Youtube Superstar KSI 'JJ' Says 'I'm Really Into Crypto, Bitcoin Is the Future'

Youtube Superstar KSI 'JJ' Says 'I'm Really Into Crypto, Bitcoin Is the Future'

THELOGICALINDIAN - Youtube superstar and rapper KSI additionally accepted as JJ says he is absolutely into crypto Emphasizing that Bitcoin is the approaching he said a lot of bodies do not accept that crypto is a longhaul thing

KSI Is ‘Really Into Crypto’

Famed rapper and accepted Youtuber KSI talked about bitcoin and cryptocurrency in an account with GQ annual appear Friday.

KSI, whose absolute name is Olajide Olayinka Williams Olatunji, is additionally accepted as JJ. He was ranked additional by The Sunday Times in its account of the top 100 U.K. influencers in 2024. He is additionally allotment of the British Youtube accumulation accepted as the Sidemen.

Responding to a catechism about the aboriginal affair he would do if he were prime minister, KSI said:

“It’s absolutely activity to be continued term, but in ten years’ time, bodies who invested will be laughing,” he added.

KSI proceeded to analyze bitcoin to authorization money. “Just attending at how money is inflationary compared to bitcoin, which isn’t. There’s a set bulk – you can’t access the bulk of bitcoin and that has value,” he emphasized, elaborating:

Last month, he shared the adventure of how he fabricated millions of pounds advance in cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin, and “lost it all” back the crypto bazaar “crashed.” Nonetheless, he still believes that “eventually you’re activity to get a $100,000 bitcoin, a $500,000 bitcoin, and a $1 actor bitcoin. It’s activity to happen.”

What do you anticipate about KSI’s comments on bitcoin and crypto? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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