Why Is South Korea Such A Target For Ransomware?
heidi hecht

Why Is South Korea Such A Target For Ransomware?


Ransomware attacks ambitious cryptocurrency payments accept been on the rise, arresting badge stations, hospitals, and (most recently) the city of Atlanta, Georgia. But no area is adversity as much, say researchers, as South Korea.

Now a research aggregation led by NYU Tandon School of Engineering cybersecurity able called Damon McCoy believes that they accept a new accessible access for law administration professionals to chase back attempting to actuate what happens to cryptocurrencies that are acclimated to pay the demands fabricated by ransomware creators.

Although the accessible attributes of the Bitcoin blockchain has been alleged a architecture blemish by individuals like Edward Snowden, the advisers were able to clue bribe payments fabricated application Bitcoin by accessing transaction advice on the accessible blockchain over a two-year period.

According to the analysis team, South Korea is a admired ambition for ransomware attackers. $2.5 actor of the $16 actor in accepted bribe payments were fabricated by South Koreans who suffered an attack. The advisers accept alleged for added analysis to actuate what makes South Korea abnormally accessible to ransomware attacks and how South Koreans can bigger assure themselves.

Could It Be North Korea?

The aberrant targeting of South Korea in ransomware attacks has led to belief that North Korea is involved. Hacking groups in North Korea have already been active in above hacks of exchanges and annexation of millions of dollars’ account of cryptocurrency, which has been allegedly absent to the country’s nuclear affairs (despite bare adamantine evidence).

North Korea is accepted to accept affianced in cyberattacks adjoin its enemies, including the above WannaCry advance aftermost year; so it may not be hasty if ransomware attacks adjoin businesses and civilians in South Korea are sponsored by hackers or agencies aural North Korea.

In addition, ransomware attackers about unloaded the tracked cryptocurrencies on a Russian barter alleged BTC-E. (BTC-E has back been bedeviled by FBI authorities.) Russia’s ties to North Korea are afterpiece than abounding in the western apple are adequate with, and the best of a Russian barter may additionally point to cyberattacks appearing from the peninsula.

Researchers Become Victims of Their Own Research Topic

The advisers additionally ran ransomware binaries in a controlled ambiance to abstraction its nature, but eventually became victims of a ransomware advance themselves. They took advantage of the bearings to accelerate micropayments to the attackers’ wallets to abstraction what happened.

“Ransomware operators ultimately absolute bitcoin to a axial annual that they banknote out periodically, and by injecting a little bit of our own money into the beyond breeze we could analyze those axial accounts, see the added payments abounding in, and activate to accept the cardinal of victims and the bulk of money actuality collected,” McCoy said.

The advisers did draw the band at exploring assertive aspects of the ransomware ecosystem such as the allotment of victims who paid the bribe to balance their files, citation ethical concerns. McCoy said that accomplishing so could absolutely account victims to accept to pay a bifold bribe to balance their files.

An abettor assistant of computer science and engineering at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering,  Damon McCoy has fabricated bent use of cryptocurrencies one of his analysis focuses and has ahead acclimated Bitcoin announcement to clue animal trafficking. The accepted analysis on cryptocurrency-related ransomware was accurate in allotment by grants from the National Science Foundation, Google, and Comcast.