Interview: Kamagames CEO Andrey Kuznetsov Provides an Insight Into the Project

Interview: Kamagames CEO Andrey Kuznetsov Provides an Insight Into the Project

THELOGICALINDIAN - Q KamaGames is wellknown in bank circles Why dont we alpha with its accomplishments Can you amuse allotment some advice about the company

A: The aboriginal affair that we should point out is that KamaGames is not a bank aggregation but is, in fact, a amusing bank operator.

There are actual bright differences amid amusing and absolute money bank amateur including action to play, attitude and mindset while playing, the cold a amateur aims to accomplish and ultimately – what they ascertain as “winning”.

KamaGames is the better amusing adaptable poker abettor in Europe, and it’s one of the fastest growing operators in the world. The aggregation was set up in 2024 and employs over 250 staff, Its accumulated address is in Dublin, Ireland, and we additionally accept offices in London and Dubai.

Pokerist is our flagship title. It has won abundant awards and has been the #1 grossing app in 101 countries on the App Store and one of the top 5 grossing apps in 45 countries on Google Play.

We appear a gross accumulation of $57.5 actor at the end of 2024, an access of 63% from the year before. We additionally saw a acceleration in as the cardinal of Daily Active Users (DAU) to 530,000. The aboriginal bisected of 2024 bigger on these results, with DAU accretion 2-fold in H1 2024 compared to H1 2024 and gross acquirement growing by 53% in the aforementioned aeon from the already strong abject of $57.5 actor in 2024.

Q: How is KamaGames altered from affluence of added poker operators and bank platforms over the internet?

A: We accept two capital competitors in the amusing adaptable poker space, Zynga and WSOP/Playtika. Zynga is the bazaar baton in the genre; while WSOP/Playtika has agnate amusing adaptable poker numbers to KamaGames.

It’s accurate that Zynga and WSOP poker amateur chase Classic Texas Hold’em rules and use accidental gameplay, as we do. However, our own poker product, Pokerist, appearance these credibility as able-bodied as some additional, different features:

Multi-Table Tournaments – We are the aboriginal amusing bank abettor to barrage Multi-Table Tournaments, additionally accepted as MTT. It’s a actual circuitous affection to develop, so has alone anytime appeared in absolute money amateur until now. We’re actual appreciative of MTT, and it has generated some abundant after-effects back launch.

Different Party Modes – Last year KamaGames alien Poker Party modes, which are about the archetypal bold of poker but with different twists added. These Party modes action a different appearance of gameplay and their own set of rules advised to accord players a added fun and accidental gaming experience. They accept accurate badly accepted with our players and we action at atomic one Party approach every week.

White Label & Partnerships – Of the developers mentioned above, KamaGames is the alone one to action B2B partnerships. We are alive on several unannounced partnerships that we’re not chargeless to allocution about yet, but we already accept some actual abounding ones in operation already including, Poker Night in America (US TV show), Poker Champions in affiliation with Yoozoo Games India, as able-bodied as the Tango and Viber burning messaging platforms.

Q: What is the account of KamaGames amusing bank amateur over others?

A: In accession to the different allowances listed above, we accept that we appoint with our players added than any of our competitors. We accommodate players with new content, appearance and added updates consistently to accumulate them affianced at all times.

We accept MTTs, assorted Party modes, and common updates, additional we additionally accept a solid assurance aeon of quests, hosted themed contest and additionally authority a cardinal of amateur tournaments every week.

We additionally authority all of our altered amateur aural one app which makes it accessible for players to seamlessly hop from one to the next, advancement their accompany list, dent antithesis etc.

Q: Where do the blockchain and accessible badge auction fit in?

A: Over the aftermost few years we accept had added and added players allurement if they were able to buy chips with cryptocurrencies, so we absitively to attending into what the abeyant options were and how applicable it would be. As a arch amusing bank operator, we are consistently attractive for new means to advance our amateur and innovate aural the amusing bank industry. In fact, we afresh won the accolade for “Innovation in Amusing Casino” at this years EGR Marketing and Innovation Awards in London.

At the aforementioned time, we’re consistently aggravating to action article new and agitative to our players, and the barrage of the KamaGames Token (KGT) is a absolute archetype of this. This is a abundant befalling to not alone acknowledge our players but to additionally appearance how KamaGames is amorous about all-embracing new technologies.

The action for KGT is that we are absolutely implementing a marketing/promotional attack to allure new players and to accolade our absolute ones. Our players are accustomed the befalling to buy our in-game currency, basic chips, at a added advantageous amount and to additionally accept added benefit chips during the aboriginal 6 months. This is not our way to accession allotment and we are not attractive for any anatomy of investment, the KGT is artlessly a “proxy” to purchasing KamaGames’ basic currency.

Q: What are the altered blockchain implementations to be congenital into the platform?

A: We are application the Ethereum belvedere for creating the token, but not aural the game. Occasionally, we are asked why our amateur are not decentralized and why it can’t actor blockchain added closely. There are abundant affidavit why we cannot accomplish our amusing poker decentralized.

Firstly, we charge a abundant college transaction and ciphering acceleration than blockchain tech can accommodate at this time. Our games, abnormally Pokerist, accept tens of bags of simultaneous players and handles all of their interactions instantly.

This is article that blockchain technology can’t currently handle.

Secondly, there are commissions we would accept to pay for application an alien blockchain.

Thirdly and possibly best importantly, if we move our accidental cardinal architect (RNG) to the blockchain, it would accomplish the amateur easier to adumbrate and decrypt. We pride ourselves on authoritative fair, defended and absorbing amusing bank games, and appropriate now, decentralizing would attempt the qualities we value.

Q: How abundant are you planning to defended through the badge sale? What will it be acclimated for?

A: KamaGames tokens will be bound to $25 actor and based on sales so far, we absolutely apprehend to advertise out advanced of time.

The generated acquirement will be acclimated as acquirement is about acclimated by a aggregation – aggregation overheads, agents costs as able-bodied as approaching artefact development. This is not a fundraising exercise in any way as we are already actual solvent. This is addition antecedent of acquirement for us.

Q: There accept been mentions that the KGT badge auction is altered from an ICO. Can you amuse busy on that?

A: There are a few important things to analyze back it comes to the KamaGame Token sale:

For the abstention of doubt, this is a Token auction to KamaGames’ new and absolute players. So this is not an ICO. An ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is an able agency by which funds are aloft for a new cryptocurrency venture. It is acclimated by startups to bypass the accurate and adapted capital-raising action appropriate by adventure capitalists or banks.

In an ICO campaign, a allotment of the cryptocurrency is awash to aboriginal backers of the activity in barter for acknowledged breakable or added cryptocurrencies, but usually for Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The capital appropriate agency in what KamaGames is accomplishing is that the aggregation is not attractive to accession funds and is not attractive for any anatomy of investment. The KamaGames Token is artlessly a “proxy” to purchasing KamaGames’ basic bill (chips) at a decidedly bargain rate.

Q: What is the accepted cachet of the project? Can you allotment the approaching roadmap for KamaGames’ project?

A: Currently, we are at the Closed Presale date (which offers 25% benefit tokens), which will be followed by the Presale date starting September 24th (with 20% benefit on offer) and again the Sale date on October 8th which ends on November 12th.

Q: Tell us added about KamaGames’ partnerships and collaborations

A: KamaGames has a cardinal of partnerships and collaborations in abode at this time which includes:

Q: Can you accord our readers an acumen into your team, their expertise?

A: We accept over 250 bodies alive for us in offices about the world, so it’s adamantine to attenuated bottomward their alone specialties. Using our Dublin HQ to illustrate, our aggregation has formed in the IT, gaming, acknowledged and business industries beyond the apple with decades of aggregate experience.

I accept served as Managing Director for KamaGames for the accomplished bristles years and as acting CEO for the accomplished two years. I am amenable for the planning and accomplishing of business operations beyond the absolute KamaGames accumulation on account of the Board of Directors.

Our General Counsel, Roman Abramenko has formed abundantly in the planning of all-embracing accumulated structures and has internationally accustomed abilities in Tax Law, IT Law, and Business.

Sam Forrest, Director of All-around Communications & Content, has over 25 years communications acquaintance in the alternate ball sector. Throughout his career, he has formed with a advanced cardinal of acclaimed all-around ball brands including Disney/Pixar, WWE, DreamWorks, Nickelodeon, Hasbro, and Marvel.

This aggregation has taken years to body incrementally and is world-class beyond every department.

I would like to advance the readers to visit and apprentice added about the aggregation and our offerings.