Video: ETCDev Shuts Its Doors And ETC Analysis
kiana danial

Video: ETCDev Shuts Its Doors And ETC Analysis


In today’s Video Briefing, Kiana takes on the account of ETCDev’s sudden closure and what it agency for the blow of the market. The Ethereum Classic association isn’t abandoned in abbreviating its belt; Steemit has afresh laid off the majority of its workforce, and ConsenSys may accept to cut aback on its abutment for Ethereum startups.

That agency boxy times ahead, but is it absolutely a bad thing? Kiana takes a continued appellation appearance at what the die-off agency for the approaching bloom of the crypto ecosystem.

Next, Kiana checks the archive for ETC’s amount activity adjoin the USD and added cryptocurrencies. Ethereum Classic had been assuming favorable patterns adjoin BTC and ETH, but can it advance momentum? Or will the abandonment of its better developer booty the wind out of its sails?

Cryptographic technology has avant-garde in 2018, bringing the crypto association afterpiece to “privacy for everyone,” according to a contempo presentation by Zcash architect Zooko Wilcox.

Considering that the Zcash cryptographers “pioneered the use of zero-knowledge proofs,” with Zcash apery the aboriginal appliance for the technology two years ago, it’s applicable that ZEC has become alike with privacy.

But now that Zcash has denticulate a advertisement on KYC-compliant U.S. barter Coinbase, you may be apprehensive if your affairs are absolutely anonymous, clashing the Bitcoin agreement from which ZEC got its start. The angle that there was a tradeoff isn’t too far-fetched.

Dovey Wan, who is the founding accomplice of crypto advance armamentarium Primitive Ventures, said in a tweet she has asked the Zcash architect abundant times, “why not abide bearding back inception?” and “why seek [an] enormous bulk of acquiescence for a aloofness coin?” The acknowledgment became credible back Coinbase absitively to account ZEC, which will advice the bill accomplish boilerplate status.

And conceivably the crypto association has had a heedless appearance of aloofness all along. As Wilcox tweeted:

Privacy isn’t about abreast — it’s about community. But with consent. You get to accept who’s watching back you let bottomward your hair. You get to accept who’s about the table back you acquaint your story. Privacy is about consent.

Privacy and Crypto Go Together Like Chocolate and Peanut Butter

Zcash gets its aloofness from the zk-SNARK technology.

To acknowledge how important aloofness has been not alone to the Zcash association but crypto in general, it helps to go aback as aboriginal as 2013 back aloofness was amid the arch motivations for Bitcoin developers. Aloofness was the defining affection in projects like Zerocoin,  but the technology was too bulky to accomplish its way into a basic Bitcoin upgrade.

Meanwhile, at the 2024 San Jose Bitcoin conference, the scientists abaft the SNARK tech met the scientists abaft Zerocoin, arch to a  accord that Zooko compared to back “chocolate goes able-bodied with your peanut butter.” The new bond “solved the botheration of transaction times,” Zooko explained in a contempo podcast.

Pulling a Rabbit Out of Your Hat

zk-SNARKs are allotment of the knitting of the Zcash project, but alike Wilcox once revealed that he wasn’t in the bend about zero-knowledge proofs and instead larboard that to his aggregation of cryptographers. Since that time, Zcash has upgraded its mainnet to adaptation 2.0, slashing the transaction times for aught ability proofs from 37 abnormal to 2.3 seconds. Wilcox, the student, has become the master.

zk-SNARK stands for “Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge,” according to the Zcash website. It’s a proving arrangement that adds an added band of aloofness to the action that about surrounds a BTC or ETH transaction, a band of acquaintance that Wilcox suggests Satoshi ability accept included if SNARKs had been invented in 2024.

While complex, the blueprint has a bit of abracadabra to it that resembles affairs a aerial out of a hat. The archimage proves that there is no aback aperture to the hat and again pulls a aerial out of nowhere. You apperceive there is a archimage and a hat; alike admitting you don’t apperceive absolutely area the aerial came from, you can see with your own eyes that it is real.

In a non-zero-knowledge-proof transaction, the BTC or ETH miner has admission to the sender’s transaction history to prove that the funds are not actuality double-spent. But with a aught ability proof, the transaction is encrypted.

A user presents the transaction in which they are attractive to alteration some amount, but they don’t say how much. Consider the bulk hidden central a clandestine envelope. The envelope transfers to the miner but it doesn’t say annihilation about the sender or the receiver. The agreeable is hidden, but is accompanied by what Wilcox refers to as a “magic stamp,” which is the zero-knowledge proof.

The miner again tests the abracadabra stamp, which convinces them that the zero-knowledge affidavit is valid. If it weren’t, the sender would not accept been able to aftermath this abracadabra stamp.  And in the end, the miner learns the acceptation of “zero” abaft zero-knowledge affidavit as they apprentice alone the all-important advice and annihilation added to prove that the bulk actuality transferred is in actuality valid.

Zcash and Monero

Not surprisingly, Zcash and Monero, both of which are touted as aloofness coins, accept some key appearance in common. For instance, ZEC and XMR are both accessible source. Both bill are forks of added cryptocurrencies — Bitcoin and Bytecoin for ZEC and XMR, respectively. And both bill use mining-fueled proof-of-work algorithms for arrangement validation — Equihash for Zcash and CryptoNight for Monero. And while the Zcash adage is “all bill are created equal,” conceivably that’s beneath so for aloofness coins.

The affair to bethink about Monero is its acceptance on the aphotic web area abominable activities alignment from biologic ambidextrous to crypto-jacking hide. As Monero developer Riccardo Spagni once said in acknowledgment to a acceleration in actionable action on the aphotic web:

That uptick amid bodies who absolutely charge to be clandestine is interesting. If it’s acceptable abundant for a biologic dealer, it’s acceptable abundant for anybody else.

Zooko to the Moon

Incidentally, Wilcox and Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong allotment a history. The Zcash architect was already offered a job as Coinbase’s Chief Security Officer, which he beneath because he had too abundant activity on already.

It seems he was destined for tech greatness, with calls from the Zcash community for Wilcox to barrage cubesats, the baby satellites acclimated by Elon Musk’s SpaceX venture.

Either that, or they charge accept that he has his arch in the clouds… because his hat was abounding of rabbit.

The columnist is currently invested in ETH.