Digital Identity of the Future

Digital Identity of the Future

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Cirus Identification Framework is advised to abode the abounding flaws of accepted approaches to online identification abstracts administration abstracts administration ad targeting and abstracts monetization Here we altercate these flaws and how the Cirus Identification Network overcomes them

The announcement industry has continued approved to actualize a simple, effective, and seamless user targeting arrangement to bigger serve targeted ads while ambidextrous with issues such as basal aloofness apropos that appear back corporations gather, buy, and advertise clandestine user data.

For example, third-party accolade accept been acclimated for years to clue the agenda aisle and online action of users, but they accept a bound lifespan and absorb a complex, post-collection cookie-syncing action to finer analyze audiences.

To affected this issue, third-party solutions such as TradeDesk’s Unified ID 1.0 were developed. Unified ID 1.0 bigger on the cookie-based access by creating different but centralized identifiers for users on the web. This gave way to Unified 2.0 which works absolute of cookies, improves customer privacy, is accessible source, and supports single-click login to websites.

Even Unified ID 2.0, however, has issues, because it uses user email addresses for identification and affidavit and accordingly does not assignment for users who do not accept or do not ambition to allotment their email abode with the platform. Unified ID 2.0 additionally does not assignment able-bodied for small, medium, or startup publishers back it is advised for ample enterprises.

This is the ambience in which the Cirus Identification Framework was developed.

The Cirus Identification Framework uses different agenda identifiers – powered by blockchain and anchored by cryptography – to admeasurement the agenda attendance and online aisle and action of users. The framework generates different user clandestine keys that ascendancy the abstracts that is aggregate and monetized while accessible keys for anniversary user can be aggregate with agreeable providers and publishers for confined targeted ads.

There are abounding advantages to this approach, and not aloof for users themselves. Users can, for the aboriginal time, absorb ascendancy of how their abstracts is aggregate and how it is monetized, but there are additionally abounding allowances for appeal and supply-side players.

First of all, users no best charge to absolutely articulation their agenda and real-world identities (for example, by application a absolute email address, as is bare to use Unified ID 1.0) but they will still adore the allowances of buying and monetization of their data. Thanks to unique, cryptographically-secured clandestine keys, users additionally absorb complete ascendancy over their agenda identities and accept the appropriate and ability to annul their contour and/or any abstracts associated with it. Finally, users charge not allotment claimed capacity with a centralized article such as TradeDesk.

As for demand-side players, they account by accepting admission to better, added accordant user data, not to acknowledgment the adeptness to accurately ambition users after aggression the bound of user aloofness or actuality advancing to the user in any way acknowledgment to abundance capping.

Finally, supply-side players account acknowledgment to bigger ad relevance, bigger aloofness compliance, and bigger appliance of ad inventory.

When combined, these allowances advance to bigger CPM rates, which admeasurement the amount per 1,000 ad impressions. In added words, the Cirus Identification Framework leads to a college value. This is a analytical differentiator for the framework and is alone accessible because it adds amount on top of the four vectors – frequently referred to as the 4 Vs of Big Abstracts – that are analytical to the account of any data-based initiative. These vectors are the use of a advanced ambit of authentic abstracts (data array and veracity), the use of ample abstracts sets (high volume), and the use of accordant abstracts (real-time or abreast real-time abstracts streams, i.e. fast, high-velocity data). All four-vectors add up to decidedly access value, giving the Cirus Identification Framework the abeyant to adapt the abstracts amplitude as we apperceive it.

With the Cirus Identification Framework, users advance ascendancy of their abstracts and are compensated anon for administration it, and the ad-tech apple can use it to accomplish added calmly and with college amount throughout. This will actualize a archetype about-face – after alike alteration any absolute infrastructure. The Cirus Identification Framework leverages the ability of blockchain and user-controlled IDs and combines them with an accessible and defended bazaar for abstracts to reimagine and redesign what is accessible in the online user identification space. It delivers a new, refined, innovative, cost-effective, private, secure, and performant band-aid to online abstracts management, sharing, monetization, and ad targeting. It additionally has the abeyant to accomplish ad-tech added able while accouterment users with assets from their abstracts and ensuring user aloofness and ascendancy throughout the process.

The mission of the Cirus Foundation is to advance the buying abridgement by architecture the on-ramp for individuals to own, manage, and monetize their better agenda article – data. You can watch our introductory video to acquisition out added or read our activity overview.