Mecha Morphing Announces its Upcoming IDO Launch With Polkastarter

Mecha Morphing Announces its Upcoming IDO Launch With Polkastarter

THELOGICALINDIAN - MechaMorphing a nextgeneration action action bold is captivated to advertise its IDO barrage with Polkastarter on March 29th The accessible accession will be for 400000 with a claimed allocation of 250 max per person

Recently, the aggregation auspiciously bankrupt $3.5M in a cardinal clandestine allotment annular led by YGG SEA and IVC. More than 20 institutions including SHIMA Capital, Sfermion, Good Game Guild, Innovion, and AC Capital, alternate in the berry allotment round.

Mecha Morphing is a Play to Earn, high-quality ARPG bold that utilizes blockchain technology in the anatomy of agenda bill and NFTs. Mecha Morphing not alone offers amateur with alarming cartoon but additionally enhances the options for playability.

The all-around gaming bazaar is accepted to ability an appraisal of $268 billion by 2025, up from $178 billion in 2021. It’s no best account that blockchain’s appliance in gaming is about-face the gaming apple and authoritative amateur added immersive than ever.

The development of blockchain technology has apart assorted opportunities for gamers and crypto enthusiasts about the apple to acquire and administer their assets. In fact, the gaming industry has become an absolute bazaar with absolute barter relations. However, abounding blockchain amateur in operation today aren’t customized for aerial acceptance games, appropriately clashing for accouterment aerial playability and a different bread-and-butter model.

Mecha Morphing proposes a new decentralized gaming basement that’s affable for every user segment. Mecha Morphing intends to accommodated the more high-quality requirements of players for blockchain amateur and to break the issues begin in abounding blockchain amateur today.

Redefining Play-to-Earn

At its core, Mecha Morphing is a absolutely decentralized ARPG bold that is powered by the players in its metaverse. Mecha Morphing is a affected evolving metaverse area players appoint in blockchain and NFT based amateur and acquire rewards while accepting fun. The metaverse has 5 different appearance classes including Melee, Range Attack, Tank, Assistance, and Superhero.

The Mecha Morphing aggregation is a accumulation of awful accomplished creators who are agog about the approaching of Play-to-Earn and blockchain. In the Mecha Morphing metaverse, players acquire assets by agreeable and accidental to the ecosystem. They can acquire tokens by agreeable in battles, accomplishment weapons and armor, annexation land, mining resources, trading items on the in-game marketplace, and commutual tasks. Plus, the added a amateur participates and engages in the game, the added they can earn. Notably, after weapon NFTs, players cannot accompany the battles and drops are anon affiliated to their achievement in battles. Players can access these weapons by purchasing abstruseness boxes or drops from battles and tournaments.

Currently, the gaming activity has bristles bold modes for players to acquire such as PVE, PVP Loot Mode, PVP Arena, Forging, and Bounty; added apple and mini-games will be added as the metaverse evolves.

In the Player against Environment (PVE) system, players will be allocated 100 backbone credibility anniversary day. For anniversary appearance that’s brought into battle, ten backbone is deducted. Players are accustomed to use these backbone credibility any way they ambition to participate in battles.

For anniversary level, the character, weapon, and mecha will be bound and clumsy to go to the NFT exchange afore departure the level. More so, in PVE, a acknowledged AI-generated action enables gamers to acquire drops based on their performance.

In the PVP Boodle Mode, players who own LAND NFT will be able to adore assets that the acreage produces over time. These assets can be activated to coin or advertise on the exchange to acquire quickly. However, owning acreage comes with its own risks.  Other players can accompany armament to boodle the acreage in a cardinal battle. If they succeed, they allotment the assets produced on that artifice for a assertive bulk of time. If they fail, the attackers charge pay an aggravation fee to the landowner.

The PVP Arena is area skill-based battles booty abode for tournaments or duels. Here, players can claiming anniversary added in action and appearance off their skills. Aside from the warriors that partake in the battles, added players in the metaverse can spectate, as able-bodied as abutment their favourite warrior by agreement bets on the action aural the Arena. A allotment of the absolute bet will be acclimated as the award-winning for acceptable warriors.

The compensation arrangement is the acute arrangement amid players. This enables players to address out specific tasks they appetite to be done for a assertive prize. Any amateur accommodating to booty up these tasks charge complete them afore accepting the award-winning in the acute contract.

In the accomplishment system, players advance the branch to coin and advancement their mecha and weapons. The added a player’s accomplishment skills, the added affairs for bigger stats.


Mecha Morphing adopts a bifold badge arrangement that includes $MMC and $MAPE.

$MMC((ERC-20) is the in-game account badge of the Mecha Morphing ecosystem. With the account token, players can backpack out abundant tasks during gameplay such as acclimation armor, refilling their health, affairs NFTs in the exchange and more.

$MMC badge can be acquired through acknowledged PVE and PVP combat, acreage assembly and trading of NFTs on the marketplace.

On the added hand, $MAPE(ERC-20) is the babyminding token. Badge holders will accept voting rights on proposals and allotment bold acquirement in the game. The added $MAPE users hold, the added ability they apply in the metaverse. To acquire a $MAPE token, users can accompany the platform’s create-to-earn action or pale a cogent bulk or pale a reasonable bulk of $MMC to acquire $MAPE.

Mecha Morphing will be reopening its whitelist to accord association associates a adventitious to partake in the activity with the adapted information. New whitelisters will accompany the basin of antecedent whitelisted associates and the aggregation will baddest an added 300 associates for KYC afore the IDO date.

About Polkastarter

Polkastarter is a belvedere that connects adolescent projects with aboriginal association associates through antecedent decentralized offerings.

About Mecha Morphing

Mecha-Morphing is a next-generation abandon artful action action bold that utilizes blockchain technology to bear a fun, atypical band-aid for gamers, developers, and anybody in the metaverse.