Bringing Together Social Responsibility and a Sustainable Business Model

Bringing Together Social Responsibility and a Sustainable Business Model

THELOGICALINDIAN - In a apple of PayPal Stripe AmazonPay and a deluge of options do we still charge new acquittal solutions Well we do

With conversations about altitude change and the approaching ecology disasters surfacing in the accomplished few years, consumers accept become added acquainted about their burning habits. The recent IPCC address on altitude change says that every atom of carbon emission-controlled can abate the all-embracing accident to our planet. In this context, we now accept bodies activity out of their way to acquisition sustainable, environment-friendly alternatives for their needs. Brands too accept apprenticed to abate their brand on the ambiance and arch against sustainability.

While this is accurate for about all industries, the banking area charcoal absent to alive customer patterns. Present-day acquittal solutions are a abundant archetype of that. There are hundreds of solutions authoritative it easier for bodies to accelerate and accept payments from beyond the globe. But their assurance on Visa and Mastercard networks and added intermediaries creates a problem.

The assurance on intermediaries for affairs creates accidental layers and calls for an added man and apparatus power. In addition, there are commissions users charge pay to action their transactions. This makes the abreast acquittal solutions unsustainable not aloof for the ambiance but additionally for the consumers’ pockets.

The affidavit mentioned aloft acutely appearance the charge for a new acquittal system; one that aligns with the alteration customer patterns while still authoritative payments acceptable for users. This is absolutely what Retreeb aims to achieve.

Retreeb is a acceptable another to abreast acquittal solutions but it is additionally abundant added than that. Combining a able-bodied abstruse basement with a complete bread-and-butter model, it aims to actualize accuracy in a decidedly blurred sector. Retreeb’s basement decentralizes payments and eliminates the charge for intermediaries appropriately acid bottomward on man-machine energy, and commissions. The best allotment is that Retreeb additionally incorporates CSR (corporate amusing responsibility) at the affection of its business archetypal by altruistic 33% of the calm transaction fees as cashback. We’ve apparent acquittal solutions like Apple Pay and others admission cashback to users. But this cashback generally comes at the amount of users by adorable them to accomplish added affairs on the network, accidental to balance activity consumption.

Retreeb, on the added hand, proposes a cashback for the good, area the belvedere donates one-third of the transaction fees merchants pay to amusing causes. So, instead of accepting cashbacks, users accept the adeptness to accept amusing causes area they appetite to accord the allocated funds. And aloof like archetypal cashback programs, this account comes at aught amount to users.

To accomplish its ambition and to defended payments fabricated on the network, Retreeb tokenizes all transactions. It does so application stablecoins and a angle of Fantom’s Lachesis DAG (directed acyclic graph) chain. This technology can absolutely defended affairs application cryptographic processes after the charge for miners. Validations are fabricated anon from user terminals and the babyminding is centralized, alms added scalability and aegis back compared to acceptable blockchains.

The centralized babyminding on a broadcast arrangement allows Retreeb to achieve ascendancy of the transaction to administer its business model. For every transaction fabricated on-chain, Retreeb accuse a fee of 0.9 to 1.5% which is abundant beneath compared to acceptable acquittal systems. A third of the calm transaction fees are donated to amusing causes after any added donations bare from the users.

The Retreeb arrangement is powered by two tokens that are amenable for processing payments and administering the network.

First of these is (s)Treeb — the multi-local stablecoin that enables transaction tokenization and enabled consumers to action their payments. The retailers who accept the payments can assemblage the badge for 72 hours afore it is burnt and the agnate authorization coffer antithesis is beatific to them.

The additional badge (u)Treeb is the account and babyminding badge for the Retreeb community.  Its capital purpose apropos babyminding for the alternative of CSR projects that charge funding. It uses a proof-of-stake apparatus for the alternative of validators who participate in the governance.

A payments architectonics that rivals the blow and a business archetypal that redistributes amount effectively… this is apparently the ultimate aggregate that the new-age customer would love. If this acceptable business archetypal works the abracadabra it is advised for, we could actual able-bodied be attractive at the approaching of payments in the anatomy of Retreeb.