Markets Update: Volume Rankings Report for May 2018 - EOS Dominates Leading Exchanges
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Markets Update: Volume Rankings Report for May 2018 - EOS Dominates Leading Exchanges

THELOGICALINDIAN - May witnessed abiding bearish activity in the cryptocurrency markets with abounding markets giving aback best of the assets fabricated during April When attractive at barter aggregate we can see that BTC was by far the best traded cryptocurrency followed by Tether and Ethereum EOS additionally saw cogent activity ascent to become the fourth best traded cryptocurrency during the month

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$185 Billion USD Worth of BTC Traded in May

Markets Update: Volume Rankings Report for May 2018 - EOS Dominates Leading ExchangesAccording to Coinmarketcap, about $185 billion account of BTC has been traded over the advance of the aftermost thirty days.

During May, added BTC was traded on the 3rd than any added day – during which $10.2 billion account of bitcoins exchanged easily whilst the BTC markets ramped up to abominably analysis attrition at the $10,000 area.

By contrast, the weakest trading aggregate was witnessed on May 26th – with $4.05 billion account of BTC actuality traded as the markets steadily bankrupt beneath the $7,500 area. The aboriginal two weeks of May produced circadian trading aggregate of almost $5.8 billion and $10.2 billion account of BTC daily, with aggregate crumbling to amid $4.05 billion and $6.75 billion account of BTC circadian during late-May.

Tether and Ethereum Comprise $170 Billion Worth of Trade Combined

Markets Update: Aggregate Rankings Report for May 2018The the additional best traded cryptocurrency during May was Tether – with about $93 billion account of USDT exchanging hands. The aggregate of USDT traded during May oscillated amid about $4.75 billion and $1.8 billion daily. As with BTC, trading aggregate was abundant added during the aboriginal weeks of May (between about 3.2 billion USDT and 4.75 billion USDT daily), afore crumbling to amid 1.8 billion USDT and almost 3.5 billion USDT circadian after into the month. The better bulk of USDT was traded on the 11th of May (4.75 billion), with the atomic bulk of USDT actuality traded 26th of May (1.8 billion).

Ethereum was the third best traded cryptocurrency of the aftermost 30 days, with about $76.6 billion account of ETH exchanging easily during May. The circadian aggregate was adequately abiding for ETH, with amid $2 billion and $4 billion account of ETH actuality traded anniversary day except for May 3rd ($4.2 billion), May 7th ($4.3 billion), May 26th ($1.7 billion), and May 27th ($1.8 billion).

EOS Fourth Ranked Cryptocurrency By Volume Over Last 30 Days

Markets Update: Aggregate Rankings Report for May 2018 - EOS Dominates Arch ExchangesMay saw cogent activity in the EOS markets, with EOS consistently bullwork downwards to lose about 40% of its amount back compared with the best aerial of about $20 acquaint at the end of April. EOS additionally maintained its position as a arch cryptocurrency by barter volume, absolute the fourth best traded cryptocurrency during May with a thirty-day aggregate of $47.5 billion USD.

When attractive at 24-hour volume, we can see that EOS pairings are amid best traded on the arch exchanges by volume. EOS pairings are the additional and sixth accomplished aggregate pairs on the top two cryptocurrency exchanges by volume, Binance, and Okex, and comprise the top aggregate bond on the third, fifth, and sixth accomplished aggregate exchanges – Huobi, Upbit, and Bithumb.

Other Top Markets by Volume Rankings

Markets Update: Volume Rankings Report for May 2018 - EOS Dominates Leading ExchangesBitcoin Cash was the fifth best traded cryptocurrency during May – bearing about $28 billion USD account of trades during the aftermost thirty days. The volume for BCH fluctuated amid about $500 actor and $2 billion account of trades daily.

The sixth best traded cryptocurrency was Tron with about $14 billion account of trades during May, hardly binding out Ripple – which saw about $13.7 billion account of XRP barter easily over the aftermost thirty days. Litecoin was the eighth best traded cryptocurrency with about $11.9 billion account of trades, followed by Ethereum Classic with $6.5 billion, and True Chain with $6.1 billion.

24-Hour Volume Rankings Mirror Monthly Top Ten

Markets Update: Volume Rankings Report for May 2018 - EOS Dominates Arch ExchangesThe account of arch cryptocurrencies by 24-hour volume is about identical to the 30-day rankings.

BTC was the best traded cryptocurrency of the aftermost day – with BTC balance accounting for 30% of trading action over the above-mentioned 24 hours. Tether has the additional best aggregate with 15.5%, followed by Ethereum (13%), EOS (8.5%), Bitcoin Cash (3.75%), Tron (2.6%), Ripple (2.10%), and Litecoin (1.9%).

The sole aberration amid the 24-hour and the account rankings is the actualization of Cardano rather than Ethereum Classic in ninth abode with 1.3%. True Chain has the tenth better aggregate of the aftermost 24 hours, accounting for about 1% of absolute cryptocurrency trade.

Do you anticipate that EOS will abide to sit as aerial in the aggregate rankings already capital net barrage advertising subsides? Share your thoughts in the comments area below!

Images address of Shutterstock

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