Alexander Shishow: “We’ll Make Sure Our Clips Fit Organically into the Site and Won’t Annoy People with Intrusive Advertising”

Alexander Shishow: “We’ll Make Sure Our Clips Fit Organically into the Site and Won’t Annoy People with Intrusive Advertising”

THELOGICALINDIAN - April 15 marks the end of the ICO of the Native Video Box activity a belvedere for announcement video clips based on avant-garde abysmal apparatus acquirements and multitier blockchain technologies Alexander Shishow architect and CEO tells us how to accomplish money on video announcement after annoying the user how NVB differs from YouTube and added acceptable agreeable hubs and why video called to bout the affair of the armpit rather than the specific user is now added effective

alexander shishow, built-in video box, NVB

Q: There are a huge cardinal of projects on the video announcement bazaar today, every one of which is aggravating to somehow be bigger than their competitors. Can you acquaint me in abrupt how you plan to beat this market? What’s your belvedere all about?

A: Native Video Box is a account for situational video recommendations. We accommodate websites and adaptable apps with a accoutrement with several accountant videos, which are called automatically to bout the capacity of the site, and which are perceived by users not as announcement but as the site’s own content. Our activity additionally ensures the monetization of angle of these clips acknowledgment to the admittance of video ads in them.

Q: Can you accord us an archetype of how this would assignment in practice?

A: Say addition has fabricated a abundant video about how to broil a cake, or on travel, or on home renovations. Thanks to our platform, their agreeable will automatically arise on sites accompanying to the topic. In effect, we assignment as broadcast media.

Q: How does the action of selecting clips for a specific armpit work, technically?

A: To alpha with, our block is installed on the site, which takes on the appearance of the website. Again our bogus intelligence algorithms go to work: they assay the argument agreeable of the site, actuate what its capital capacity and sub-topics are. Our belvedere again automatically selects clips from its own video agreeable accumulator and offers them up back users appearance the page, aboriginal allegory in a atom of a additional the user’s interests and the best accepted queries.

Q: Why did you accept the video announcement bazaar specifically? What is it that appealed to you?

A: I’ll aloof accord you a few figures, and aggregate will be clear. Right now, video accounts for up to 80% of all Internet traffic. In 10 years the bulk of video agreeable on the Internet has developed by a agency of 42, and the assets of this bazaar is added than $13 billion. Forecasts are this advance will continue.

Q: Those abstracts are impressive, sure, but there’s addition ancillary to the coin…

A: You beggarly competition?

Q: Exactly. A trend like that is apprenticed to actualize austere antagonism that alone the arch and best high-tech companies can withstand. Is there a abode actuality for startups like yours?

A: I accept no agnosticism at all that there is. Why? Because we’re accomplishing it in a way that our clips fit organically into the abstraction abaft the armpit and don’t abrade bodies with advancing advertising. Users will see ads alone back they advisedly bang on our videos. Thanks to our apparatus acquirements arrangement and bogus intelligence, we baddest our videos to clothing anniversary specific armpit based on the site’s content, and not to clothing the user. This is the capital way we alter from acceptable video hosting services.

Q: Is that a adumbration at YouTube?

A: Among others, yes.

Q: But YouTube is the better video armpit on the planet, with a colossal audience. Anyone who wants to assignment with video goes there first. Isn’t that right? And if that’s the case, why does the bazaar charge you?

A: Aboriginal of all, back agreement video on Internet sites YouTube does not accommodate automated alternative of the appropriate agreeable for anniversary site; you can alone do that manually. Secondly, we acquiesce both sites that are affiliated to us and agreeable producers to accomplish money, which ensures added monetization of content. YouTube and added sites like it are focused aboriginal and foremost on their own earnings.

Q: That’s all absolutely analytic and understandable, but no one’s activity to accept you if you say you’re alive on the abstraction and not attractive to acquire money, are they?

A: Absolutely right, but we booty a somewhat altered approach.

Q: Which is?

A: We accommodate websites with high-quality, accordant video content, article they haven’t had before. Agreeable like that makes a website added adorable to visitors, which extends the bulk of time they absorb on the site. Especially back they watch videos, users don’t go anywhere – our widgets are congenital into the site. In turn, the best appointment time on the armpit brings in an added audience. In addition, the account to the armpit is that it pays annihilation for the conception of high-quality video content, but at the aforementioned time, it earns money by accepting these videos on the site.

Q: Why is that?

A: By inserting hidden or not-so-hidden ads of addition adequate or account in these videos. Everyone got acclimated to artefact adjustment in television and in movies a continued time ago. We do around the aforementioned thing, alone on the Internet. In the end, all our admirers appear out ahead. They don’t get some bruised ad whacking them beyond the head; instead, they get accompanying abstracts on a absolutely altered level. Plus, a greater cardinal of angle of the video, a bigger audience, and an adequate amount for casework and high-quality bang conversion.

Q: Your audience are absolutely altered players in the video market: the websites that affection the videos, agreeable producers, and advertisers. How do you administer the accumulation from assuming ads amid them?

A: They are disconnected as 60% for the publisher, 25% belvedere fee and 15% goes to the agreeable creator, respectively. All relations are absolute application a acute contract.

Q: So, all the assets from the announcement goes to your clients. In this case, how does your belvedere acquire its money?

A: At the aboriginal stage, from the bargain of video announcement application software platforms or RTB auctions (Real Time Bidding, an online announcement technology that works like an bargain for announcement spots in absolute time – ed.). Later, we additionally plan to abode built-in promo clips of assorted brands and to admit bits in a sports video committed to the producers of sports equipment, in a video about biking – belief by biking bloggers about how to save on flights etc. In addition, with anniversary assuming of a video, we will accept a assertive bulk as a account fee.

Q: So how abounding sites accept already active on to your platform? What affectionate of abstracts are you planning on seeing in the abreast future?

A: In May 2024 about a thousand sites will be connected, which will accommodate about 120 actor announcement views. Then in August sites in Europe and the UK will accompany us – that’s addition 3,000 sites. In February 2024 there will be addition 6,000 sites in Latin America. By 2024 we plan to hit 12,000 sites and 1 billion announcement views.

Q: And all these sites are accessible to booty your video appropriate now?

A: Yes, they are.

Q: Can you explain what NVB needs blockchain for, and how you’ve chip it into the project?

A: First of all, to assignment in a multi-currency ambiance and conduct centralized settlements application tokens all over the world. This frees us from accessible restrictions on banking affairs in assorted countries and cuts our transaction bulk by a abundant bulk – up to 30%.

Secondly, to abate our banking and abstruse expenses. Thanks to blockchain the amount of settlements is bottomward fast, and we don’t charge to acquire added costs on paperwork, which makes it accessible to actively cut our expenditures.

Thirdly, to put the amount of assuming ads in writing, in acute contracts.

And, finally, blockchain gives our belvedere 100% accuracy for the achievement of assorted operations.

Q: How so?

A: For example, we are physically clumsy to unilaterally change the agreement of distributing bonuses for video views. This agency that the money of our advertisers, sites, and agreeable owners will be absolutely secure.

Q: And this is accounting into acute contracts?

A: Yes. Our absolute monetization arrangement will be accounting into acute contracts, and the acute contracts, in turn, are accessible on GitHub (a above web account for hosting IT projects and their collective development – ed.). Their anatomy is accessible and transparent, and anyone who wants can booty a attending and see what’s accounting in them and how.

Q: Are you not planning to additionally address in the blockchain the cardinal of times the video has been shown?

A: Yes, eventually we appetite to do so, in adjustment to anticipate already and for all any opportunities for artifice on the allotment of belvedere participants.

Q: What countries are you alive with now, and what civic markets are the project-oriented to in general?

A: First and foremost, we’re absorbed in the all-embracing English-speaking bazaar – Europe, America, genitalia of Asia. Later, we plan to about-face to countries that allege added European and Asian languages.

Q: How far forth appear achievement is your platform?

A: Its best important functions are all but absolutely implemented. Our armpit has six demo-versions of how it works with specific sites: there’s a examination of our projects on the Internet, demonstrating how video is apparent application our widgets… In effect, it’s a full-fledged presentation of our assignment for abeyant clients.

Q: How continued did it booty you to actualize the NVB platform?

A: We began to advance the activity in 2024, fabricated the prototype, and in beneath than bisected a year it had already amorphous to acquire its accumulate on the bounded market. We spent added than two years adorning the belvedere – for example, over the accomplished year we’ve formed to advance the apparatus acquirements algorithms, which are the amount of the service.

Q: Your ICO finishes on April 15. Why do you charge it? What do you plan to do with the money collected, and what are your accepted business objectives?

A: We accept some actual austere affairs for the future. We charge the money for marketing. We plan to advance the arrangement itself, as able-bodied as technologies for targeting and carrying video and alive with advertising. We’ll allure and advance new platforms with college affection content, which are accessible to host video clips. Our affairs additionally accommodate developing the arrangement of video publishers and producers: we appetite to actualize a association for those who accomplish video content. This will be our unique, broadcast video hosting service. We’re additionally accidental to the development of algorithms for video alternative and agreeable recommendations, and to the development of abstruse basement – in particular, a decentralized accumulator ability and multi-tier blockchain.

Q: How abounding bodies do you accept on your team?

A: Right now, there’s a brace of dozen bodies alive on the project.

Q: What affectionate of bodies are they?

A: They’re acclimatized managers and specialists, with diverse, accordant acquaintance in fintech and blockchain. For example, one of our aggregation leaders is Andrey Smirnov, who has huge acquaintance developing servers, alien interfaces, and databases, and who additionally has ability of apparatus learning. Our business development manager, Paul Vasin, developed an announcement arrangement and technology for Begun – the aboriginal contextual announcement account in Russia. Our chief developer Andrey Tsvetkov absolutely knows his way about video announcement technologies VAST/VPAID, RTB accessible auctions, and announcement software like Weborama and Buzzoola. Dmitry Solodkiy is an able in processing analytic abstracts and is one of the antecedents of the blockchain, with an economics amount from the University of Bonn. Anton Noginov is a pro at amalgam high-load systems, cryptographic algorithms, blockchain development, and the accomplishing of acute contracts. Peter Kozyakov and Alexander Vasilev are capital specialists in fintech.

Q: You forgot to allocution about yourself.

A: I’ve been alive in ad tech for abounding years, and I’ve formed on projects application apparatus learning, including at companies like the Mirax Group and Creative Mob. I additionally launched the Botscanner project, an automatic cartage affection ascendancy system.

Q: Who are your advisers?

A: We accept several awful admired advisers: Gabriel Zanko, Andrew Playford, Mike Raitsyn, Julian Zegelman, and Yaacov Bitton. We are additionally actuality brash by Alexander Miheev, managing administrator of GOSU Data Lab and above CEO of MGID.

Q: You already mentioned that the video agreeable bazaar is abnormally able and has a colossal advance potential. What abode in this bazaar is Native Video Box activity to authority a few years from now? Are you authoritative affairs in this respect?

A: We plan on demography alone a baby allotment of it – a few percent, all in all. However, if you construe these percentages into money, that’s already hundreds of millions of dollars in profit.

Q: Could you be a bit added specific?

A: Our ambition is to ability a about-face of $88 actor in the aboriginal year, and to pay out up to $66 actor to agreeable owners and sites. We accept advisedly absitively not to put all our company’s assets alone to advantageous out profits or to the advance of our own assets after any specific goals. The acumen our activity exists is to accommodate a acceptable account to all absorbed parties and to absolute assets to its development and access its affluence of use.