Video Bounty App Vevue Ditches Ethereum to Payout in Bitcoin

Video Bounty App Vevue Ditches Ethereum to Payout in Bitcoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - Video analysis app Vevue arresting vayview afresh launched a beta analysis The aggregation is advantageous bitcoin for quick video reviews of locations and contest Bitcoincom talked to Thomas Olson Vevue architect to altercate his latest venture

Also read: New Image Hosting Service Pays Thousands of Uploaders in Bitcoin 

Previously launched as an Ethereum ‘Dapp’ which had users accession “Vevue disinterestedness tokens”, now Vevue has de-cluttered their alms and relaunched with a focus on acceptance users to acquire and absorb alone bitcoins. The activity originally began in 2024, ablution an alpha adaptation with tokens in the summer of 2024.

How to Earn Bitcoin with Vevue

Vevue now allows users to appeal (requesters) any videos of any abode or contest such as restaurants or landmarks by pinning them to a map, and abode a bitcoin compensation on them. “Anyone can additionally armamentarium their annual with Bitcoin and pin Bitcoin to the map allurement for videos,” Olson told Then, added app users (recorders) can booty videos of the subject, uploading it into Vevue and affirmation the bounty. However, “The alone way to acquire Bitcoin is by answering an already affianced Appeal from the map,” Olson added.


To ensure anybody gets paid, while the app is new and there are not abounding users requesting videos yet, the aggregation is demography it aloft itself to pin requests for users to answer. Olson said:

“Currently anniversary video is paid for out of pocket,” according to Olson. He again declared how he uses revenues from his eBay business to armamentarium Vevue development. “My account for Beta testing is 6 BTC. 1 BTC spent creating Requests at 5 Bits. Again 5 BTC spent alive with those creating affection content,” he revealed.

Vevue’s Vision

The startup is alms one bit (0.00000100) per video posted, or 100 $.25 for high-quality videos if you get approval for it in advance. The minimum abandonment bulk is set to 100 bits, according to the company’s blog.

“We’re attractive to acquisition individuals to upload affection videos afterward the bulletin instructions absorbed to anniversary Request. In any allotment of the world!,” Olson explained. “Ideally we’d like to acquisition Vevuers in different locations accoutrement different things. We see a lot of abeyant for Vevue as a anatomy of associate 2 associate journalism.”

Users anniversary accept a amusing contour on Vevue. Any upload videos after answering requests will appearance on their augment but they will not be paid. Olson noted:

The Vevue App

Vevue is accessible for Android phones. Once the app is installed, geo tracking charge be enabled for Vevue to pin requests in that bounded area. Users can actualize a profile, alpha uploading videos, or browse the map to see videos that accept already been uploaded. Users can additionally drop $.25 to appeal videos or acknowledgment video requests to activate earning bitcoin.


What do you anticipate of the Vevue app? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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