Bitcoin, Ethereum Technical Analysis: ETH, BTC Down as Prices Fall at Key Resistance Levels
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Bitcoin, Ethereum Technical Analysis: ETH, BTC Down as Prices Fall at Key Resistance Levels

THELOGICALINDIAN - Following contempo backtoback surges in amount both ETH and BTC were bottomward during Fridays affair Bitcoin fell by about 5 today while ETH was bottomward by a agnate amount with both beat aback appear levels of support


After a able backlash in prices mid-week, the world’s better cryptocurrency was trading lower on Friday, as BTC fell to its abutment level.

Following a aiguille of $42,699.87 during Thursday’s session, BTC/USD fell to an intraday low of $40,063.83 beforehand today.

This was hardly beneath the abiding attic of $40,100 for bitcoin, and comes as prices bootless to breach out of yesterday’s attrition at $42,700.

Despite the breach advancing actual abutting to occurring, this actual attrition point captivated firm, with beasts giving way to a bearish onslaught.

Price backbone has additionally angry to weakness, with the 14-day RSI declining to breach its own attrition of 48.77.

As of writing, this indicator is now trading at a attic of 42.85, and should this akin break, again we could be in-store for a red beachcomber this weekend.


The red beachcomber may accept already amorphous in the eyes of ETH bulls, as prices already afresh fell beneath abutment of $3,000.

Despite a contempo run, which saw prices acceleration to as aerial as $3,187.93 beneath than 24 hours ago, ETH/USD slipped to a low of $2,962.41 today.

The world’s second-largest cryptocurrency confused beneath its abiding attic of $3,000 as a result, as prices already afresh consolidated.

Just yesterday, markets were advancing for an continued bullish run, with traders targeting $3,300, with the added optimistic eyeing a $3,500 ceiling.

However, as with bitcoin, ETH bootless to move accomplished resistance, as bears re-entered the bazaar in huge numbers at the $3,150 ceiling.

As a aftereffect of today’s drop, the 14-day RSI is additionally tracking at support, which agency we could still see either an addendum of today’s fall, or a backlash in amount to activate the weekend tomorrow.

Could we see ETH and BTC abide to consolidate for the butt of April? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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