Make Bitcoin Great Again via Viral Videos: a Tale of Two Coins

Make Bitcoin Great Again via Viral Videos: a Tale of Two Coins

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hayden Otto has taken his activity for bitcoin as a anatomy of bill and peertopeer cyberbanking banknote to new levels Hes gone from a analytical adherent to abounding on apostle in actuality bearing two acute videos Theyre both glossy a little tongueincheek and bootleg in some apprenticeship and history after hitting admirers over the arch His mission is to accomplish bitcoin abundant afresh and NewsBitcoincom bent with up Mr Otto for an interview

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Hayden Otto Wants to Make Bitcoin Cash Again

For at atomic two videos now, the cryptocurrency apple has been entertained and affronted by a ahead alien Aussie, Hayden Otto. In his latest polemic, Mr. Otto narrates how we “live in a fast-paced apple area business is congenital on the courage of reliable tap & go transactions. A above another emerged with the bearing of Bitcoin; arguable P2P cyberbanking banknote that’s absolute of axial banks, governments, or any added centralized middle-men.”

Make Bitcoin Great Again: Tale of Two Coins

It’s a smokey, acute beheld as Mr. Otto, Bond-like, enters his agleam atramentous Mercedes, complete with a logo. Thumping cyberbanking music to Rage Against the Machine’s acrimonious track, “Wake Up” (he acclimated Kanye in an beforehand video), A Tale of Two Bitcoins makes for absorbing viewing. It’s article those in the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) association can canyon about and feel assured in accomplishing that it will at atomic get a fair viewing.

Mr. Otto’s collaborators accept included Sam Fregonese and Jack Hammonds, and they’re advantageous off in the anatomy of aerial quality. That aerial bar allows Mr. Otto to proclaim, “Thankfully due to the accessible antecedent attributes of this project; affectionate antecedents were able to angle abroad from the administration of this adverse takeover, with Bitcoin Cash. A acknowledgment to Bitcoin’s above celebrity by reintroducing burning and irreversible transactions, additional onchain ascent – as was the plan all along.” What’s your adventure with attention to crypto? How did you get into it?

Hayden Otto: In 2016 I was in my 2nd year of an Information Technology amount and active at an all boys college. There was a biologic banker at this academy who I’d heard was sourcing all his articles on a Darknet exchange and paid with Bitcoin. The alone time I’d heard about Bitcoin afore was back it bent media absorption in the 2013 balloon and I was told it was a scam; this absorbed me and I set out to investigate.

I bought my aboriginal Bitcoin for little over $500 USD on Localbitcoins and transacted it beeline to an Electrum wallet. Little did I apperceive that this day would about-face out to be a cardinal moment in my life; I went bottomward a aerial aperture of revelations about the banking arrangement I’d been indoctrinated into, absolutist governments and abundant more. I realised that Bitcoin had the ability to attenuate these systems, so I began accumulating added through trading and additionally answer it to my accompany and family.

How did you acquisition BCH?

Once the ascent agitation came assimilate my alarm and I got up to speed, I was anon advocating for an access to the block size. Coming from a tech background, this was a breeze to me and I couldn’t accept why Blockstream developers were afraid to at atomic try 2mb blocks. I afterwards apparent this was carefully done to attenuate Bitcoin and force users off layer-1 assimilate Blockstream’s monetised side-chain.

It was bright that Bitcoin (BTC) had no approaching as P2P cyberbanking banknote afterwards witnessing Blockstream’s stranglehold resulted in skyrocketing fees, on-chain bottleneck and accident of Bitcoin’s aboriginal mover advantage to alt-coins. Thankfully big-blockers were able to breach the alternation afore Bitcoin was attenuated with Segwit, which gave us Bitcoin Cash. Now I’ve stepped up to action harder than anytime afore to accomplish bodies acquainted that in absoluteness Bitcoin Banknote is the Bitcoin declared in the whitepaper.

To my knowledge, this is the additional video you’ve done announcement BCH. Why is it important to you to accomplish promotional videos?

Too abounding bodies accept had the absolute pulled over their eyes with Bitcoin. I had a able admiration to set the almanac beeline and action for what I accept in – P2P cyberbanking cash. Storytelling in this architecture can be an able way to back advice to people, back videos are accessible to absorb and they can be entertaining.

Another agency which advance me to do this was the astringent abridgement of any articulation for BCH on Youtube, decidedly in Australia area I live! The capital Youtubers actuality authenticate actual little abstruse compassionate and go with the breeze of the censored sub r/bitcoin, abroad lose abeyant followers and face attacks from Bitcoin Core trolls. I, however, acceptable such attacks, as their “arguments” are calmly refuted or bottomless name calling – which proves me right.

The aboriginal affair that all-overs out about them is their assembly value. Is that article you carefully approved to do?Make Bitcoin Great Again: Tale of Two Coins

I’d noticed that cipher in the crypto amplitude was authoritative aerial assembly affection videos announcement the acceptance of their cryptocurrency in absolute life; it’s consistently some array of action with a articulation amateur narrating. I capital to be abiding that Bitcoin Cash was the aboriginal to do this, so absitively to mix things up a bit and accompanying accession the bar in commendations to crypto video production. This was article that I acquainted would accomplish the videos angle out in the cryptocurrency amplitude and decidedly to those who we ambition to onboard.

Do you armamentarium this all yourself?

I’ve invested a lot of my own time, accomplishment and assets into the assembly of the two advertisements I’ve fabricated to date. On the best contempo one I did accept some banking abetment from a few BCH shills (you apperceive who you are). This was because the costs were aloof over $10,000 AUD for things such as camera rental equipment, area costs, the cinematographer and producer.  Although the added busy video was account exploring, it’s absolutely far added amount able to shoot article abbreviate and simple.

What are your approaching affairs with attention to video assembly and BCH?

I will do added 1 minute videos because bodies accept abbreviate absorption spans, they are cheaper to aftermath and I can calmly accomplish them go viral on Twitter and Instagram. There are a cardinal of BCH explainer videos in the pipeline. I’ve additionally been asked to actualize a promotional video for the BCH accent test, which is demography abode on September 1st. If you would like to appeal something, feel chargeless to DM me on Twitter @CryptoStratz.

What do you anticipate about accepted conceptions of crypto in the media? Let us apperceive in the comments. 

Images via the Pixabay, Otto Hayden.

Verify and clue bitcoin banknote affairs on our BCH Block Explorer, the best of its affectionate anywhere in the world. Also, accumulate up with your holdings, BCH and added coins, on our bazaar archive at Satoshi Pulse, addition aboriginal and chargeless account from