Next Earth is unstoppable: 12.5M USD strategic investment in Limitless, plans the largest Metaverse Fund

Next Earth is unstoppable: 12.5M USD strategic investment in Limitless, plans the largest Metaverse Fund

THELOGICALINDIAN - With this groundbreaking move Next Earth is transforming the industry

Next Earth appear a $12.5 actor cardinal advance in Limitless, a few canicule afterwards the Limitless advertisement of their new Metaverse integrator account for brands and businesses.

According to David Taylor, one of the amount associates of Next Earth and the badge artist abaft NXTT, this move will not alone be a bold banker for Next Earth and Limitless, but for the absolute metaverse.

Next Earth durably believes that this cardinal advance will accord to the development of a advancing metaverse ecosystem that will accredit new startups to accomplish and users to ascertain all that the basic can offer.

Although startups accept a abortion amount of 90-95%, Next Earth has succeeded and its success is rapidly growing.

The able abeyant of both Limitless and Next Earth is reflected in the actuality that Next Earth became a unicorn in beneath than 9 months. Since its launch, Next Earth became one of the best cogent metaverse projects, accepting added than 45,000 basic acreage owners, 238,000 registered users, added than $10 actor in absolute income, and their own token.

This shows that Next Earth not alone has a big vision, but additionally an able solution.

Regarding the collaboration, David Taylor said:

“Next Earth’s eyes was to actualize the aboriginal decentralized basic world, enabling startups to barrage their articles and casework in the metaverse, incubating hundreds of startups and accession them to become the aboriginal bearing of “metaverse businesses”.
To accomplish this, Limitless as a all-around blockchain flat can accommodate the accomplished akin of arrangement affiliation for Next Earth.“

Seeing the affiliation as a win-win for both Limitless and Next Earth, Next Earth fabricated a cardinal advance in Limitless.

The cardinal advance has led to some changes at Limitless, originally co-founded by Mike Vitez and David Taylor.

Next Earth has invested $12.5 actor in Limitless and David Taylor, the badge artist abaft NXTT, and one of the amount associates of Next Earth has been appointed as CEO of Limitless.

The position of Administrator is captivated by David Prais, who is a coach of David Taylor and has been alive with him for seven years. David Prais has congenital seven unicorn companies, including Gateway and Dell, and is the above administrator of the Greater London Investment Fund. Prais has been a above amount in the UK adventure basic arena for the accomplished 15 years.


David Taylor and David Prais started alive out the action for architecture Limitless and bringing account providers assimilate the Next Earth to actualize an immersive decentralized basic apple attainable to startups and businesses and accommodate a accurate aperture to the metaverse.

On the success of the accord amid Next Earth and Limitless, David Taylor said that now aural the Limitless network, there are over 700 adventure basic firms and 1200 startups that are abeyant account providers aural the Next Earth metaverse, which has been done through cardinal partnerships that Limitless has been making.

He added:

 “Limitless started architecture a 260M USD metaverse armamentarium to actualize and calibration new metaverse startups that will be onboarded to Abutting Earth, giving account to the land, NXTT, and creating the aboriginal bearing of acknowledged metaverse startups in the abutting bristles years.”

The metaverse will not disappear; in fact, aloof the opposite. If we affix bodies with anniversary added and with resources, abundant things can happen. And that’s absolutely what Next Earth and Limitless are doing: accouterment different amount propositions and solutions, authoritative them an basal aspect of the new internet.

Next Earth is a blockchain-based metaverse community, an NFT-based, cellophane agenda acreage purchasing belvedere after a average man. Users can buy and advertise acreage on basic Earth while creating amount on the absolute one.

Limitless is a all-around blockchain startup flat and the aggregation abaft Metaverse’s unicorn Next Earth.

Limitless is structured in two parts:

The Limitless Network, which will barrage a belvedere for startups and account providers to advice projects affix to Next Earth.

Limitless Capital, the $260M Metaverse armamentarium to advice startups launch, body and calibration new businesses aural the Metaverse.