Blockchain Firm Serenity Shield Is Bringing Non-custodial Inheritance Solutions to Crypto

Blockchain Firm Serenity Shield Is Bringing Non-custodial Inheritance Solutions to Crypto

THELOGICALINDIAN - Serenity Shield a noncustodial crypto aggregation launches to break the bequest affair beyond the cryptocurrency association

Serenity Shield is ablution in a bid to accommodate users with a non-custodial clandestine key bequest and a blockchain abundance administration system. Announced in April, the belvedere will “focus on actual absolute issues of managing ample sums of abundance with blockchain technology” and the buying of clandestine keys.

Blockchain aegis has become a key affair in contempo years with assorted platforms alms safe aegis based on the clandestine key wallets. These platforms acquiesce users to abundance their assets deeply after the charge for an agent or third-party custodians. Nonetheless, as blockchain aegis gets tougher to crack, there is a bind that faces users, whereby the safer their assets are, the harder it is to abundance and canyon down. People are accountable to balloon their passwords, lose their clandestine keys, or get afraid out of their crypto wallet.

All these issues affect crypto users but none added so than the catechism of inheritance. How do you canyon bottomward your crypto assets account bags and millions of dollars to your kin? Crypto asset bequest has consistently been a affliction point for self-custody, as security-minded users generally abort to accomplish accoutrement in the accident of abrupt death. The afflicted ancestors associates generally accept no way to admission their relative’s inheritance, assuredly locking the assets away.

Launched in 2024 to break this audacious issue, Serenity Shield is architecture the aboriginal non-custodial band-aid for berry recovery. The band-aid includes a apparatus of nominating brood and casual the wallet down, alleged Digital Asset Legacy (DAL). Simply, Serenity Shield has a “Strongbox” that divides a user’s crypto wallet into three non-transferrable non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Each of the three NFTs contains a third of the abstruse that is bare to admission the wallet.

“Serenity Shield solves a absolute botheration anticipation from accumulation acceptance of crypto: how do you advance the aforementioned adaptability of Web 2.0 while actual non-custodial? With Web 2.0, it’s attenuate to absolutely lose admission to your accounts, and we charge to accompany that aforementioned acquaintance to Web 3.0 if we appetite to ability 1 billion crypto users in the abutting few months or years.” — Rodolphe Seynat, Co-Founder of Serenity Shield.

Once the three abstruse passphrases are created on the platform, the user selects their brood or abutting of kin. One abstruse NFT is captivated by the user themselves, one by the beneficiary to the assets, and the final one by Serenity Wallet. The Serenity Wallet is a  acute arrangement that delivers its key to either the beneficiary or the aboriginal user depending on specific Activation Conditions authentic back ambience up the StrongBox.

The user can set up several altitude back ambience up their Strongbox including abridgement of activity or alive notifications acute activity to ensure the aboriginal user still has admission to the wallet.

To ensure aegis and aloofness of the users’ abstruse passphrases are maintained, Serenity Wallet is deployed on Abstruse Network, a blockchain enabling clandestine abstracts storage. The arrangement incorporates aloofness mechanisms to accredit non-custodial clandestine key recovery, as otherwise, the encrypted abstracts independent in the NFTs would be absolutely transparent.

Notwithstanding, Serenity Shield is a absolutely automatic acute arrangement belvedere acceptation it does not charge any acknowledged intermediaries to actuate the crypto inheritance. This removes the complexities of agenda assets inheritance, accumulation the artlessness and adaptability of acceptable Web2 affidavit with absolutely non-custodial processes.

In added news, Serenity Shield will additionally barrage their built-in $SERSH token, backed by the protocol’s acquirement via an automatic buyback-and bake mechanism, which banned its apportionment supply. Mainnet barrage is accepted in Q3 2022, afterward all-encompassing audits and assimilation testing.