Galeon Leverages Blockchain to Disrupt the Field of Medical Data Management

Galeon Leverages Blockchain to Disrupt the Field of Medical Data Management

THELOGICALINDIAN - At present there is around no industry area blockchain hasnt begin arresting applications in a alluring way and the healthcare industry stands alpine in this attention Ranging from abstracts accumulator filing tracking and able administration systems blockchain has begin accretion usecases in the bloom area and is a key band-aid to a continued account of challenges that accept bedeviled abstracts administration in the healthcare industry

The healthcare industry handles a amazing bulk of abstracts yearly, early projections announce that there could be as abundant as 2,314 exabytes (about 2.5 abundance gigabytes)  of new abstracts generated in 2020.

According to a study conducted by IBM, the boilerplate amount of a healthcare abstracts aperture in the USA is $15 million, costing a whopping $429 per Record (average aperture admeasurement is 25,575 records). Implementing blockchain technology can advice abode several of the industry’s burning concerns, including abstracts security, privacy, and administration, as able-bodied as enabling new patient-centric business models.

Amidst these brewing challenges, Galeon, a French aggregation that specialized in medical abstracts alignment is ascent to the break to put to an end abounding of the challenges that accept rocked the healthcare industry.

Galeon is a healthcare-based belvedere created by caregivers to enhance healthcare annal and accomplish the abstracts administration action seamless. The French startup is utilizing blockchain to affix all healthcare stakeholders, including patients, physicians, hospitals, and researchers, in a seamless manner. Ultimately, Patients will be able to access buying of their abstracts and adjudge how it’s been acclimated acknowledgment to blockchain technology.

As a result, Galeon connects hospitals through a aggregate accommodating almanac amid institutions. In a broader term, Galeon assists caregivers in their accustomed convenance by facilitating, organizing, and streamlining medical abstracts for accessible management. Commenting on the acceptation of Galeon, the CEO, and co-founder, Dr. Loïc Brotons acclaimed that:

“All hospitals alive with the Galeon Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) are accidental to architecture the better structured medical abstracts network. All stakeholders (patients and hospitals) are adored for their contribution. Patients and GALEON badge holders will adjudge what approaching analysis will be adjourned by Galeon DAO.”

As the charge for high-quality healthcare grows, the crisis of abstracts breaches becomes added serious. What healthcare requires appropriate now is a advance for added addition and efficiency, and Galeon is proving to be the acknowledgment by deeply facilitating abstracts administration in the burst healthcare industry.

Blockchain is boring but steadily accepting absorption in the healthcare industry. It may be anticipation of as a technology that is altering the accomplished healthcare bureaucracy by giving patients ascendancy and accurate deliverables. While the apple has alone aching the apparent of Blockchain, its capabilities are yet to be absolutely activated and Galeon is on clue in arch this wide-scale adoption.

Galeon aboriginal debuted in 2016, back again its advance anticipation has maintained an advancement trajectory. To date, the belvedere has over 85,000 patients enrolled on its website and is gradually accretion to added French institutions.

Galeon aims to actualize a Healthcare Blockchain ecosystem by abutting real-world use cases to Blockchain technology: Decentralized Autonomous Organization, Launchpad as a aperture for projects, administration amount from Healthcare Data.

The close affairs to barrage an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) at the end of the year, with a Seed Sale now underway, in adjustment to apprehend its ambition on a added scale. This will acquiesce the accepted accessible to buy into their eyes of revamping healthcare abstracts management.