Fellowship, Advanced or Legendary: Which Potion NFT are you going to bid for?

Fellowship, Advanced or Legendary: Which Potion NFT are you going to bid for?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Unless youve been ambuscade beneath a DeFi bedrock affairs are youve already heard of Potion Labs and their accessible NFT bold Potion Unlock The absorption in the activity has been absorbing the clandestine auction of NFTs captivated in January 2022 aloft 12m and a contempo airdrop of NFTs ran out in a amount of minutes

Assuming you’re abreast and accessible to play, this commodity provides a adviser to which NFT you should buy and when.

There are six types of Potion NFTs or “rarities”: the more decryption ability they accept and the beneath redundancy the better.


As you can see from the table, holders of Kelly Knight and Wise Wizard NFTs authority the best decryption adequacy and accordingly crop cogent power.

If you appetite to get the abutting best thing, again you’ll appetite to authority out for Legendary NFTs. However, the accessible bargain of Potion NFTs will booty abode in succession, with alone one aberration blazon auctioned at a time. Fellowship goes first, and back these run out, the bargain will move on to Advanced and Legendary.

A dutch-style bargain appointed for the 14th March will be acclimated to advertise the NFTs – watch this video for an overview of the NFT Unlock  and this video to accept the abounding accord process.

Remember, your abstruse is the advantage in the game. So anticipate anxiously about which NFT you appetite to buy, and be cardinal with back you buy it. Good luck!


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