Denis Dovgopoliy, Founder at GrowthUP Group: “The Days of Easy Money Are Over”

Denis Dovgopoliy, Founder at GrowthUP Group: “The Days of Easy Money Are Over”

THELOGICALINDIAN - Entrepreneur Investor Adviser CryptoICO realist and Founder at GrowthUP Group Denis Dovgopoliy talks on the approaching of ICOs adventure funds acknowledged and bootless projects in the apple of crypto alone for NewsBTC

 Q: What do you see as the approaching for ICOs?

 A: Most regulators accept that tokens don’t crave abstracted legislation. Apart from specific instruments and mechanics, balance laws additionally specify belief for anecdotic which of the instruments are adapted ones. The all-inclusive majority of ICOs from 2017-2024 accommodated those belief and appropriately ability (and will) be regulated. Let’s not balloon that U.S. law is extraterritorial.

We additionally see that the bazaar is maturing. The canicule of accessible money are over and austere players accept entered the market. The accomplished ecosystem is accepting added institutionalized, and a bottomless abstraction with an alien aggregation abaft it won’t allure money anymore.

For that reason, we will see ICOs transforming in 2018-2024 and appropriately award their niche. I see them as a allotment of Series B allotment annular for startups or a arch amid aboriginal Series A and Series B. Public badge sales will claiming Kickstarter and Indiegogo and are acceptable to serve as a way to admeasurement artefact demand.

Q: Which ICOs would you mark as acknowledged and unsuccessful, and why?

A: For me, it’s adamantine to be candid afterwards 12 years in VC. Attracting advance is not a admeasurement of success. It’s aloof an instrument. The capital admeasurement of activity success is artefact revenue. There are several projects that had cogent revenues afore captivation their ICO, and badge sales can addition those companies. But it’s too aboriginal to say. In my experience, it takes 12 to 36 months to go all the way from fundraising to product/market fit. I’m carefully afterward 35 ICOs. Hopefully, some of them will appearance absorbing after-effects by the end of the year.

Q: You accept able access with funds all over the globe. What do they say about ICOs with Eastern European roots?

A: Eastern Europe is not homogeneous, altered countries are absolutely different. From what I can see, Ukraine has some able projects and appealing low betray rates. On the contrary, in Russia, there are abounding projects with accessible signs of a scam. As for the Baltic states, I see absolutely able projects, but not all-embracing ones. Probably, that’s due to a bounded aldermanic agreement acceptance entrepreneurs to accession baby amounts of money through ICOs. But overall, I’m animated to see our arena on the all-around ICO map.

I’d additionally agenda that amidst the sanctions and toxicity of Russia as a state, for abounding projects an ICO is around the alone way to accretion admission to basic markets.

Q: Are roots absolutely important in the crypto apple today?

A: I don’t see bounded roots impacting activity quality, and I’m not talking alone about ICOs. What affairs is a team’s background, as able-bodied as aplomb in their adeptness to assassinate a project, to create, advance and advertise a product. There are abounding broadcast teams now, and that’s why a clue almanac is abundant added important than activity location, not to say the countries area aggregation associates are from.

Q: DMarket is one of the projects you are advising. How do you see the approaching of this company?

A: I accept been alive with the DMarket aggregation for a few years, and I’m abounding of aplomb in them. They acclimated an ICO as a way to allure advance in the new activity but, alive their background, I accept no doubts that they will actualize a artefact and acquisition a way to monetize it. That’s adumbrated by their acquaintance in creating and managing a big in-game account trading project, as able-bodied as by acknowledged antagonism with above contenders and important agreements with notable partners. Efficient use of blockchain technology gave them admission to basic and additionally accent a abundant absorption in the belvedere from its approaching users during the crowdsale. I accept that DMarket aggregation will advertise some big account in the abutting future.

Q: Why do you anticipate adventure basic has started to attending appear ICOs?

A: As I said, ICOs ability become addition anatomy of after date startup funding. Maybe it’s not boilerplate for now, but absolutely a trend already. Despite their conservatism, adventure capitalists can’t avoid that trend and accept already started to agreement in this direction. I see 20 to 30 acceptable funds anxiously attractive for a acceptable bazaar access point. I anticipate 2024 is activity to be a year of abstracts and analytic for the appropriate VC access to ICOs, while 2024 will appearance a movement in that direction. Not alone VCs, but the accomplished bazaar will account from that because anybody wants to accompany a activity adjourned by top-tier investors. ICO is the alone archetypal enabling boilerplate investors after big names to bolt up and allotment aplomb in the activity and aback it up with their money. I’m actual animated to see one of the projects I assignment with allure advance from one of the oldest and best acknowledged European VC firms. I beggarly Mangrove’s advance in DreamTeam.