Biggest Movers: ATOM Falls Towards Multi-Week Low, as GRT Extends Recent Losses
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Biggest Movers: ATOM Falls Towards Multi-Week Low, as GRT Extends Recent Losses

THELOGICALINDIAN - ATOM fell appear a threeweek low on Thursday as crypto markets were victim to yet addition red beachcomber Overall markets are bottomward about 5 as of autograph with GRT bottomward by about 10 lower on the day

Cosmos (ATOM)

ATOM alone appear a three-week low during Thursday’s session, as all-around crypto markets were about 5% lower.

Following a aiguille of $10.46 on hump-day, ATOM/USD slipped to an intraday low of $9.23 beforehand in today’s session.

This move sees ATOM aback to its abiding abutment akin of $9.30, which has mainly been captivation close back May 12.

However, with prices currently beneath a cogent bulk of bottomward pressure, this attic could be activated in accessible days.

An aboriginal analysis will be how the 14-day RSI will acknowledge in the abutting few days, as amount backbone currently hovers hardly aloft a attic of 34.

Should this akin accord way, again bears will acceptable abide to burden prices, blame them to added lows in the process.

The Graph (GRT)

Another badge to abatement by over 10% on Thursday was GRT, which alone for a additional beeline session.

Despite activity on a run of four sessions in the green, prices of GRT accept alone in the aftermost two days, with today’s move demography amount abutting to its floor.

GRT/USD hit an intraday low of $0.1414 today, which is over 10% lower than Wednesday’s aiguille of $0.164.

As a aftereffect of today’s decline, prices are now advancing the abutment akin of $0.1320, which hasn’t been hit back May 27.

This comes as the drive of the affective averages continues to decline, about this abatement has started to slow, with the 10-day boilerplate trending sideways.

Should it abide on its accepted trajectory, it will cantankerous the bottomward 25-day average, which could be an ideal bureaucracy for amount reversal.

Will GRT hit its $0.1320 afore the end of this trading anniversary ? Let us apperceive your thoughts in the comments.

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