Interview with Patrick Lowry, CEO of Cryptology Asset Group

Interview with Patrick Lowry, CEO of Cryptology Asset Group

THELOGICALINDIAN - Biggest abundance conception befalling of our lifetime Patrick Lowry 32 is one of Europes best able managers and crypto influencers with all-encompassing acquaintance managing crypto assets and blockchainbased adventure basic investments He is the architect and CEO of Iconic Holding an asset administration accumulation and a portfolio aggregation of Cryptology

Prior to founding Iconic Holding, Patrick was a affiliate of the Deutsche Börse adventure basic team, a Senior Associate at Philadelphia-based clandestine disinterestedness firm, Graham Partners, and a above accountant at PwC aural the Asset Management Assurance Services practice. He is a accountant Certified Public Accountant. 

He was aloof appointed CEO of Cryptology Asset Group, Europe’s better banal bazaar listed advance aggregation (ISIN: MT0001770107; Ticker: 4UD), with an estimated NAV of added than EUR 550 million, as appear as of Feb. 17, 2024. We accept been able to defended the aboriginal account with Patrick.

Patrick, congratulations on your new position. What fabricated you booty this job and what is your eyes for Cryptology?

Patrick: Cryptology has one of the world’s arch blockchain- and crypto-related antithesis bedding with aggressive investments in its portfolio, like a pale in, the creators of EOS, and in Northern Data, the world’s arch provider of abstracts centermost casework for ample HPC barter and Bitcoin mining companies. In total, Cryptology’s NAV is added than EUR 550 million, which equals almost EUR 205/share. I see massive abeyant in our portfolio companies, and it excites me to assignment with them and the amazing Cryptology aggregation to added drive the acceptance of blockchain and crypto-assets.

chart cryptology 

You mentioned the NAV per share. Shares, however, are currently trading decidedly beneath this NAV. 

Patrick: Yes, and one of my primary tasks is to change this by added broker relations work. Cryptology is a sleeping behemothic attainable to wake, and allotment of this activation is convalescent our broker relations communication. Cryptology allows investors to accretion acknowledgment in iconic companies like, which contrarily are not attainable because they are abreast held. Hence, Cryptology shares, from my point of view, deserve a exceptional to NAV, not the accepted astringent discount. I am ashamed and aflame to be tasked with arch Cryptology to apprehend its untapped, and unlimited, potential.

Several companies accept absitively to add Bitcoin to their antithesis sheet, such as Elon Musk’s Tesla. Cryptology, so far, alone has investments in crypto-related companies, but to our ability doesn’t anon own Bitcoin, ETH, EOS, or added tokens.

This is correct, but we accept the authorization to do so. Under the administration of our COO, Jefim Gewiet, and myself, we will be exploring this together. And we accept as said a pale in, one of the better holders of Bitcoin in the world. So indirectly, we accept massive acknowledgment to Bitcoin already.

You accept an absorbing CV, accepting both formed at adapted institutions like Deutsche Börse, and in the crypto world, which is advised rather unregulated. Which apple do you adore more?

Patrick: Adjustment and crypto don’t charge to be at allowance with one another. I am absolute that advisable adjustment will decidedly advice drive crypto acceptance and accomplish Cryptology’s eyes of a tokenized apple become absolutely realized. My CV embodies what Cryptology wants to be: Europe’s arch advance aggregation acceptance retail and institutional investors to accumulation from what our founding investors, Christian Angermayer and Mike Novogratz, and I attention as the better abundance conception befalling of our lifetime.

At the moment, Cryptology is aloof traded on German banal exchanges, so it is not accessible to advance in for all-embracing investors.

Patrick: That’s true. Cryptology shares are trading on several German exchanges including Börse Düsseldorf, Gettex, and Tradegate. In adjustment to access trading clamminess and accessible up for new actor groups, we are exploring an all-embracing listing.

Thank you actual abundant for the interview, and acceptable luck!