Cadalabs Project announce CALA Token Pre-Sale After Raising 1 Million Dollars From Its Private Token Sale

Cadalabs Project announce CALA Token Pre-Sale After Raising 1 Million Dollars From Its Private Token Sale

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cadalabs is a almost new activity congenital on Cardano Ecosystem with a focus on Exchange and Transfer of NFTs Cryptocollectibles and added agenda capacity Cadalabs assured its clandestine badge auction to wellknown crypto Investors and institutions including DuckDao MoonWhale and top adventure capitalists

CADALABS Protocol aloft a absolute of 1 actor dollars from the clandestine badge auction in beneath than 1 hour. Proceeds from the clandestine auction will be acclimated to abutment Cadalabs Ecosystem and bare funds will be bound in a algid accumulator on cardano network.


CADALABS Protocol is the aboriginal community-driven NFT belvedere architecture a NFT Minting Dapp on the Cardano Network to accredit agenda artwork collectors excellent their works as NFTs and affix them to sellers to barter seamlessly in the future.

CADALABS aggregation developed its account badge dubbed $CALA Token, which enables the association to booty allotment in babyminding issues. Besides, by captivation the CALA token, users can abstinent creators, vote on proposals, pale their tokens to acquire and abbey featured artwork.

Purpose of the $CALA token

$CALA badge will be acclimated for the following:

*Transact on Our NFT Platform.
*Maintaining Governance: decisions to accommodate new protocols, adapt basin parameters, adapt accident parameters, etc
*Yield Farming through our Staking Platform.
*Payment For Profile Verification: Since Our Platform is decentralized, How do we abate that? we added a chiral analysis in which we do our due activity on the User afore applying the dejected tick.
*Stake CALA badge to rank college on our Smart, AI Sorting Engine
*Buy Advertisement Slots On Our NFT Platform

CALA Token Distribution

CALA badge is already minted on the cardano and has a absolute badge accumulation of 100 Million CALA badge which will be broadcast below:

PRIVATE SALE: 10 Million CALA Tokens will be awash to Venture Capitalists and Long Term Investors.

PRE SALE: 25 Million CALA Tokens will be awash at 0.05 ADA per CALA Token to Early Investors.

PUBLIC SALE: 50 Million CALA Tokens will be awash at 0.5 ADA per CALA Token on Major Exchanges.

YIELD FARMING & ECOSYSTEM FUNDS: 15 Million CALA Tokens will be aloof for Staking, Yield Farming and Ecosystem Development.

The $CALA Token metrics are structured to abduction arrangement participants who allotment our eyes for the abiding success of the project.

Deflationary Burn Function

CADALAB will bake 50% of the Ecosystem Tokens and Mining Rewards over the abutting 2 years.

In adjustment to participate in the Cadalabs Token’s Pre-sale, chase the link:

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Media Contact:

Company: Cadalabs Protocol
Contact Name: Cadalabs
Location: UK, Manchester city, London
E-mail: [email protected]