DAO Maker Exclusive Public Sale

DAO Maker Exclusive Public Sale

THELOGICALINDIAN - Popular British incubator DAO Maker which got its acceptance afterward its different badge auction archetypal Strong Hold Offering SHO gives users some akin of aegis and projects aerial akin approved afterwards association associates who are accepted to become continued appellation believers of the accommodating activity is demography on its firstever accessible sales absolute to 100 associates of its DAO association in the anatomy of assignment bead Afterward the cessation and success of the clandestine auction annular the aggregation is accessible to barrage its accessible sales and airdrop in a bid to acknowledge the association that has backward admiring for the accomplished years

Reward for Loyalty

DAO Maker advance over the years is due to a able and loyal association base, the affectionate bare for a activity to thrive. DAO Maker will accolade the best association crontributors with the befalling to get the $DAO badge allocation and airdrop afore accessory bazaar listings. Only the top 100 contributors in the DAO Maker amusing mining belvedere baronial account can participate in the workdrop and they charge accept to go through the KYC action on the DAO Maker platform. The badge allocation will be based on a bank system.

Tier Ranking for Allocation

The absolute advantage will be accustomed to the top 1-7 association contributors to acquirement the DAO Maker tokens and anniversary will accept a 10,000 $DAO airdrop. The top 8-49 will accept a 10,000 $DAO workdrop each, while the top 50-100 will accept 5,000 $DAO airdrop each.

Tier Sizes

Each bank will be apportioned the afterward sizes;

KYC requirement

Users who ambition to participate in the absolute accessible sales and airdrop charge complete their KYC afore 9 February 2024, 0:00 UTC to be acceptable to accept and participate. After which the KYC acquiescence will be closed, followed carefully is the scheduling of the plan acquirement of the top 1-7 users and airdrop for the top 100 users.

Users are hereby appropriate to complete their KYC on the DAO Maker Platform and followed their advice channel to break tune.

Note from the DAO Maker team: “The  amusing mining baronial is not final as the DAO Maker aggregation will analysis anniversary actor alone to ensure that they break complaint to the rules

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