Interview: Jay Hao, CEO of OKEx on Integration with Polygon

Interview: Jay Hao, CEO of OKEx on Integration with Polygon

THELOGICALINDIAN - Crypto barter and derivatives belvedere OKEx afresh chip with scalability band-aid Polygon Designed to accommodated the appeal for bigger user acquaintance costefficient and faster affairs the affiliation is assertive to accompany advance to the barter In ablaze of this advertisement we talked with OKEx CEO Jay Hao This is what he told us

Q: Why did you adjudge to accommodate Polygon? And how will OKEx belvedere accomplish with it?

A: Integrating Polygon was absolutely out of anticipation for our users. With one beneath layer, users can adore a cheaper yet quicker abandonment acquaintance from our barter to Polygon. Throughout the launch, we’ve apparent users actively authoritative inquiries about it and testing it out.

Q: How will OKEx and your users account from the affiliation with Polygon?

A: With the above process, users bare to abjure funds from OKEx to a Layer-1 wallet, again from the wallet to the Polygon PoS arrangement — with two instances of fees actuality answerable (i.e., the barter abandonment fee and the arrangement fee of the wallet).

With the affiliation of Polygon, OKEx users can now alteration funds anon to the Polygon PoS network, with the abandonment fee waived by OKEx.

Q: This affiliation simplifies the transaction action on OKEx but will abate the fees perceived by the exchange. Could this be adverse to your business archetypal in the continued term?

A: We do not accumulation from abandonment fees, we alone booty fees and pay to affirm the transaction on account of the users. The aforementioned affair goes for this Polygon affiliation as well. In fact, by removing the added abandonment step, it becomes a win-win for both ourselves and our customers.

Q: What are some of Polygon’s appearance that OKEx users will be able to leverage?

A: Polygon is one of the best able full-stack ascent solutions for Ethereum, so the affairs on Polygon are fast and cheap. And Polygon has already chip with best boilerplate DeFi applications. We would adulation to accord our barter admission to all these abundant articles and banking opportunities.

Q: Can you accommodate some acumen on how you accept which projects accommodate with? What’s your cardinal one antecedence in those cases?

A: We charge to accommodate with ascent solutions to accessible up added banking opportunities for our customers. We attending at the aegis of the network, the ability of the abstruse infrastructure, and the affluence of the applications on the network. These three are the best important factors.

Q: Ethereum hosts some of the best accepted DeFi dApps, but its transaction fees are a affair for the users. How will second-layer solutions advice abode this issue? Do you anticipate they will accept a allusive impact?

A: We accede that aerial gas fees anticipate DApps from growing on Ethereum. Most Layer-2 solutions advantage a abstracted arrangement or a sidechain to handle the affairs to abstain the congestion, while additionally inheriting the aforementioned akin of aegis from Layer 1. When combined, it helps to abode the issue. We achievement this new technology will absolutely boldness some of the affliction credibility in blockchain development, and our barter will account from that connected development.

Q: Polygon has been announcement partnerships with dApps, decentralized exchanges, DeFi protocols, and others. What makes the affiliation amid OKEx and Polygon unique?

A: This is an affiliation amid Polygon and a centralized exchange. Users can adore all the conveniences of OKEx as able-bodied as Polygon’s affluent applications in all these partnerships.

Q: Ethereum is in the action of developing its PoS blockchain, Eth 2.0. It will be faster, added scalable, cost-efficient, and with an ecosystem abounding of banking dApps. In that context, what do you anticipate the approaching will be like for platforms like OKEx? Do you anticipate DeFi and exchanges will co-exist?

A: Per I aggregate my appearance on Twitter before, yes, I accept DeFi and exchanges will coexist seamlessly back it comes to alms banking opportunities to the added association — and at the aforementioned time, comedy with their own strengths to serve the customers.

Q: Are you planning on amalgam OKEx with added L2 platforms, like Optimism?

A: Yes, we plan to accommodate with added L2 platforms, depending on how able-bodied anniversary could serve our users. Plans accept been rolling out, we’ve appear the abutment of absolute deposits and withdrawals assimilate Ethereum ascent band-aid Arbitrum aftermost month.

Q: Any final comments on your cooperation with Polygon?

A: We attending advanced to added cooperation, but for now we would like to carefully adviser the affiliation we aloof had.