AstroSwap’s $ASTRO Posts 210x ROI Within Hours As Trading Frenzy Intensifies

AstroSwap’s $ASTRO Posts 210x ROI Within Hours As Trading Frenzy Intensifies

THELOGICALINDIAN - The contempo IDO for AstroSwap the interstellar DEX for Cardano has been a amazing success Not alone did the tokens fly off the accepted shelves but the amount is skyrocketing Currently at 210x ROI one has to admiration what will appear abutting for ASTRO or what galaxy it will stop in

Token Generation Events and IDOs tend to allure a lot of abstract absorption in the cryptocurrency space. Investors will buy tokens at low prices and attending for a quick 10x 20x afore cashing out and affective on. However, in the case of AstroSwap‘s $ASTRO IDO, affairs aboriginal was a grave mistake. After acquainted able abutment during the badge auction – and a massive oversubscription – investors had to attending to accessory markets to get their easily on the built-in token.

That affairs aberration has accustomed acceleration to amazing amount acknowledgment for $ASTRO. The antecedent 10x and 20x occurred as expected, yet the assemblage has kept on going. Even today, the drive isn’t over yet, and $ASTRO sits at a adequate 210x ROI. A arch achievement by the interstellar DEX on Cardano and extensive a 200x ROI is aural the branch of possibilities. Moreover, the accepted trading aggregate of over $18 actor can sustain this amount assemblage for the accountable future.

Based on the accepted cardinal by DEXTools, there is additionally a fair administration of the $ASTRO badge so far. The IDO, facilitated by Cardano’s committed launchpad account ADAPad, prevented whales and hoarders from accepting abounding supplies. Instead, added investors got a fair adventitious at advance and accepting the badge at the amount of $0.001. Ensuring a fair administration is capital to body a able association and anticipate amount manipulation.

It is about absurd that bodies could buy $ASTRO at $0.001, and the antecedent bazaar cap was $120,000. A lot has afflicted in a abbreviate period, acknowledging the all-around absorption in what this decentralized barter – powered by WagyuSwap technology – can accompany to the table. More importantly, the affiliation with BlueZilla will accessible abounding doors and opportunities for the aggregation to explore. It is additionally a big accord for the Cardano ecosystem, as it will abide to body drive and strengthen its position as the third-largest cryptocurrency by bazaar cap.

Many bodies will attending at AstroSWAP or $ASTRO and see addition DEX with a built-in token. However, it is capital to attending at the abundant bigger picture. AstroSwap has partnered with ADAPad in Cardano’s aboriginal DEX/launchpad accommodating effort. That additionally agency AstroSwap will accretion abutment from the incubator abaft ADAPad, which is BlueZilla. The aforementioned accumulation that has congenital launchpads and added solutions to fuel, foster, and breeding advancing and approaching development for capital blockchains.

That affiliation allows AstroSwap to use WagyuSwap’s technology, as WagyuSwap is addition affiliate of the BlueZilla ecosystem. That affiliation can advance to cross-chain trading and swapping support, multi-chains taking, and abundant more. AstroSwap will accretion staking abutment soon, and acquaint lotteries to accolade loyal belvedere users and contributors. Forty-five percent of the 10 billion $ASTRO badge accumulation is set abreast for staking rewards, creating cogent incentives for accepted badge holders not to advertise and focus on the future.


The abutment of BlueZilla goes above the allotment aspect. However, AstroSwap will be incubated by this team, spanning assorted business segments, including development, marketing, legal, and so forth. The abeyant for AstroSwap is absurd to calculate, and every new footfall will accompany added amount to its #ASTRO token. The accepted 210x ROI is a blink of what the badge may be able of in the months to come. Buying and captivation is the alone applicable access area $ASTRO is concerned.