Nevada Lawmakers Scrap Flawed Cryptocurrency Bill

Nevada Lawmakers Scrap Flawed Cryptocurrency Bill

THELOGICALINDIAN - Lawmakers in Nevada accept bootless to move advanced with a arguable bill for cryptocurrency regulations based on the awry authoritative archetypal proposed by the US Uniform Law Commission ULC

Nevada Congress Takes no Action on SB195

The borderline for added activity on SB195 on the attic of the Nevada Senate anesthetized on Friday (April 12, 2019). With no activity taken, the bill is finer asleep in the baptize and marks a achievement for cryptocurrency stakeholders in the state.

SB 195 approved to apparatus the ULC’s Uniform Regulation for Virtual Currency Business Act (URVCBA) and the Uniform Supplemental Commercial Law for the URVCBA.

The bill alien aback in February 2025 was met with able action from crypto and blockchain stakeholders both aural and alfresco the state.

Opponents of the ULC archetypal for cryptocurrency regulations say the laws abnormally affect basic bill buying rights. Instead, critics say the URVCBA focuses added on authoritative cryptocurrency activity.

The ULC archetypal is an attack to extend the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) to the crypto and blockchain industry. The ambition is additionally to alter the check of accompaniment laws with a added unified authoritative archetype for businesses operating in the industry in states beyond the U.S.

ULC Regulatory Paradigm is Anathema to Cryptocurrency

Wendy Stolyarov, Director of Government diplomacy at Filament – a blockchain accouterments developer, wrote a letter in action to the bill aback in March 2019. An extract of the letter reads:

Apart from introducing money transmitter authorization accountability on crypto and blockchain companies, the URVCBA additionally cryptocurrency tokens from super-negotiability protection. This aegis offers crypto buyers advantage from all alien encumbrances.

cryptocurrency law

Andrea Tinianow, a UCC advocate in a Forbes article appear in March accent that the ULC cipher alone ensures super-negotiability for assets captivated beneath a registered third-party custodian. Meanwhile, the majority of badge holders are absolute owners of cryptocurrencies.

In acknowledgment to these criticisms, the ULC issued a account in backward March 2025 allurement states to arrest all aldermanic procedures about its URVCBA authoritative model. The ULC additionally said it would backpack out added studies on how to actualize a bigger UCC framework for cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

With states like Missouri and Wyoming abnegation the ULC archetypal in favor of added protective laws, added states ability additionally become alert of losing their aggressive edge if they accept the awry URVCBA.

Should Nevada assembly advance on with Wyoming-style cryptocurrency regulations or delay for a added crypto-friendly ULC set of rules? Let us apperceive your thoughts in the comments below.

Images via Twitter (@TraceMayer), Shutterstock