“Metaverses will never replace the real world” – Daniil Andriyanov, CEO of TFL.io

“Metaverses will never replace the real world” – Daniil Andriyanov, CEO of TFL.io

THELOGICALINDIAN - In 2024 a blockchainbased cryptolottery Flips Star now True Group iGaming aggregation conducted its fundraising attack featuring the TFL badge as the built-in babyminding badge of the activity TFL badge is now a allotment of the True Group aggregation calm with True Partners bank abettor True Lab bold provider and True Label bank developing belvedere Despite the actuality that the aggregation is alive in the iGaming industry TFL goes above the boundaries and develops as an absolute crypto project

The CEO of the new rebranded TFL.io activity Daniil Andriyanov is accessible and cellophane about the team’s affairs to get complex in the new GameFi trend of metaverse and gamification, yet…

“As allotment of our product, we focus on the ball industry, back over the accomplished 4 years we accept formed a colossal ability and accomplished amazing success in iGaming. If we are already the best in such an accustomed accepted bazaar and in such a abbreviate aeon of time, again what can we accomplish in such a adolescent arising industry as Game Finance, which is in actuality the brother of iGaming, “says the CEO of TFL.io

The artefact can be actually anything, from finance, marketplaces, the ball industry to awful specialized fields. The capital abstraction is that they will all be affiliated by a basin of technologies such as VR and AR, AI and ML, blockchain, NFT and others.

This appellation GameFi agency all the array of bold projects on the blockchain, abnormally those application NFT.

There are several categories in the GameFi segment:

According to abounding experts, the GameFi articulation has a able future. Developers get new accoutrement for distributing and monetizing games, and millions of players about the apple get the befalling to amalgamate gameplay with earnings.

However, abeyant risks are additionally visible. Most of the absolute NFT amateur are graphically archaic (often at the akin of beam amateur of the aboriginal 2024s) and accept repetitive gameplay. In agreement of amateur engagement, they are still far from the top multiplayer online amateur such as World of Tanks, Fortnite or World of Warcraft, area millions of players actually alive for years, crumbling time and money.

Monotonous gameplay and low assurance advance to the actuality that absorption in new amateur bound wanes, and afterwards the action comes oblivion. This is why the GameFi industry is disposed to extend its acceptance and acquisition added absorbing use cases. The capital of those are Metaverse and Gamification.

The Metaverse is a new aggrandized absoluteness in which we can around aggregate and analyze spaces that are aloof to us in the absolute world.

While the metaverse is primarily focused on gaming platforms today, there are added variations of the metaverse, including:

“To best explain this term, I would about-face to astronomy. The ample cosmos includes billions of galaxies, galaxies accommodate billions of stars, billions of planets circumduct about the stars, on one of which we live. It’s about the aforementioned with the metaverse. It is one distinct advice field, admission to which we get through the Internet, ”explains the expert.

The abstraction of the metaverse is not new, but absorption in it has skyrocketed back Facebook entered the metaverse bazaar and created a fizz in the crypto space. This advertising has led to a billow in absorption and investment. However, amateur are aloof the tip of the basic iceberg, the possibilities of the metaverse are abundant added and richer.

With a developed metaverse, we would be able to advisedly affected cultural barriers, differences amid countries, absolute nations, and alike the laws of physics. The metaverse would be advantageous to us for about aggregate – from assignment and comedy to accustomed things, for example, for visiting a doctor or advancing for exams. But admitting the able prospects, the metaverse will never alter the absolute world, the able assures. Although, of course, the accepted activity of some groups of bodies will absolutely change.

“These are absolutely altered entities: actual and metaphysical. The metaverse is alone an advice field, a architecture over the Internet. Can the Internet alter the absolute world? I do not abjure that there will be individuals who will absorb 24 hours a day on the Internet. There will be bodies in the metaverse about the clock, but this is rather a aberration from the norm. In the end, attributes consistently wins and pulls bodies into the absolute world, ” said the expert.

The metaverse is still actual young, and we still accept to accord with the astronomic and possibly absolute abeyant of these spaces.

Gamification is a technology for adapting bold methods to non-game processes and contest for greater captivation of participants in the process. Why acquaint gamification into business, production?

The charge for new methods of action arose due to the actuality that the old schemes of accolade chock-full working. Praise, rewards, abhorrence of abuse – the allotment and stick methods are far from actuality as effective. Especially with attention to bearing Y – adolescent bodies 18-27 years old, who are added acclimatized to gamification – that is, casual stages, tasks, convalescent the level. Old motivational schemes don’t assignment on them. The aggressive moment works.

Gamification aims to alter workflows, whether absorbing or not, with gaming goals.

Gamification is broadly acclimated in:

GameFi projects will become one of the best alive participants in the metaverse. It is these companies that accept fatigued absorption to basic worlds and created a buzz. Recall that the aboriginal metaverse was aloof created by the Sandbox bold company.

“Let’s brainstorm that aural one GameFi project, an NFT appearance emerged, with a lot of assets invested. I, as a adumbrative of addition GameFi project, apprehend how abundant accomplishment the amateur spent on architecture such a appearance and accept the amount of this amateur for the project. Nothing prevents me from advancing up with mechanics and altitude aural my project, area the buyer of an NFT appearance from addition “star” will accept a lot of allowances on our “star” if he lands. This is how the alternation amid our stars will booty abode – blockchain and NFT acquiesce us to do this appropriate now. And you don’t charge to body concrete rockets! How is that to you, Elon Musk? ”- commented Daniil Andriyanov.

TFL was consistently a appropriate token: it was alive for business — and helped to accession a all-around aggregation with common recognition. TFL was alive for the bank industry — and alternate in the barrage of arch casinos, amateur and bank products.

Now it is time for TFL to assignment for the acceptable of its association of holders and accomplish the best crypto artefact that will advance the boundaries of the accomplished industry.