Explore Phemex Universe and Win NFTs! Navigate the Future of Blockchain With Singapore’s Top Cryptocurrency Exchange

Explore Phemex Universe and Win NFTs! Navigate the Future of Blockchain With Singapore’s Top Cryptocurrency Exchange

THELOGICALINDIAN - When asked about what the approaching looks like abounding bodies may acknowledgment scifi dystopian movies such as The Matrix or Ready Player One

As NFTs and the metaverse in the crypto amplitude accomplish these possible, Phemex is accessible to go all-in into a affected eyes that blurs the acumen amid absoluteness and basic worlds.

Phemex continues to be appreciative of its accomplishments appropriately far, authoritative it its cold to abutment anybody in exploring new possibilities in the banking and blockchain space.

Traditional banking account systems are broadly accustomed to be abortive and unequal. A new era of banking ability is aperture up as a aftereffect of the decentralization and digitization enabled by blockchain technology.

In ablaze of its arresting background, Phemex now casts a alert and optimistic appearance on the platform’s future.

Phemex is bringing anybody the Phemex Universe attack this time, and it is now accepting crypto aficionados who appetite to become Citizen X.

With their recently-launched attack called Phemex Universe, users will be able to acquire their own NFTs and while acceptable a allotment of the community. Enjoy the befalling of acceptable up to a $15 trading bonus!

Ten advantageous winners will be called at accidental and be awarded their Citizen X cards as NFTs.

The attack aeon will alpha 6:00 UTC on April 8 to 6:00 UTC on May 7, 2022, while the winners will be appear on May 30.

Expanding horizons

The blockchain arrangement is bulging amaranthine advance in the advancing years. And as the industry expands its ventures, Phemex is gearing up to advance the way.

Based in Singapore, Phemex has accustomed its name as one of the best arresting cryptocurrency trading platforms in the world.

Phemex has able a ample user abject over the accomplished two years as a aftereffect of its aberrant appearance and NFT and Metaverse commands.

“The Metaverse symbolizes a new adjustment of agreeable with the agenda world, one that is alike added confusing than the Internet, and one that is developed by anniversary participant, rather than by a axial authority,” Jack Tao, CEO of Phemex, said.

“An adumbration that NFTs are actuality to break is not that some accept been awash for millions, but that bags of NFTs accept been awash for lower sums, proving that agenda collectibles are not alone for whales and are accretion in the administration of accessible use,” he added.

Another eyes of Phemex is to accomplish cryptocurrency and blockchain systems added attainable to the public.

In band with this, the aggregation launched the Phemex Universe campaign, which is advised to brainwash users about crypto while additionally giving them the adventitious to win assorted rewards and prizes.

Here’s how to join: