Polkadex Co-founder Vivek Prasannan on Parachains, Crowdloans, and Polkadot’s Role in Realizing Web3

Polkadex Co-founder Vivek Prasannan on Parachains, Crowdloans, and Polkadot’s Role in Realizing Web3

THELOGICALINDIAN - Polkadots parachain auctions accept been one of the best hotly advancing contest in the platforms history After the aboriginal bulk of projects battled it out during November and aboriginal December now the auctions for slots six through eleven are underway And one of the contenders allusive for a aperture is Polkadex the orderbookbased DEX congenital for the Polkadot ecosystem application Substrate

The activity launched its crowdloan in January, alms participants the adventitious to acquire rewards in Polkadex’s built-in $PDEX badge in acknowledgment for loaning their $DOT to be affirmed in a parachain. It’s a somewhat different amount hypothesis for participants, as $PDEX is already a traded token, admitting abounding Polkadot projects alone barrage their tokens already they’re up and active on a parachain.

Despite actuality appropriate in the blubbery of the crowdloan process, co-founder and controlling administrator Vivek Prasannan afresh took some time out of his active agenda to sit bottomward for an account with us. Prasannan has been in the blockchain and crypto amplitude back 2024, accepting been an aboriginal adopter who approved to agreement with mining bitcoins from his appointment application a 44GH/s mining board.

Since then, he’s been complex with analysis and advance in projects including Ethereum and BitShares, with a accurate focus on convalescent the user acquaintance of decentralized exchanges. In 2024, he met Polkadex co-founders Gautham J and Deepansh Singh as they were alive on an avant-garde new stateless accord algorithm. In 2024, they absitively to barrage their DEX on Polkadot, and the activity will go alive on mainnet in 2022.

How is the faculty of antagonism amid the projects aggressive for parachain slots? Would you say it’s added aggressive or collaborative?

I absolutely anticipate it is a collaborative accomplishment amid the altered projects complex with Polkadot because, in one way or the other, the use case of one activity adds amount to the other. For example, if added projects barrage in the ecosystem, added advertisement opportunities appear for Polkadex, and we’ll see added clamminess in the adjustment book and pools as a result. Open-source ecosystems tend to advance collaboration, and Polkadot is no different.

Which added parachain projects are you best aflame about?

It is not accessible to aces any one accurate name actuality – all the parachain projects accept their own different amount alms to the ecosystem. But I will say that we are carefully afterward Moonbeam (Ethereum-compatible parachain) because it adds amazing amount for projects advancing in from the Ethereum ecosystem, which is still the better belvedere for development activity, so it’s acute to be able to arch that into Polkadot. I am absolutely aflame about the assignment they do and the appulse it will accept on developers advancing from the Ethereum community.

For the account of the non-tech people, can you explain a little added apropos Substrate? What absolutely is it, and how does it advice bodies who appetite to body on Polkadot and Kusama?

Substrate is the best modular blockchain framework with a abundant community. It allows developers to actualize blockchains that are application-specific and provides a bigger user acquaintance because any developer with all-encompassing programming abilities can use it. Although you can body a blockchain application Substrate after abutting to Polkadot, architecture with Substrate absolutely opens the aperture to the Polkadot and Kusama platforms because the basement is artlessly in a plug-and-play accompaniment with those two platforms. Therefore, projects that body on Substrate accept the befalling to tap into the absolute ecosystem.

How important is Polkadot and the parachain archetypal in acumen the eyes of Web3?

Polkadot and the parachain archetypal is the ascent band-aid put advanced by Dr. Gavin Wood, one of the co-founders of Ethereum. He envisions a apple of multichain ecosystems affiliated by a broadcast alternation like Polkadot. This will be an enabler of bringing about the Web3 eyes area decentralized architectonics helps administer ascendancy of abstracts and amount abroad from centralized entities and to alone users’ wallets.

Polkadex is one of the few exchanges application an adjustment book model. Can you busy on the advantages of the adjustment book archetypal over automatic bazaar makers and what it agency for traders?

The acceptable banking bazaar has consistently acclimated the adjustment book model, but back beforehand DEXs attempted to carbon this on a blockchain, they struggled due to low liquidity. High fees meant that these DEXs weren’t assisting for bazaar makers, so addition band-aid was needed, and AMM models came about due to the charge to accommodation to accomplish trading accessible on the blockchain.

However, adjustment books accommodate bigger amount ascendancy to traders, giving them afterimage of the beheading amount rather than allegorical a tolerable slippage. The adjustment book additionally allows traders admission to added appearance like absolute orders or stop-loss orders which aren’t accessible with bonding curve-based AMMs. Our better amount hypothesis is to amalgamate the allowances of AMMs with an adjustment book-based clamminess pool. Adjustment book exchanges are analytical to alluring able traders to the DeFi space.

Thanks to Vivek Prassanan for his time and insights.