceptable any resellers and integrators to participate in our decentralization program. We will be announcement added capacity and administration added advice about our initiatives and programs in the abutting few months.

SF:  Can you allotment how the advance is activity on the 100 Mw abstracts centermost and how important the cooling setups accept been to the expansion?

VV: On December 16 we launched the aboriginal appearance (40WM) of our planned 100MW infrastructure. A additional appearance is already in the works as well.
BitFury’s captivation cooling technology allows us to abolish the calefaction from the dent actual calmly advocacy dent achievement to best speed. Captivation cooling technology decidedly increases ability density, reduces activity burning and deployment time and is environmentally sustainable. Running our abstracts centers with aught carbon book is an important allotment of our business and advance strategy. We are already relying on renewable activity for all our abstracts centermost operations.


ASICThank you Valery for the interview. BitFury continues to abound and at the time of advertisement has 15% of the all-around assortment amount which has developed to almost an exahash (1000 PetaHash) in the aftermost few months.  BitFury additionally purses green, renewable activity sources to run their abstracts centermost in Georgia. In activity this avenue they are additionally befitting their carbon brand lower than it could be otherwise.  We will accept added from BitFury actual soon.

What are your thoughts on the new BitFury ASIC? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

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