Why I Became an NFT Land Artist on Next Earth

Why I Became an NFT Land Artist on Next Earth

THELOGICALINDIAN - Im an artisan that creates agenda art with pixelbased cartoon Ive consistently been absorbed by the abstraction of pixel art as a anatomy of representational art and Ive advised the history of pixel art abundantly With the apparatus of the blockchain and NFTs I saw an befalling to actualize pixelbased acreage art on a new blazon of canvas the basic world

I absitively to become an NFT acreage artisan on Next Earth, a new basic apple area users can buy basic acreage NFT “tiles” on a 1:1 replica of Earth. On this platform, I can actualize pixel-based acreage art which is always anchored on the blockchain for anybody to see.

What makes NFTs admired is that they’re verifiably unique. In acceptable cyberspace, annihilation can be affected and annihilation is traceable, but with NFTs, items are provably unique. If you buy pixel-based acreage art from me on Next Earth, alone you can own it, and no one abroad can carbon it.

NFTs aren’t aloof bound to agenda assets: I can actualize pixel-based acreage art for whoever wants it. While the amplitude is still in its infancy, we see added and added examples of accurate actual amount in the anatomy of agenda art.

Think about it: We all apperceive that replicas of real-life iconic properties, like China’s “copycat” buildings, are not as admired as the originals, and the aforementioned holds accurate for copycat art. However, it’s generally difficult, if not impossible, to analyze amid the copycat and the original. With NFTs, no one can archetype your art, so it’s consistently admired as an accurate original.

Minecraft is a bold that has been about for a while, and it’s still activity strong. It’s a bold area you can body annihilation from the arena up. You can go anywhere in the world, dig bottomward to the bedrock, and body article amazing.

Next Earth is accomplishing article actual similar: You can buy basic acreage on the planet, and again use that acreage to actualize art. Think of it like pixel-based Minecraft: You can body annihilation you appetite on your own basic property. The possibilities are endless.

I capital to amalgamate the two, and draw my admired Minecraft item: The design sword, as a pixel-based acreage art NFT.

I started by affairs “ocean tiles” in Next Earth, which are area you can ample in tiles with altered colors to draw pixel art. After a few account of drawing, I appear my acreage art and put my conception for auction on the NFT marketplace.

This is aloof one archetype of how you can use Next Earth to actualize your own basic acreage art pieces. There are so abounding possibilities: You could admire your admired landmark; you could alike actualize your admired video bold account or character. It’s absolutely up to you and your imagination.

Other artists are now authoritative pixel-based art pieces as NFTs, and they’re affairs them on the decentralized basic marketplace.

The abstraction is to actualize a apple so affluent with pixel-based art that it would booty you canicule to accomplishment exploring all of it. The achievement is that pixel-based art will become a above anatomy of announcement in the Next Earth metaverse.

Beyond Next Earth, NFT-based art is abstraction up to be a above new average for artists and collectors. We’re seeing added and added artists actualize NFTs to advertise their work, and we’re starting to see some absolutely absorbing projects pop up on the blockchain.

After all, artists accept been awfully underpaid for their work, while collectors accept had to pay absonant prices on the accessory market. NFTs are alteration all of that. With NFTs, artists can now acquire money for their work, and collectors can own different pieces of art that are absolutely one-of-a-kind.