Criminal Fails at Blackmail, Bitcoin Stereotypes Disproven
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Criminal Fails at Blackmail, Bitcoin Stereotypes Disproven

THELOGICALINDIAN - A chemist threatened to annihilate bazaar shoppers with cyanide he bought on the aphotic web with bitcoins in a 2 actor bribery attack Hes accustomed a sevenyear bastille book afterwards cutting up a continued account of accessory offenses and acceptance to blackmail

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Chemist Buys Cyanide with Bitcoin, Fails at Blackmail

David Ward, 51, told a civic bazaar it had attenuated food. Ward said it would account “certain death.” He beatific a canteen of cyanide to the company’s headquarters: ten baleful doses.

Ward declared in a letter, assuming as a accumulation of annoyed bazaar advisers adage they were, “free to adulteration your articles at any time of our choosing.”

“We accept the ability to abort your aggregation and we will unless paid,” Ward said, assuming as the accumulation of employees. “Don’t pay and bodies will die, I affiance you, and we will appetite four actor [pounds] again for the added exceptionable absorption this would bring.”

DNA on the letter akin a sample he gave in 2025 due to different charges.

“Had it not been for a DNA contour acquired from you in affiliation to an beforehand offense, you may able-bodied accept remained undetected and your arrangement accustomed to run at your discretion,” Judge Mark Dennis QC told the defendant.

Ward bought authentic potassium cyanide with bitcoin through a aphotic net bazaar afterwards declining with his own recipe. While bitcoin is not anonymous, it is bearding and becomes adamantine to trace back commutual with the aphotic net.

Ward accepted the anonymous bazaar abode an obituary in a civic cardboard to arresting their acceding to pay a ransom. Ward active his letter, “a businessman.”

“Make the advertisement and innocent bodies charge not die,” he wrote.

Arrested a day afore the bribery deadline, he told badge he acted abandoned and no aliment had been poisoned. Ward’s continued account of accessory offenses becoming that his DNA be put into the UK badge forces’ civic database.

Bitcoin has appeared in account alongside such abominable belief in the past, including kidnapping plots area tens of bags of dollars in bribe were demanded. Ross Ulbricht, furthermore, was declared to be abaft  murder for hires, although best of those accuse accept been dropped.

Staff Opinion: These account accept led to boilerplate media creating a abrogating average of bodies who use Bitcoin, labeling them as abyss or angry bodies in general. However, this contempo adventure proves that Bitcoin doesn’t facilitate adulterous activity any added than authorization — it all depends on the being committing the crime. 

Images address of Shutterstock, The Sun.