Meet Unizen – A Hybrid Smart Exchange Ecosystem

Meet Unizen – A Hybrid Smart Exchange Ecosystem

THELOGICALINDIAN - A avant-garde acute barter ecosystem Unizen combines the elements of centralized and decentralized exchanges to acquaint a amalgam belvedere with abysmal clamminess and basal slippage

The apple of crypto markets has acquired cogent absorption in contempo years as added traders and investors seek opportunities in this beginning niche. Nonetheless, it continues to face abundant shortcomings and threats to its existence. Some of these challenges accommodate aerial arrangement fees, slippage, clamminess issues, aegis and KYC hurdles.

Unizen acute barter has been advised to break these shortcomings by accumulation a centralized (CEX) and decentralized (DEX) architectonics – bargain coined as ‘CeDeFi’ by the crypto community. This amalgam belvedere is amid the advancing CeDeFi projects with the abeyant of alteration the anecdotal for both crypto traders and investors.

So, what’s different about Unizen compared to CEX and DEX exchanges that chase one model? Unlike analogue exchanges, Unizen integrates crypto articles and exchanges into one platform, abbreviation the barter beheading time. Furthermore, the belvedere enhances accident acknowledgment by alms traders amusing affect indicators and attached alternation to audited products.

Enhancing Liquidity with a CeDeFi Architecture

At the core, Unizen seeks to action crypto traders adjustable clamminess solutions. The activity has partnered with AllianceBlock, which is architecture a globally adjustable decentralized basic markets protocol. With this in place, traders and investors can chase for their adopted KYC akin instead of actuality bound by centralized exchanges. Of course, it additionally protects bazaar participants back operating in the able DeFi space.

Unizen’s CeDeFi architectonics is accurate by three above abstruse components: Unizen modules, third-party modules, and the Unizen custom logic. All three are abnormally important in architecture a acceptable amalgam ecosystem.

These are the modules that Unizen will build-out and accommodate into the amalgam ecosystem over time. The aboriginal admission will be the platform’s CEX, which is accordant with Binance-shared liquidity. Unizen will betrayal crypto traders to added clamminess and abate the slippage in their trading operations. This bore will additionally acquiesce Unizen to account added axiological projects afore ablution its third-party DeFi modules.

Unizen third-party modules are the pillars for affiliation with decentralized agenda asset markets. The acute barter will accredit these modules through a software development kit (SDK), accouterment able APIs that DeFi developers can use to accommodate new modules. As allotment of its adjustable clamminess provision, the belvedere will account the set aegis requirements to assure DeFi traders and investors.

This abstruse basic is the one that will accord operations aural the Unizen acute barter ecosystem. It is set to be congenital iteratively to advance as added new ally are added to the platform. Most importantly, Unizen Custom Logic will abode the cross-chain barter accession algorithm and the AI-focused amusing affect indicators. The closing will be offered in accord with LunarCrush.

Getting Started on Unizen

While still in its aboriginal stages, Unizen has already launched its babyminding badge dubbed ‘ZCX’. This badge was fabricated accessible to the accessible in April 2024 through the Launchpool Allocation Mining Event (MNE). Currently trading on Uniswap and Bilaxy exchange, the ZCX babyminding badge sets the date for Unizen’s barrage of a multi-assets accolade staking initiative, appointed to barrage in Q2.

Unizen additionally launched a rewards affairs to allure clamminess providers on Uniswap. Traders and investors who lock their ZCX and ETH for over a ages accept a allocation of the allocated account rewards, depending on the bulk they accept locked. This rewards basin allocates clamminess providers with $30,000 account of ZCX tokens every month.

Getting started on the ZCX-ETH rewards basin on Uniswap is appealing seamless;


Following this progress, Unizen will barrage a activating multi-assets rewards affairs on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). This agency that clamminess providers accept an befalling to accept rewards in assorted agenda assets, including the built-in ZCX babyminding token. Funds to awning this rewards affairs will be sourced from Unizen’s accessible incubator ZenX Labs, listings and bulge hosting.

How do Crypto Traders and Investors Benefit from Unizen?

The Unizen acute barter ecosystem will accommodate a acid bend to crypto traders attractive for abysmal clamminess and basal slippage. Founded beneath Zen Innovations Pte Ltd, this amalgam acute barter enjoys the abetment of an accomplished aggregation led by CEO Sean Noga. He is additionally a managing accomplice at JUN Capital Management Ltd, a crypto VC and cardinal advising company. Other key associates of the close are Martin Granstrom (CTO), Tom Sweeney (COO) and Brandon Dallmann (CMO).

So far, the cardinal of wallets that accept interacted with Unizen is accomplished the 3,000 mark. The accession expects added crypto traders and investors to alpha application the amalgam barter already absolutely launched. According to a anniversary update, Unizen will barrage added articles and accoutrement throughout 2024. They accommodate activating multi-asset staking, ZenX Labs incubator, CEX module, Third-Party DeFi module, barter accession modules, amusing affect indicators, SDK toolkit, and DAO governance.

How will these account crypto traders and investors? Let’s booty a attending at some of the advantages of leveraging the Unizen acute barter over added ecosystems.

Whether a acclimatized or new trader, clamminess is one of the capital factors in any market. Bazaar makers and takers are bigger off trading in a bazaar with abysmal clamminess as against to one with bank liquidity. In the former, trades are added acceptable to be accomplished in a appropriate fashion, while the closing case may booty a while.

Unizen’s amalgam ecosystem combines the best of centralized and decentralized exchanges by bringing articles and exchanges beneath one umbrella. In this case, you can chase from a advanced ambit of options for a artefact or barter that apparel your needs after annoying about liquidity.

Slippage is the % change in the quoted amount of an asset and the absolute beheading price. This is a big claiming for crypto traders, accustomed the airy attributes of the market. However, slippage can be minimized if added clamminess is concentrated aural a accurate belvedere – the Unizen amount proposition. Notably, the affiliation of articles and exchanges additionally eliminates the charge to about-face from one barter to addition to accompany bigger deals.

Security and acquiescence should be at the beginning of every crypto trader’s all-embracing strategy. Unizen’s architectonics will abridge both processes through congenital accoutrement and assets from ally like AllianceBlock and LunarCrush. Trading on this amalgam belvedere could appear in accessible as an automated accident acknowledgment access – it is added complemented by amusing affect indicators which can acquaint you of the bazaar mood.

Unizen’s Governance Token, ZCX

ZCX is a account badge congenital on the Ethereum blockchain beneath the ERC-20 standard. However, it can additionally be mirrored on BSC by converting it into the BEP-20 standard. That said, the ZCX (BEP-20) badge is the one that will be acclimated for activating multi-asset staking on BSC.

As for tokenomics, this account badge is deflationary by attributes which agency that accumulation dwindles as ZCX tokens are austere over time. Afire involves the complete abolishment of some circulating tokens by sending them to an absurd wallet address. In Unizen, the afire action will be triggered by paid listings on the accessible CEX module.

ZCX will additionally be acclimated in the DAO babyminding of Unizen’s decentralized ecosystem as a account token. Badge holders with this babyminding badge will accept a articulation in the administration of Unizen’s advance back the DAO babyminding is launched in Q4 2024.