PARSIQ Introduces New Multi-Chain Monitoring System To Mitigate Losses And Thefts

PARSIQ Introduces New Multi-Chain Monitoring System To Mitigate Losses And Thefts

THELOGICALINDIAN - As blockchain technology expands to new horizons there has been a cogent acceleration in the abundance of cyberattacks and added awful attempts assuming analytical aegis apropos aural the cryptoverse

Amidst the accretion appeal for real-time ecology solutions, PARSIQ, a fully-featured ecosystem of decentralized ecology and automation services, has launched its newest product, TRACKR, absolutely developed to abode the ascent apropos of crooked action in blockchain-based products. PARSIQ’s on-chain ecology solutions ability an arrangement of real-world use cases powered by blockchain technology, accurately next-generation decentralized backend systems.

PARSIQ’s latest accession to its absolute apartment of on-chain ecology accoutrement provides real-time insights and alerts to users accompanying to crooked login attempts and affairs in their agenda wallets. With added and added DeFi platforms targeted by hackers, TRACKR is a much-needed aegis admeasurement to avert exceptionable activity.

According to the PARSIQ team, TRACKR offers real-time notifications and detects awful attempts afore hackers get a adventitious to assassinate their plans. As such, it allows users to undertake countermeasures alike afore the basal blockchain validates the “unauthorized” transaction.

At present, PARSIQ’s TRACKR band-aid delivers multi-chain abstracts tracking beyond above blockchain networks, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Algorand, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Huobi Eco Chain, Polkadot, Celo, and Dash. TRACKR can additionally adviser on-chain action over APIs and webhooks, cementing itself as the go-to ecology band-aid for mitigating losses and thefts.

By design, PARSIQ provides seamless and absolute integrations amid blockchain networks, off-chain applications, and abstracts providers. Accordingly, it is absolutely able to abutment a advanced arrangement of uses.

The belvedere offers a blockchain ecology apparatus that caters to the needs of both account providers and alone traders. Using PARSIQ’s cloud-based on-chain ecology solution, anyone can set up real-time notifications for wallets and tokens. Additionally, PARSIQ offers acquiescence and accident administration accoutrement that OTC desks, acquittal providers, and crypto exchanges can use.

Since its launch, the PARSIQ aggregation has been busily abacus new milestones to its list. This year, the belvedere has anchored upwards of four dozen cardinal partnerships beyond DeFi and TradFi ecosystems. With ties to several arresting projects and protocols aural the cryptoverse, PARSIQ continues to aggrandize its artefact apartment to board a growing ambit of use cases, including DeFi, TradFi, as able-bodied as AML and KYC processes.

PARSIQ afresh launched its IQ Protocol, the aboriginal certain and collateral-less lending and borrowing band-aid in the DeFi sector. Powered by the platform’s built-in PRQ token, IQ Protocol provides anybody with an befalling to body their own “subscription-as-a-service” business archetypal with a annular economy.

Calculatingly, the IQ Protocol offers avant-garde customization appearance for creating new badge models as per alone needs. It introduces a new access of abacus badge account through the accomplishing of “Power Tokens.” Unlike the built-in tokens of any platform, which affection bound utility, Power Tokens accomplish account over time. As a result, Power Badge holders accretion the advantage of “subscribing” to article rather than affairs it.

Putting the abstraction of Power Token to work, anyone can actualize subscription-based business models. For instance, a agreeable architect can add Power Tokens for their videos and action them via cable to viewers. Since anniversary Power Token will accept account over a anchored period, it can readily be acclimated to subscribe to channels.

Similarly, Power Tokens can atom a archetype about-face in the NFT and play-to-earn (P2E) gaming industries. As of now, about every amateur has to buy the in-game items outright. Once purchased, the alone way a amateur can compensate their advance is by affairs it to addition abroad via accessory marketplaces. Due to this, best players alternate to acquirement in-game items. However, with Power Tokens, bold developers can acquiesce players to instead hire in-game items for anchored durations. This will let added players try out in-game items and accordingly accredit bold developers to body new acquirement streams.

Backed by arch investors like the Solana Foundation and Axia8 Ventures, PARSIQ has anchored its position as the go-to band-aid that connects on-chain abstracts with the off-chain ecosystem while befitting things simple, cost-efficient, and awful scalable.