DAI Comes to the Bitcoin Defi Ecosystem via RSK Integration

DAI Comes to the Bitcoin Defi Ecosystem via RSK Integration

THELOGICALINDIAN - In a above advance for the decentralized accounts DeFi amplitude one of the best accepted abiding bill DAI has been fabricated accessible for use on the applications in the RSK ecosystem Bitcoins acute affairs belvedere RSK and the RSK Infrastructure Framework RIF development aggregation accept accomplished this by application the RSKEthereum crosschain arch Trading pairs for DAI accept been enabled on RSKSwap a Uniswapstyle DEX for the RSK network

Bridging Maker and RSK

The affiliation of DAI into the Bitcoin DeFi ecosystem will acquiesce users of RSK dApps to accelerate DAI microtransactions and drop the abiding bread into staking and lending acute contracts. As Diego Gutierrez Zaldivar, CEO and co-founder of IOVlabs, the aggregation powering RSK and RIF, said, “the DAI affiliation is addition key footfall appear Bitcoin DeFi’s adoption. We are assured the advance of the Bitcoin ecosystem and its DeFi opportunities has alone aloof begun, with abundant added to come.”

The RSK ecosystem is a arrangement of decentralized applications (dApps) active on top of the RSK blockchain. This belvedere is anchored to the Bitcoin blockchain via a absorb mining mechanism, which extends Bitcoin’s aegis guarantees to it after the charge for it to accept a abstracted accord procedure. Smart affairs on RSK are accounting in Solidity, the aforementioned accent that Ethereum relies on, which makes RSK dApps calmly interoperable with their Ethereum counterparts. RIF is a set of developing accoutrement for RSK, which helps it body decentralized Internet appearance on Bitcoin such as identity, payments, and storage.  

Maker’s Ethereum-powered smart-contract agreement allows the arising of the algebraic DAI abiding coin. Users adulatory to excellent new DAI charge lock a beyond amount in one of the accustomed accessory assets. DAI has now been brought over to RSK by agency of the RSK-Ethereum badge bridge. Users adulatory to use DAI on RSK will charge to lock it on Ethereum, aloft which the agnate ERC777 “side tokens” will be issued on the RSK platform. 

Bitcoin Community’s Embrace of Defi

DAI’s barrage on RSK follows a cord of important developments in the Bitcoin DeFi space. Over a abbreviate aeon of time, BTC holders accept tokenized about $1 billion of BTC application the captivated BTC mechanism developed by Bitgo. The ERC20 standard-compliant WBTC tokens appropriately created can be acclimated in any DeFi agreement on Ethereum to accomplish assets for BTC holders.

Earlier this year, RSK- and RIF-focused aggregation Money on Chain appear the development of a DeFi belvedere alleged RIF on Chain (ROC). This belvedere will acquiesce users to excellent three acquired tokens backed by RIF tokens. One of them is RSK’s DAI analog RDOC. Initially, it’s a single-collateral badge backed alone by RIF. The added two constructed assets are RIFP and RIFX. RIFP is the badge whose staking on ROC will activate the arising of RDOC, and RIFX is advised to handle the RIF amount volatility.  

The Bitcoin amplitude has additionally apparent the actualization of its own versions of DeFi accoutrement affected by Ethereum developers. Last month, the RSK association revealed the conception of the Uniswap DEX RSK accompanying RSKSwap. This DEX will accredit users to barter any ERC20 badge for addition including tokenized BTC on RSK (RBTC). The afresh launched Sovryn activity is appetite to actualize an RSK adversary to decentralized lending and allowance trading protocols like Aave and dy/dx.   

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