Interview With The GensoKishi Project On How They Reinvented Themselves On The Blockchain

Interview With The GensoKishi Project On How They Reinvented Themselves On The Blockchain

THELOGICALINDIAN - 2024 has been the year of DeFi NFTs the Metaverse and GameFi these trends advantage the ability of blockchain in an attack to accommodate users with new adventures Together they accept the abeyant to transform billiondollar industries and accommodate them with the agenda economy

The aboriginal big bold to breach into the boilerplate was Axie Infinity with an avant-garde archetypal that allows players to accept rewards for the time, effort, and adroitness that are put into their games, alleged Play-To-Earn (P2E).

Despite its contempo popularity, a lot of projects accept been alive on amalgam NFTs, the Metaverse, and creating a different acquaintance for players about the world. In that sense, we sat bottomward with the aggregation abaft the accepted bold Elemental Knights that afresh launched GensoKishi a play-to-earn and GameFi archetypal that will adapt its mechanics and amateur experience.

Available on Switch, PlayStation 4, iPhone, and Android, GensoKishi is the aboriginal footfall into a agenda and P2E ecosystem accurate by the blockchain and a anarchy that could beforehand the advance of Web3 into the easily of the people. This is what they told us.


The Metaverse is one of the added aggressive account throughout the blockchain industry. How accept you managed to be this far advanced of the trend?

Yes, as you said metaverse is not accessible and takes time to build. For us, GENSOKISHI ONLINE -META WORLD-, is based on a 13 year old bold blue-blooded as “Elemental Knights” and has accumulated 8 actor downloads. It won the “Game Star Award Taiwan” in 2024 and we accept 25k alive account users. In-game letters are opened 80,000 times a day.  

We anticipate we’ve gotten this far because we accommodate so abundant abandon for our users. This is an MMORPG so users will tag-team with added players to bright missions and acquisition attenuate items. We accept assorted worlds and continents area they can explore. And you may imagine, this will be the abject of the metaverse. With communities=users, again GameFi/P2E with Web3.0 and NFT to body a metaverse with our project. We are accessible for it.


How does the in-game abridgement and user assimilation appulse badge value, and how do you abode these challenges?

Yes like aloft I mentioned, the bold has 13 years acquaintance on user association architecture and branding. We’d like to allure all users including the old admirers and new advancing users from the crypto world. There are two tokens we are activity to use at GENSOKISHI. We accumulate the babyminding badge (MV) admired and additionally the amount authoritative of in-game crypto: ROND is important too. We accumulate the “economics” ecosystem active able-bodied in the bold aloof like in absolute apple to accumulate it steady. So that our users could adore annihilation besides the RPG adventuring in GENSOKISHI world.

When will you do the LAND sale? What is LAND?

Thanks for asking. The LAND, which is a allotment of MAP in the GENSOKISHI world, as we announced, is acquirable alone if you accept abundant MV badge staked, by an bargain accident to own. A LAND is a assertive breadth in the bold you could do annihilation you appetite on it. Like architecture your own castle(UGC function), put your admired monsters to exhausted added players, or use it as an advertisement for you or your company. Added players if they appetite to get your attenuate NFTs they accept to pay some ROND badge as a admission into your LAND again alpha playing. It will be the owners’ amplitude so aggregate is possible.


Can you acquaint us added about what ‘UGC to earn’ means?

Per the words User Generated Content, UGC is an article such as weapons/items/equipment or NPC (Non Player Characters) that users with some MV badge staked could accept the rights to body on their own. This would be an absolutely new abstraction for a GameFi game. You could aloof adore arena the bold with the UGC or accomplish it added admired and again advertise it on the NFT markets. This is addition P2E (Play to Earn) appearance of GENSOKISHI.


Are there any IP or above companies entering the UGC space?

Simply answering your questions, YES! 😀

We already had some IP accord in Elemental Knights, and will absolutely do the aforementioned or alike added IP/Anime/Enterprises accord on the UGC part. It will be the best absorbing and assisting model.

Can you accord us added capacity about the bold and acquaint us about its world?

First of all, it’s a chargeless to comedy game. Register application your amusing media account, and boom, you can alpha arena instantly. No charge for Metamask or crypto ability to alpha playing.

And the QUALITY. We are not starting from scratch, we accept an accustomed base. To accomplish the akin of affection we already accept on hand, would booty at atomic $30 actor to make, in conceivably a amount of 5 years.

And like I mentioned: The bold architecture is top-notch, and back we say users can accomplish their own agreeable (UGC), we absolutely beggarly it. The abandon and detail in which you can accomplish agreeable is what we’ve accomplished afterwards these years of abrasion up Elemental Knights.

You could tag with abounding accompany from all over the world, exhausted the cool monsters to get some absolutely RARE NFT, again accept it on auction on the market. And there are additionally abounding worlds cat-and-mouse for users to adventure, to acquisition the abundance (NF) or seek LAND to absolutely own it. Furthermore, as a metaverse project, it’s a chargeless world. You could aloof accomplish accompany and adore the contest or actualize events.


What does MV badge accord to owners? Can you acquaint a bit about it’s design?

MV badge is our babyminding token, congenital on the Polygon network. Users will charge to pale a assertive bulk of tokens to accomplish their own different aboriginal items, characters, worlds, and castles. As we’re authoritative this bold into a DAO, voting rights will be accustomed to holders as able-bodied to adjudge in-game behavior and the game’s ultimate future. You can additionally pale it to acquire in-game tokens ROND.


Why did you accept the Polygon arrangement to abject your bold on?

I myself am additionally adequate some added GameFi on Polygon and acquainted the possibility: Speed and low-gas fee. Nowadays ETH is the best accepted blockchain but with the aerial gas fee it’s not acceptable for gaming. But bodies still adulation to barter on ETH, so as L2 of ETH, Polygon bound the issues of our GameFi team. Additionally Polygon has the best alive users on the market, so that’s the capital acumen we accept Polygon as our partner. (Also we had congenital the official affiliation with Polygon Studio.)


What are your admirable approaching affairs for 2022?

Thanks for asking. First I appetite to allotment that we are activity to accept TrustPad as a launchpad belvedere accomplice active IDO in Jan/2022,  and additionally we’ll be absolution the 1st SUPER RARE NFT auction. Except the IDO we aim for MV badge advertisement on some CEX/DEX, for added acquaintance and liquidity. Additionally for the UGC affection and LAND bargain we’ll be absolution afterwards the official barrage in Aug/2022 but if accessible would like to accomplish it appear alike earlier.

For all-around users we’re alive adamantine on aggregate that Elemental Knights never did. This would be actual agitative and I achievement you could accompany us.


Please explain in detail the affiliation with TrustPad and DefF launchpad association.

We are absolutely aflame and beholden for the partnership. We had a abundant chat with Trustpad and they are accommodating to advice GENSOKISHI accretion added acquaintance in the EU/UK area, with the able Defi launchpad affiliation which is organized by lots of DeFi/GameFi launchpad platforms to advice do the marketing. I never anticipation of such a abundant affiliation but absolutely acknowledge it. We are activity to assignment harder on the project. With LOVE.


Is there annihilation abroad the association should know?

GENSOKISHI ONLINE -META WORLD-‘s Whitelist Lottery, which ran until December 19, was a huge success with over 100K entries.

As a action of acknowledgment to the affiliation with TrustPad and to the abounding bodies who alternate in the aboriginal Whitelist lottery, GENSOKISHI has appear a additional Whitelist action with a absolute amount of $10,000.

The Whitelist action will end afore the barrage pad. The aeon during which you can participate in the action starts on December 22, 21:00 (GMT 8) and ends until the launchpad announcement. Everyone is encouraged to access the additional Whitelist action by clicking here.