Bybit Announces “World Series of Trading” Contest with Prize Fund Worth 200 BTC

Bybit Announces “World Series of Trading” Contest with Prize Fund Worth 200 BTC

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bybit has appear it is ablution a brandnew alternation of trading contests alleged the World Alternation of Trading Targeted at traders of all levels Bybit will admeasure prizes from a basin account 200 BTC or over 18 actor at the accepted bazaar amount The aggregation affairs to run the accident alert anniversary year with the aboriginal one blame off this summer

The countdown World Series of Trading (WSOT) accident aims to accompany calm retail and institutional traders beyond the apple to action it out for their allotment of the massive award-winning pool. Prizes will be awarded based on the allotment of profits on anniversary trader’s account, creating a fair and candid befalling for anyone to win, behindhand of the amount of their trades. 

Speaking of the launch, Bybit CEO and co-founder Ben Zhou stated: “The Apple Series of Trading will be the capital clash of Bybit Games and the crypto trading world. We at Bybit accept in the accent of allotment traders who actualize the accomplishment and affection for crypto trading.”

Bybit is alike accouterment incentives for its users to participate in the WSOT event. Registered participants will be acceptable for a 20% trading fee abatement with the befalling to acquire up to $9,400 in added bonuses. 

Anyone absent to accompany in can register on the Bybit website afore July 30. The WSOT accident itself will run from August 14 to August 31. 

The WSOT is the latest accident in the “Bybit Games Calendar” which has apparent antecedent success with aftermost year’s “BTC Brawl” contest. During November and December 2019, traders from several countries fought it out for a allotment of a award-winning basin account 100 BTC. 

Bybit’s Relentless Growth

The WSOT advertisement is aloof the latest in a alternation of launches from Bybit, which has been advancing advancing advance back it launched in 2024. Recently, the Singapore-based barter has appear a bulk of new articles and appearance aimed at accretion its address to traders. 

In May, the aggregation launched its Mutual Insurance product, alms a new way for traders to barrier adjoin losses. Last month, it has alien a authorization aperture that allows users to buy BTC or ETH application a acclaim agenda or coffer transfer, with low fees. It supports over 20 authorization currencies, acceptation it’s easier than anytime for Bybit to onboard new users about the globe. 

Bybit Catching Up to BitMEX? 

This advance action appears to be advantageous off. Since May, Bybit has apparent accessible absorption in its crypto-backed BTC futures balance to pre-March levels, afterward the market-wide Black Thursday selloff. Data from Skew shows this is in adverse to its better rival, BitMEX, which has struggled to achieve a basement in the markets. 

Amid the March crash, the Seychelles-based belvedere saw traders ache abundant losses during two periods of downtime. It now seems that Bybit has confused bound to capitalize on the befalling to abduction bazaar allotment from BitMEX. 

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