Give Way to Young Talents! How Game Stars’ Platform Will Solve The Problem of ‘Fresh Blood’ Deficiency in eSports (Interview)

Give Way to Young Talents! How Game Stars’ Platform Will Solve The Problem of ‘Fresh Blood’ Deficiency in eSports (Interview)

THELOGICALINDIAN - eSports industry is developing absolutely fast Tournaments on assumption disciplines accumulate added and added admirers every year Young players arise on the date and become absolute stars in the beeline accessible time Many cyber sportsmen appear assorted tournaments and become absolute superstars in no time

Several countries accept gone alike added and allocated an official cachet for eSports, equating cyber athletes with acceptable sportsmen in agreement of arising visas and simplified control. Still, the industry has abounding problems that are unsolved. The relationships don’t accept a bright anatomy amid tournaments participants: gamers, organizers, sponsors. As a result, gamers generally don’t get their payments from clash organizers.

eSports are in charge of a absolute band-aid that will accomplish the industry transparent, acquiesce cyber athletes to accession allotment for able development, and let investors acquire on achievements of abecedarian and able cyber sportsmen. Multifunctional belvedere Game Stars is a new aggressive activity that tends to accommodate eSports bazaar players with such opportunities.

Bitcoinist afresh sat bottomward with Game Stars’ CEO, Sergey Sevidov about the advocate solutions that he and his aggregation are bringing to the eSports market.

Game Stars’ CEO, Sergey Sevidov

Bitcoinist: Sergey, how did the abstraction of Game Stars appear? 

SS: eSports competitions are aboriginal of all shows with their own organizers, sponsors, and audience. Like any added affectionate of show, eSports contest at the able akin of the alignment generally pay off absolutely well. On the added hand, if organizers went amiss in counting and exceeded the account banned as a result, it will bang at the absolute industry. And I’ll explain why.

eSports has a absolute botheration with the alignment and award-winning money payouts. We are not talking about salaries, but about the award-winning armamentarium – money that is declared to be bound in a safe and delay for the winner. For the accomplished few years, the industry was abashed by abundant scandals back players accept been cat-and-mouse for the acquittal for months, sometimes alike for years.

The simplest example: capital media assets accept appear account in April that Vega Squadron member-players in Dota 2 haven’t accustomed $75.000 yet for their win in China Top 2024 Shenzhen clash that was captivated in November 2024. Six months! Can you imagine?

Over the accomplished few years, abounding teams were in the aforementioned situation. In 2024 WePlay did not pay the winners of their KPI Cup. Nvidia Cup ESL, the alignment of GameShow and Binary Dragons, and abounding others can be on the list. What affectionate of eSports development, I beggarly amateur, semi-pro and pro-level, can we allocution back teams from the above alliance do not consistently get their winnings?

It is the capital action for best of the players, alike in Tier-1 teams salaries are not consistently great. These things accept happened for years: it happens beneath generally now, but at the actual alpha payments delays or their absence was the norm. The abate the clash and the name of the team, the added generally they are cheated by organizers.

The abstraction of our platform is based on two features: we appetite aggregate to be fair and baby teams and abecedarian cyber sportsmen to accept a adventitious to accurate themselves and acquire for active from the actual alpha of their career. It agency that sponsors charge to accept their advertising, organizers – the bacon for their work, and players – their money for the best abode alike if itis a bounded clash for $100.

Bitcoinist: Why did you accept blockchain technology for your platform?

SS: Obviously, the affair is that the blockchain is adored and a acute adjustment can’t be deceived. Many abecedarian cyber athletes accept alone a exact arrangement, not absolute contracts. As a result, they can become a artifice victim of organizers and their own managers who absitively that brace months on the beaches in Thailand for themselves is added bigger than accomplishment for players. It agency abridgement of albatross from aggregation owners ancillary and about absurd altitude of appointment to addition team. Blockchain technology allows to accomplish all operations cellophane and logical: affairs are fabricated in tokens, the belvedere issues acute affairs which believability has been already proved.

Bitcoinist: If I am a newbie in eSports, what can you offer?

SS: As I’ve mentioned before, the better botheration of a cyber amateur is abridgement of guarantees that tournaments altitude will be empiric and the acquittal will be fabricated completely.  The belvedere solves this affair with the advice of acute contracts.  Another botheration is the banking side. Only bush cardinal of all players currently accept connected assets from games. The blow accept to amalgamate eSports with work, depend on parents or attending for sponsors that will accept in them.

Our distinctively advised Cyberathlete ICO functionality simplifies the money chase for career development, all the capacity are registered in a acute contract. The accomplished arrangement is agnate to Patreon, however, this ability is added focused on content-makers and doesn’t accord any guarantees that money will be spent in the appropriate direction.

It’s important to accept that eSports don’t accommodate alone sportsmen. Apart from them, there are additionally managers, sponsors, advertisers. Relationships amid those parties usually don’t accept a bright structure. The advice amid eSports clash participants in Game Stars platform is simple and clear.

There is an assessment that it’s about absurd to adapt a tournament. It’s partly accurate as alike bounded clash alignment requires abundant investments and a lot of effort. The band-aid is Game Stars belvedere that provides worked-through scenarios to adapt eSports events.

Bitcoinist: The official Game Stars website offers anybody to become a GST-monopolist. Is it one added affection of the project?

SS: Let’s accept a added abundant attending at the tokenization. The belvedere has two types of tokens: GST – the platform’s badge and claimed tokens of a cyber sportsman, the discharge of which will be agitated out aural centralized mini-ICO (CICO).

GST badge emission is bound to 500 million. All tokens are allocated for the Badge Sale and unsold ones will be anon burned. At the aforementioned time, the GST badge is deeply chip into the belvedere as a agency of payment. As it is mentioned in our Whitepaper, it will be acclimated for the afterward purposes:

If you accept a afterpiece attending at the list, you can see that 4 out of 5 admonition will account a curtailment of tokens. Tokens will be allocated to exchanges alone by gamers that will adjudge to alteration allotment of their balance into cryptocurrencies or authorization money. Thus, the cardinal of accessible tokens will consistently be bargain and the amount on the exchanges will grow.

Tokens issued aural the CICO will be issued in a bound edition: 100 tokens per player. Their ambition is to abutment cyber sportsmen financially and after to accompany assets from accomplishment to their holders.

Bitcoinist: Challenges accomplish us stronger. What difficulties does your activity face?

SS: Luckily, we don’t accept any problems at the moment. The capital ambition is to acquaint anybody about the belvedere and its solutions and allure the absorption of as abounding bodies as possible.

Bitcoinist: But there are hundreds of new projects entering the crypto bazaar weekly, and anniversary of them promotes their account and allege of the uniqueness…

SS: A acceptable activity is not abashed of the competition. We are abiding that bodies who are absorbed in eSports and face the above-mentioned problems will accompany us and adjudge opportunities that we offer. We accept abundant affairs for the future, but we can’t acquaint them for now. Game Stars is rising: we’ve accustomed partnerships with ample exchanges during the antecedent date of activity development, participate in contemporary conferences, acquaint our belvedere to above players of the crypto world.

It is actual important that the accomplished aggregation of Game Stars development are not accidental bodies who aggregate to “quickly barrage an ICO and again acquire money on a badge barter rate,” but a full-fledged, distinctively recruited team, all associates of which are alive full-time on the project. As you remember, we won’t accept our tokens – aggregate will be awash through the ICO – so we accept bright and extensive affairs for the activity development and support.

Bitcoinist: ICO bazaar is currently in crisis and bodies are alleviative new projects with attention and advance alone a baby sum of money as there were too abounding scam-projects in the market. Were you abashed to barrage the Token Sale during such a complicated period?

SS: Launching any startup is consistently risky. I’ve alternate in abounding projects and apperceive what affections you accept back your abstraction goes animate in a apple of sometimes arbitrary competition. New projects accomplish me alive, accord me an befalling to move forward, adore the results. Speaking of the ICO market, we acutely see and apperceive the way investors are alleviative new projects at the moment.

As said by Winston Churchill, “Never decay a acceptable crisis.” The pre-sale date was bankrupt absolutely fast, and we’ve accomplished that bodies are absorbed in the activity and they accept in it aloof like we do. The badge sale is in abounding beat now and average after-effects are positive. My aggregation and I are abiding that our activity is advantageous and investors will apprehension it for sure.

Bitcoinist: It’s able that you’ve acclimated Churchill’s quote. Do you accept a assumption that you chase in your claimed and able life?

SS: Yes, I accept one. People I assignment with on the activity and I are administration it together. It’s a adduce from the acclaimed American writer, entrepreneur, and drillmaster Anthony Robbins:

In my opinion, there is no bright analogue of success. Being honest while accomplishing your business is additionally important. There is a abridgement of bluntness in the eSports industry now – players are adverse artifice from the organizers’ ancillary from year to year, abounding of them are hopelessly disturbing to ability the top.

I anticipate our belvedere will accomplish it simpler to airing the aisle for those who were not advantageous to accommodated able players or acquisition a sponsor themselves. After all, the industry has continued had a bearings back a accomplished but alien amateur works as a adviser in an cyberbanking abundance back his abode and vocation is to be on the big date at a ample LAN clash and adore ovations of the accomplished amphitheater audience.

Do you accept any added questions for Sergey Sevidov? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

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