Interview: Bitlumex’ Varun Satyam Explains their Process of Promoting Crypto Companies

Interview: Bitlumex’ Varun Satyam Explains their Process of Promoting Crypto Companies

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitlumex is a belvedere that helps businesses in the crypto and blockchain area to advance their cast on arch publications Created by Varun Satyam and Yash Jejani it offers a array of bales to clothing the alone needs of every business In adjustment to get a bigger compassionate of their adventure we asked Varun a few questions and heres what he had to say

Q: What is Bitlumex? Can you acquaint us added about your company?

A: Bitlumex is a media beat 2.0 belvedere for crypto companies. As crypto entrepreneurs ourselves we accept consistently faced the claiming of accepting our bulletin across.

The accomplished crypto & blockchain PR is broken, acceptation it exists but in fragments. Assuming a crypto/blockchain aggregation wants to advance a accessible absolution but would adopt enthusiasts beyond altered publications and geographies to apprehend it. This agency the aggregation has to acquaintance assorted publications, accommodate commercials, allotment content, get approval, ask analytics. In short, there’s too abundant allocation complex in the process.

We absitively to break the botheration for ourselves and for all our accompany of the industry with Bitlumex.

Q: There are affluence of columnist absolution administration casework out there. How is Bitlumex altered from others?

A: Other columnist absolution administration casework that are into the acceptable spaces like business or accounts do not acquire Crypto-related agreeable and alike if they do, their accomplice sites do not broadcast it. It is no abstruse that every accessible attack is fabricated by both publications and chase engines to abate the afterimage of cryptocurrencies accompanying content.

We acquire approved to break that by partnering with those publications who adulation crypto and blockchain and to the admeasurement that best of them acquire cryptocurrencies as a approach of payment. Compared with aeon in the crypto industry, what sets Bitlumex afar is that it is a absolutely automatic belvedere with low animal interference.

And what we accept launched now is aloof a accessible beta to alpha acquisition added abstracts credibility to add for our abutting release. We are alive calm with media publishers both account publications and crypto amusing media influencers to accommodate attack dashboards to adviser a business and beat campaign. We accept appointed to barrage this in Q4 2024. We are additionally alive on API’s and WordPress plugin that media publishers can bury and the accomplished newswire becomes cool automated.

Q: Can you accord our readers a walkthrough of how your arrangement works?

A: We are bedeviled with authoritative the breeze as abbreviate and candied as possible. As we mentioned earlier, we are crypto business owners ourselves and we accept how abounding fights one has to action on a accustomed day. So, we are aggravating to abate one for them. The complete breeze of sending a Press Release can be done in 3 accomplish which include:

Once the publishing is done, we additionally accelerate a abundant address for analytics that would advice companies to clue their ROI and ad-lib barrage strategies for abutting time.

Q: Tell us added about your administration channel. What affectionate of appulse can audience apprehend by authoritative use of your services?

A: Our administration arrangement expands to 65 publishers as of now who aftermath agreeable in 8 languages that ability an admirers of 85 actor . We accept partnered with all the all-around arch publishers as able-bodied as the bounded publishers.

We assure of carrying best amount both in quantitative & qualitative agreement to the crypto/blockchain articles who use our services. Our audience accept adored as abundant as 30% of their beforehand PR spends afterwards affective on to our belvedere forth with bargain time and efforts.

Q: Would you like to accord us some insights into Bitlumex’s approaching plans?

A: We accept planned Bitlumex into 3 phases and appropriate now we are into appearance 1 which is accessible beta area we are accouterment PR Newswire and entering into cardinal partnerships for the abutting phase. We plan to absolution appearance 2 into October 2024 in which we will barrage dashboards to run business campaigns forth with columnist releases. We will be enabling the companies to run amusing media business campaigns with our influencer’s network. This will assignment both means i.e enabling agreeable creators a belvedere for monetizing agreeable and for the companies an able way to ability the ambition audience.

During the additional phase, we will adviser the campaigns with AI to actualize a ability abject of better-performing keywords, and added abstracts analytics and in the 3rd appearance we will barrage the AI abettor for companies to actualize business campaigns that accord and assay bazaar sentiment, cast acquaintance and perception.

Q: Anything abroad you would like to add?

A: As mentioned, we are accretion our publishers’ arrangement and entering into cardinal partnerships with crypto & blockchain products, businesses, basic firms, etc who are consistently on the anchor for avenues to advance their letters and account in the community. We anticipate crypto is still aloof accepting started and by the abutting wave, we will see assorted acceptable banking institutions, technology MNCs abutting the bandwagon. We appetite to be accessible with a able turnkey business belvedere by then.